require 'version' require 'rest-client' require 'restful_model_collection' require 'json' require 'namespace' require 'account' module Inbox class AccessDenied < StandardError; end class ResourceNotFound < StandardError; end class NoAuthToken < StandardError; end class UnexpectedAccountAction < StandardError; end class UnexpectedResponse < StandardError; end class APIError < StandardError attr_accessor :error_type def initialize(type, error) super(error) self.error_type = type end end class InvalidRequest < APIError; end class MessageRejected < APIError; end class SendingQuotaExceeded < APIError; end class ServiceUnavailable < APIError; end def self.interpret_http_status(result) # Handle HTTP errors and RestClient errors raise if result.code.to_i == 404 raise if result.code.to_i == 403 end def self.interpret_response(result, result_content, options = {}) # Handle HTTP errors Inbox.interpret_http_status(result) # Handle content expectation errors raise if options[:expected_class] && result_content.empty? json = JSON.parse(result_content) if json.is_a?(Hash) && (json['type'] == 'api_error' or json['type'] == 'invalid_request_error') if result.code.to_i == 400 exc = InvalidRequest elsif result.code.to_i == 402 exc = MessageRejected elsif result.code.to_i == 429 exc = SendingQuotaExceeded elsif result.code.to_i == 503 exc = ServiceUnavailable else exc = APIError end raise['type'], json['message']) end raise if result.is_a?(Net::HTTPClientError) raise if options[:expected_class] && !json.is_a?(options[:expected_class]) json rescue JSON::ParserError => e # Handle parsing errors raise end class API attr_accessor :api_server attr_reader :access_token attr_reader :app_id attr_reader :app_secret def initialize(app_id, app_secret, access_token = nil, api_server = '', service_domain = '') raise "When overriding the Inbox API server address, you must include https://" unless api_server.include?('://') @api_server = api_server @access_token = access_token @app_secret = app_secret @app_id = app_id @service_domain = service_domain @version = Inbox::VERSION if ::RestClient.before_execution_procs.empty? ::RestClient.add_before_execution_proc do |req, params| req.add_field('X-Inbox-API-Wrapper', 'ruby') req['User-Agent'] = "Ruby SDK #{@version} - #{RUBY_VERSION}" end end end def url_for_path(path) raise if @access_token == nil and (@app_secret != nil or @app_id != nil) protocol, domain = @api_server.split('//') "#{protocol}//#{@access_token}:@#{domain}#{path}" end def url_for_authentication(redirect_uri, login_hint = '', options = {}) trialString = 'false' if options[:trial] == true trialString = 'true' end "https://#{@service_domain}/oauth/authorize?client_id=#{@app_id}&trial=#{trialString}&response_type=code&scope=email&login_hint=#{login_hint}&redirect_uri=#{redirect_uri}" end def url_for_management protocol, domain = @api_server.split('//') accounts_path = "#{protocol}//#{@app_secret}:@#{domain}/a/#{@app_id}/accounts" end def set_access_token(token) @access_token = token end def token_for_code(code) data = { 'client_id' => app_id, 'client_secret' => app_secret, 'grant_type' => 'authorization_code', 'code' => code } ::RestClient.get("https://#{@service_domain}/oauth/token", {:params => data}) do |response, request, result| json = Inbox.interpret_response(result, response, :expected_class => Object) return json['access_token'] end end # Convenience Methods def namespaces @namespaces ||=, self, nil) @namespaces end # Billing Methods def accounts @accounts ||=, self, nil) @accounts end end end