* EC2 instance id. Example: i-067c5e3f026c1e801 * EC2 tag value. Any tag value is search, the tag key does not matter only the tag value matters. Example: hi-web * ECS service. Example: my-ecs-service * ECS container instance id. Example: 7fbc8c75-4675-4d39-a5a4-0395ff8cd474 * ECS task id. Example: 1ed12abd-645c-4a05-9acf-739b9d790170 When using ecs identifiers the `--cluster` option is required or can be set in ~/.sonic/settings.yml. Examples: $ sonic ssh i-067c5e3f026c1e801 $ sonic ssh hi-web $ sonic ssh --cluster my-cluster my-ecs-service $ sonic ssh 7fbc8c75-4675-4d39-a5a4-0395ff8cd474 $ sonic ssh 1ed12abd-645c-4a05-9acf-739b9d790170 Sonic ssh builds up the ssh command and shells out to it. For example, the following commands: sonic ssh i-027363802c6ff314f Translates to: ssh ec2-user@ec2-52-24-216-170.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com You can also tack on any command to be run at the end of the command. Example: $ sonic ssh i-027363802c6ff314f uptime => ssh ec2-user@ec2-52-24-216-170.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com uptime 15:57:02 up 18:21, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00 ## Specifying pem keys The recommended way to specify custom private keys is to use ssh-agent as covered here: https://blog.boltops.com/2017/09/21/3-ssh-tips-ssh-agent-tunnel-and-escaping-from-the-dead But you can also specify the pem key to use with the -i option. Example: $ sonic ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa-custom ec2-user@ec2-52-24-216-170.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com ## Retry option For newly launched instances, the instance's ssh access might not be quite ready. Typically, you must press up enter repeatedly until the instance is ready. Sonic ssh has a retry option that automates this. Example: $ sonic ssh -r i-027363802c6ff314f Bastion Host Support Sonic ssh also supports a bastion host. $ sonic ssh --bastion bastion.domain.com i-027363802c6ff314f $ sonic ssh --bastion user@bastion.domain.com i-027363802c6ff314f Here's what the output looks like: $ sonic ssh --bastion i-0f7f833131a51ce35 uptime => ssh -At ec2-user@ ssh ec2-user@ uptime 17:57:59 up 37 min, 0 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00 Connection to closed. $ You can also set the bastion host and other options with a [settings file](http://sonic-screwdriver.cloud/docs/settings/).