# encoding: utf-8 # # Copyright (c) 2002-2007 Minero Aoki # 2008-2009 Minero Aoki, Kenshi Muto # 2010 Minero Aoki, Kenshi Muto, TAKAHASHI Masayoshi # # This program is free software. # You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of # the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1. # For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING". # require 'review/builder' require 'review/latexutils' require 'review/textutils' module ReVIEW class LATEXBuilder < Builder include LaTeXUtils include TextUtils [:dtp, :hd_chap].each {|e| Compiler.definline(e) } Compiler.defblock(:memo, 0..1) Compiler.defsingle(:latextsize, 1) def extname '.tex' end def builder_init_file @blank_needed = false @latex_tsize = nil @tsize = nil @table_caption = nil @ol_num = nil @sec_counter = SecCounter.new(5, @chapter) end private :builder_init_file def blank @blank_needed = true end private :blank def print(*s) if @blank_needed @output.puts @blank_needed = false end super end private :print def puts(*s) if @blank_needed @output.puts @blank_needed = false end super end private :puts HEADLINE = { 1 => 'chapter', 2 => 'section', 3 => 'subsection', 4 => 'subsubsection', 5 => 'paragraph', 6 => 'subparagraph' } def headline(level, label, caption) _, anchor = headline_prefix(level) headline_name = HEADLINE[level] if @chapter.kind_of? ReVIEW::Book::Part headline_name = "part" end prefix = "" if level > @book.config["secnolevel"] || (@chapter.number.to_s.empty? && level > 1) prefix = "*" end blank unless @output.pos == 0 puts macro(headline_name+prefix, compile_inline(caption)) if prefix == "*" && level <= @book.config["toclevel"].to_i puts "\\addcontentsline{toc}{#{headline_name}}{#{compile_inline(caption)}}" end if level == 1 puts macro('label', chapter_label) else puts macro('label', sec_label(anchor)) end rescue error "unknown level: #{level}" end def nonum_begin(level, label, caption) blank unless @output.pos == 0 puts macro(HEADLINE[level]+"*", compile_inline(caption)) end def nonum_end(level) end def column_begin(level, label, caption) blank puts "\\begin{reviewcolumn}\n" if label puts "\\hypertarget{#{column_label(label)}}{}" else puts "\\hypertarget{#{column_label(caption)}}{}" end puts macro('reviewcolumnhead', nil, compile_inline(caption)) if level <= @book.config["toclevel"].to_i puts "\\addcontentsline{toc}{#{HEADLINE[level]}}{#{compile_inline(caption)}}" end end def column_end(level) puts "\\end{reviewcolumn}\n" blank end def captionblock(type, lines, caption) puts "\\begin{reviewminicolumn}\n" unless caption.nil? puts "\\reviewminicolumntitle{#{compile_inline(caption)}}\n" end if @book.config["deprecated-blocklines"].nil? blocked_lines = split_paragraph(lines) puts blocked_lines.join("\n\n") else lines.each do |line| puts line end end puts "\\end{reviewminicolumn}\n" end def box(lines, caption = nil) blank if caption puts macro('reviewboxcaption', "#{compile_inline(caption)}") end puts '\begin{reviewbox}' lines.each do |line| puts detab(line) end puts '\end{reviewbox}' blank end def ul_begin blank puts '\begin{itemize}' end def ul_item(lines) str = lines.join str.sub!(/\A(\[)/){'\lbrack{}'} puts '\item ' + str end def ul_end puts '\end{itemize}' blank end def ol_begin blank puts '\begin{enumerate}' if @ol_num puts "\\setcounter{enumi}{#{@ol_num - 1}}" @ol_num = nil end end def ol_item(lines, num) str = lines.join str.sub!(/\A(\[)/){'\lbrack{}'} puts '\item ' + str end def ol_end puts '\end{enumerate}' blank end def dl_begin blank puts '\begin{description}' end def dt(str) str.sub!(/\[/){'\lbrack{}'} str.sub!