# Capistrano::SimplePermissions [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/capistrano-simple-permissions.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/capistrano-simple-permissions) Capistrano task for ensuring specific permissions (including owner and group) on files and folders on deploy. ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'capistrano-simple-permissions' ``` Then add it to your `Capfile`: ```ruby require 'capistrano/simple_permissions' ``` And then: ```sh $ bundle install ``` Then Either in your server config or general `deploy.rb`, you must set the `:permissions_folders` variable to an array of at least one directory; otherwise this gem won't do anything. ## How it works This gem hooks into Capistrano's deploy process by executing several `chmod` and `chown` commands after the `deploy:log_revision` portion of Capistrano's [flow](https://capistranorb.com/documentation/getting-started/flow/). See the source for more details. ## Options - ```ruby set :permissions_folders, [] ``` - Sets the folders that should be recursively affected by both `chmod` and `chown`. A sensible setting to use would be `set :permissions_folders, [fetch(:deploy_to)]` in your `deploy.rb` - ```ruby set :chmod_folder_permissions, "775" ``` - Sets the permissions for folders that `chmod` will affect - ```ruby set :chmod_file_permissions, "664" ``` - Sets the permissions for files that `chmod` will affect - ```ruby set :chown_owner, "" ``` - Sets the owner of the files for `chown`. Note that the command isn't run as root so changing this to anything other than the default of `""` might cause errors unless your deploy user has the correct permissions. - ```ruby set :chown_group, "web" ``` - Sets the group of the files for `chown`. ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome! ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).