require 'rails/generators' class TwirpGenerator < Rails::Generators::NamedBase source_root File.expand_path('templates', __dir__) PLUGIN_PATH = ENV.fetch('TWIRP_PLUGIN_PATH') { File.expand_path('~/go/bin/protoc-gen-twirp_ruby') } PROTOC_PATH = `which protoc`.chomp def check_requirements in_root do puts `pwd` unless File.exists?(proto_file_name) raise "#{proto_file_name} not found #{`pwd`} #{`ls`}" end end raise 'protoc not found - install protobuf (brew/apt/yum install protobuf)' unless File.exists?(PROTOC_PATH) unless File.exists?(PLUGIN_PATH) raise <<~TEXT protoc-gen-twirp_ruby not found - install go (brew install go) and run "go get or set TWIRP_PLUGIN_PATH environment variable to right location. TEXT end end def generate_twirp_files cmd = protoc_cmd in_root do `#{cmd}` end end PROTO_RPC_REGEXP = /\brpc\s+(\S+)\s*\(\s*(\S+)\s*\)\s*returns\s*\(\s*(\S+)\s*\)/m.freeze def generate_handler calls = proto_content.scan(PROTO_RPC_REGEXP).map do |method, arg_type, result_type| <<-RUBY def #{method.underscore}(req, _env) #{result_type}.new end RUBY end.join("\n") # Пока считаем, что имя сервиса совпадает с именем файла, create_file "app/rpc/#{file_name}_handler.rb", <<~RUBY class #{class_name}Handler #{calls}end RUBY end def generate_route route "mount_twirp :#{file_name}" end def generate_rspec_files puts 'RSpec TODO' end private def from_rails_root(&block) old_dir = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir Rails.root yield ensure Dir.chdir old_dir end def protoc_cmd FileUtils.mkdir_p 'lib/twirp' flags = "--proto_path=app/protos --ruby_out=lib/twirp --twirp_ruby_out=lib/twirp --plugin=#{PLUGIN_PATH}" "#{PROTOC_PATH} #{flags} app/protos/#{file_name}.proto" end def proto_content unless @proto_content in_root do @proto_content = proto_file_name end end @proto_content end def proto_file_name "app/protos/#{file_name}.proto" end end