(/\]/){'\rbrack{}'} puts '\item[' + str + '] \mbox{} \\\\' end def dd(lines) puts lines.join end def dl_end puts '\end{description}' blank end def paragraph(lines) blank lines.each do |line| puts line end blank end def parasep puts '\\parasep' end def read(lines) latex_block 'quotation', lines end alias_method :lead, :read def highlight_listings? @book.config["highlight"] && @book.config["highlight"]["latex"] == "listings" end private :highlight_listings? def emlist(lines, caption = nil, lang = nil) blank if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(nil, lines, 'reviewemlistlst', 'title', caption, lang) else common_code_block(nil, lines, 'reviewemlist', caption, lang) do |line, idx| detab(line) + "\n" end end end def emlistnum(lines, caption = nil, lang = nil) blank if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(nil, lines, 'reviewemlistnumlst', 'title', caption, lang) else common_code_block(nil, lines, 'reviewemlist', caption, lang) do |line, idx| detab((idx+1).to_s.rjust(2)+": " + line) + "\n" end end end ## override Builder#list def list(lines, id, caption, lang = nil) if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(id, lines, 'reviewlistlst', 'caption', caption, lang) else common_code_block(id, lines, 'reviewlist', nil, lang) do |line, idx| detab(line) + "\n" end end end ## override Builder#listnum def listnum(lines, id, caption, lang = nil) if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(id, lines, 'reviewlistnumlst', 'caption', caption, lang) else common_code_block(id, lines, 'reviewlist', caption, lang) do |line, idx| detab((idx+1).to_s.rjust(2)+": " + line) + "\n" end end end def cmd(lines, caption = nil, lang = nil) if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(nil, lines, 'reviewcmdlst', 'title', caption, lang) else blank common_code_block(nil, lines, 'reviewcmd', caption, lang) do |line, idx| detab(line) + "\n" end end end def common_code_block(id, lines, command, caption, lang) buf = "" if caption if command =~ /emlist/ || command =~ /cmd/ puts macro(command + 'caption', "#{compile_inline(caption)}") else begin puts macro('reviewlistcaption', "#{I18n.t("list")}#{I18n.t("format_number_header", [@chapter.number, @chapter.list(id).number])}#{I18n.t("caption_prefix")}#{compile_inline(caption)}") rescue KeyError error "no such list: #{id}" end end end body = "" lines.each_with_index do |line, idx| body.concat(yield(line, idx)) end puts macro('begin' ,command) print body puts macro('end' ,command) blank end def common_code_block_lst(id, lines, command, title, caption, lang) caption_str = compile_inline((caption || "")) if title == "title" && caption_str == "" caption_str = "\\relax" ## dummy charactor to remove lstname print "\\vspace{-1.5em}" end if @book.config["highlight"] && @book.config["highlight"]["lang"] lexer = @book.config["highlight"]["lang"] # default setting else lexer = "" end lexer = lang if lang.present? body = lines.inject(''){|i, j| i + detab(unescape_latex(j)) + "\n"} puts "\\begin{"+command+"}["+title+"={"+caption_str+"},language={"+ lexer+"}]" print body puts "\\end{"+ command + "}" blank end def source(lines, caption, lang = nil) if highlight_listings? common_code_block_lst(nil, lines, 'reviewlistlst', 'title', caption, lang) else puts '\begin{reviewlist}' puts macro('reviewlistcaption', compile_inline(caption)) lines.each do |line| puts detab(line) end puts '\end{reviewlist}' puts "" end end def image_header(id, caption) end def result_metric(array) "#{array.join(',')}" end def image_image(id, caption, metric) metrics = parse_metric("latex", metric) # image is always bound here puts '\begin{reviewimage}' if metrics.present? puts "\\includegraphics[#{metrics}]{#{@chapter.image(id).path}}" else puts "\\includegraphics[width=\\maxwidth]{#{@chapter.image(id).path}}" end if caption.present? puts macro('caption', compile_inline(caption)) end puts macro('label', image_label(id)) puts '\end{reviewimage}' end def image_dummy(id, caption, lines) puts '\begin{reviewdummyimage}' path = @chapter.image(id).path puts "--[[path = #{path} (#{existence(id)})]]--" lines.each do |line| puts detab(line.rstrip) end puts macro('label', image_label(id)) puts compile_inline(caption) puts '\end{reviewdummyimage}' end def existence(id) @chapter.image(id).bound? ? 