# Load default formatter gem require "simplecov-html" require "pathname" SimpleCov.profiles.define "root_filter" do # Exclude all files outside of simplecov root root_filter = nil add_filter do |src| root_filter ||= /\A#{Regexp.escape(SimpleCov.root)}/io !(src.filename =~ root_filter) end end SimpleCov.profiles.define "test_frameworks" do add_filter "/test/" add_filter "/features/" add_filter "/spec/" add_filter "/autotest/" end SimpleCov.profiles.define "bundler_filter" do add_filter "/vendor/bundle/" end SimpleCov.profiles.define "rails" do load_profile "test_frameworks" add_filter "/config/" add_filter "/db/" add_group "Controllers", "app/controllers" add_group "Models", "app/models" add_group "Mailers", "app/mailers" add_group "Helpers", "app/helpers" add_group "Jobs", %w(app/jobs app/workers) add_group "Libraries", "lib" track_files "{app,lib}/**/*.rb" end # Default configuration SimpleCov.configure do formatter SimpleCov::Formatter::HTMLFormatter load_profile "bundler_filter" # Exclude files outside of SimpleCov.root load_profile "root_filter" end # Gotta stash this a-s-a-p, see the CommandGuesser class and i.e. #110 for further info SimpleCov::CommandGuesser.original_run_command = "#{$PROGRAM_NAME} #{ARGV.join(' ')}" at_exit do # If we are in a different process than called start, don't interfere. next if SimpleCov.pid != Process.pid @exit_status = if $! # was an exception thrown? # if it was a SystemExit, use the accompanying status # otherwise set a non-zero status representing termination by # some other exception (see github issue 41) $!.is_a?(SystemExit) ? $!.status : SimpleCov::ExitCodes::EXCEPTION else # Store the exit status of the test run since it goes away # after calling the at_exit proc... SimpleCov::ExitCodes::SUCCESS end SimpleCov.at_exit.call if SimpleCov.result? # Result has been computed covered_percent = SimpleCov.result.covered_percent.round(2) covered_percentages = SimpleCov.result.covered_percentages.map { |p| p.round(2) } if @exit_status == SimpleCov::ExitCodes::SUCCESS # No other errors if covered_percent < SimpleCov.minimum_coverage # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockNesting $stderr.printf("Coverage (%.2f%%) is below the expected minimum coverage (%.2f%%).\n", covered_percent, SimpleCov.minimum_coverage) @exit_status = SimpleCov::ExitCodes::MINIMUM_COVERAGE elsif covered_percentages.any? { |p| p < SimpleCov.minimum_coverage_by_file } # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockNesting $stderr.printf("File (%s) is only (%.2f%%) covered. This is below the expected minimum coverage per file of (%.2f%%).\n", SimpleCov.result.least_covered_file, covered_percentages.min, SimpleCov.minimum_coverage_by_file) @exit_status = SimpleCov::ExitCodes::MINIMUM_COVERAGE elsif (last_run = SimpleCov::LastRun.read) # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockNesting diff = last_run["result"]["covered_percent"] - covered_percent if diff > SimpleCov.maximum_coverage_drop # rubocop:disable Metrics/BlockNesting $stderr.printf("Coverage has dropped by %.2f%% since the last time (maximum allowed: %.2f%%).\n", diff, SimpleCov.maximum_coverage_drop) @exit_status = SimpleCov::ExitCodes::MAXIMUM_COVERAGE_DROP end end end SimpleCov::LastRun.write(:result => {:covered_percent => covered_percent}) end # Force exit with stored status (see github issue #5) # unless it's nil or 0 (see github issue #281) Kernel.exit @exit_status if @exit_status && @exit_status > 0 end # Autoload config from ~/.simplecov if present require "etc" home_dir = File.expand_path("~") || Etc.getpwuid.dir || (ENV["USER"] && File.expand_path("~#{ENV['USER']}")) if home_dir global_config_path = File.join(home_dir, ".simplecov") load global_config_path if File.exist?(global_config_path) end # Autoload config from .simplecov if present # Recurse upwards until we find .simplecov or reach the root directory config_path = Pathname.new(SimpleCov.root) loop do filename = config_path.join(".simplecov") if filename.exist? begin load filename rescue LoadError, StandardError $stderr.puts "Warning: Error occurred while trying to load #{filename}. " \ "Error message: #{$!.message}" end break end config_path, = config_path.split break if config_path.root? end