'exist' : 'not exist' end private :existence def image_label(id, chapter=nil) chapter ||= @chapter "image:#{chapter.id}:#{id}" end private :image_label def chapter_label "chap:#{@chapter.id}" end private :chapter_label def sec_label(sec_anchor) "sec:#{sec_anchor}" end private :sec_label def table_label(id, chapter=nil) chapter ||= @chapter "table:#{chapter.id}:#{id}" end private :table_label def bib_label(id) "bib:#{id}" end private :bib_label def column_label(id) filename = @chapter.id num = @chapter.column(id).number "column:#{filename}:#{num}" end private :column_label def indepimage(id, caption=nil, metric=nil) metrics = parse_metric("latex", metric) puts '\begin{reviewimage}' if metrics.present? puts "\\includegraphics[#{metrics}]{#{@chapter.image(id).path}}" else puts "\\includegraphics[width=\\maxwidth]{#{@chapter.image(id).path}}" end if caption.present? puts macro('reviewindepimagecaption', %Q[#{I18n.t("numberless_image")}#{I18n.t("caption_prefix")}#{compile_inline(caption)}]) end puts '\end{reviewimage}' end alias_method :numberlessimage, :indepimage def table(lines, id = nil, caption = nil) rows = [] sepidx = nil lines.each_with_index do |line, idx| if /\A[\=\{\-\}]{12}/ =~ line # just ignore #error "too many table separator" if sepidx sepidx ||= idx next end rows.push line.strip.split(/\t+/).map {|s| s.sub(/\A\./, '') } end rows = adjust_n_cols(rows) begin table_header id, caption unless caption.nil? rescue KeyError error "no such table: #{id}" end return if rows.empty? table_begin rows.first.size if sepidx sepidx.times do tr rows.shift.map {|s| th(s) } end rows.each do |cols| tr cols.map {|s| td(s) } end else rows.each do |cols| h, *cs = *cols tr [th(h)] + cs.map {|s| td(s) } end end table_end end def table_header(id, caption) if caption.present? @table_caption = true puts '\begin{table}[h]' puts macro('reviewtablecaption', compile_inline(caption)) end puts macro('label', table_label(id)) end def table_begin(ncols) if @latex_tsize puts macro('begin', 'reviewtable', @latex_tsize) elsif @tsize cellwidth = @tsize.split(/\s*,\s*/) puts macro('begin', 'reviewtable', '|'+(cellwidth.collect{|i| "p{#{i}mm}"}.join('|'))+'|') else puts macro('begin', 'reviewtable', (['|'] * (ncols + 1)).join('l')) end puts '\hline' @tsize = nil @latex_tsize = nil end def table_separator #puts '\hline' end def th(s) ## use shortstack for @
if /\\\\/i =~ s macro('reviewth', macro('shortstack[l]', s)) else macro('reviewth', s) end end def td(s) ## use shortstack for @
if /\\\\/ =~ s macro('shortstack[l]', s) else s end end def tr(rows) print rows.join(' & ') puts ' \\\\ \hline' end def table_end puts macro('end', 'reviewtable') if @table_caption puts '\end{table}' end @table_caption = nil blank end def quote(lines) latex_block 'quote', lines end def center(lines) latex_block 'center', lines end alias_method :centering, :center def flushright(lines) latex_block 'flushright', lines end def texequation(lines) blank puts macro('begin','equation*') lines.each do |line| puts unescape_latex(line) end puts macro('end', 'equation*') blank end def latex_block(type, lines) blank puts macro('begin', type) if @book.config["deprecated-blocklines"].nil? blocked_lines = split_paragraph(lines) puts blocked_lines.join("\n\n") else lines.each do |line| puts line end end puts macro('end', type) blank end private :latex_block def direct(lines, fmt) return unless fmt == 'latex' lines.each do |line| puts line end end def comment(lines, comment = nil) lines ||= [] lines.unshift comment unless comment.blank? if @book.config["draft"] str = lines.join("") puts macro('pdfcomment', escape(str)) end end def hr puts '\hrule' end def label(id) puts macro('label', id) end def pagebreak puts '\pagebreak' end def linebreak puts '\\\\' end def noindent print '\noindent' end def inline_chapref(id) title = super if @book.config["chapterlink"] "\\hyperref[chap:#{id}]{#{title}}" else title end rescue KeyError error "unknown chapter: #{id}" nofunc_text("[UnknownChapter:#{id}]") end def inline_chap(id) if @book.config["chapterlink"] "\\hyperref[chap:#{id}]{#{@book.chapter_index.number(id)}}" else @book.chapter_index.number(id) end rescue KeyError error "unknown chapter: #{id}" nofunc_text("[UnknownChapter:#{id}]") end def inline_title(id) title = super if @book.config["chapterlink"] "\\hyperref[chap:#{id}]{#{title}}" else title end rescue KeyError error "unknown chapter: #{id}" nofunc_text("[UnknownChapter:#{id}]") end # FIXME: use TeX native label/ref. def inline_list(id) chapter, id = extract_chapter_id(id) macro('reviewlistref', "#{chapter.number}.#{chapter.list(id).number}") end def inline_table(id) chapter, id = extract_chapter_id(id) macro('reviewtableref', "#{chapter.number}.#{chapter.table(id).number}", table_label(id, chapter)) end def inline_img(id) chapter, id = extract_chapter_id(id) macro('reviewimageref', "#{chapter.number}.#{chapter.image(id).number}", image_label(id, chapter)) end def footnote(id, content) if @book.config["footnotetext"] puts macro("footnotetext[#{@chapter.footnote(id).number}]", compile_inline(content.strip)) end end def inline_fn(id) if @book.config["footnotetext"] macro("footnotemark[#{@chapter.footnote(id).number}]", "") else macro('footnote', compile_inline(@chapter.footnote(id).content.strip)) end end BOUTEN = "・" def inline_bou(str) str.split(//).map {|c| macro('ruby', escape(c), macro('textgt', BOUTEN)) }.join('\allowbreak') end def compile_ruby(base, ruby) macro('ruby', escape(base), escape(ruby)) end # math def inline_m(str) " $#{str}$ " end # hidden index def inline_hi(str) index(str) end # index -> italic def inline_i(str) macro('textit', escape(str)) end # index def inline_idx(str) escape(str) + index(str) end # hidden index?? def inline_hidx(str) index(str) end # bold def inline_b(str) macro('textbf', escape(str)) end # line break def inline_br(str) "\\\\\n" end def inline_dtp(str) # ignore "" end ## @ is same as @ def inline_code(str) macro('texttt', escape(str)) end def nofunc_text(str) escape(str) end def inline_tt(str) macro('texttt', escape(str)) end def inline_del(str) macro('reviewstrike', escape(str)) end def inline_tti(str) macro('texttt', macro('textit', escape(str))) end def inline_ttb(str) macro('texttt', macro('textbf', escape(str))) end def inline_bib(id) macro('reviewbibref', "[#{@chapter.bibpaper(id).number}]", bib_label(id)) end def inline_hd_chap(chap, id) n = chap.headline_index.number(id) if chap.number and @book.config["secnolevel"] >= n.split('.').size str = I18n.t("chapter_quote", "#{chap.headline_index.number(id)} #{compile_inline(chap.headline(id).caption)}") else str = I18n.t("chapter_quote", compile_inline(chap.headline(id).caption)) end if @book.config["chapterlink"] anchor = n.gsub(/\./, "-") macro('reviewsecref', str, sec_label(anchor)) else str end end def inline_column(id) macro('reviewcolumnref', "#{@chapter.column(id).caption}", column_label(id)) end def inline_raw(str) super(str) end def inline_sub(str) macro('textsubscript', escape(str)) end def inline_sup(str) macro('textsuperscript', escape(str)) end def inline_em(str) macro('reviewem', escape(str)) end def inline_strong(str) macro('reviewstrong', escape(str)) end def inline_u(str) macro('Underline', escape(str)) end def inline_ami(str) macro('reviewami', escape(str)) end def inline_icon(id) macro('includegraphics', @chapter.image(id).path) end def inline_uchar(str) # with otf package macro('UTF', escape(str)) end def inline_comment(str) if @book.config["draft"] macro('pdfcomment', escape(str)) else "" end end def bibpaper_header(id, caption) puts "[#{@chapter.bibpaper(id).number}] #{compile_inline(caption)}" puts macro('label', bib_label(id)) end def bibpaper_bibpaper(id, caption, lines) print split_paragraph(lines).join("") puts "" end def index(str) str.sub!(/\(\)/, '') decl = '' if /@\z/ =~ str str.chop! decl = '|IndexDecl' end unless /[^ -~]/ =~ str if /\^/ =~ str macro('index', escape_index(str.gsub(/\^/, '')) + '@' + escape_index(text(str)) + decl) else '\index{' + escape_index(text(str)) + decl + '}' end else '\index{' + escape_index(@index_db[str]) + '@' + escape_index(text(str)) + '}' end end def compile_kw(word, alt) if alt macro('reviewkw', escape(word)) + "(#{escape(alt.strip)})" else macro('reviewkw', escape(word)) end end def compile_href(url, label) if /\A[a-z]+:/ =~ url if label macro("href", escape_url(url), escape(label)) else macro("url", escape_url(url)) end else macro("ref", url) end end def tsize(str) @tsize = str end def latextsize(str) @latex_tsize = str end def image_ext "pdf" end def olnum(num) @ol_num = num.to_i end end end