# # Rake tasklib for testing tasks # # Authors: # * Michael Granger # unless defined?( COVERAGE_MINIMUM ) if ENV['COVVERAGE_MINIMUM'] COVERAGE_MINIMUM = Float( ENV['COVERAGE_MINIMUM'] ) else COVERAGE_MINIMUM = 85.0 end end SPEC_FILES = [] unless defined?( SPEC_FILES ) TEST_FILES = [] unless defined?( TEST_FILES ) COMMON_RSPEC_OPTS = [] unless defined?( COMMON_RSPEC_OPTS ) COVERAGE_TARGETDIR = BASEDIR + 'coverage' unless defined?( COVERAGE_TARGETDIR ) RCOV_EXCLUDES = 'spec,tests,/Library/Ruby,/var/lib,/usr/local/lib' unless defined?( RCOV_EXCLUDES ) desc "Run all defined tests" task :test do unless SPEC_FILES.empty? log "Running specs" Rake::Task['spec:quiet'].invoke end unless TEST_FILES.empty? log "Running unit tests" Rake::Task[:unittests].invoke end end ### RSpec specifications begin gem 'rspec', '>= 2.0.0' require 'rspec' require 'rspec/core/rake_task' ### Task: spec desc "Run specs" task :spec => 'spec:doc' namespace :spec do desc "Run rspec every time there's a change to one of the files" task :autotest do require 'autotest' Autotest.add_discovery { "rspec2" } Autotest.run end desc "Generate regular color 'doc' spec output" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new( :doc ) do |task| task.rspec_opts = COMMON_RSPEC_OPTS + ['-f', 'p', '-c'] end desc "Generate spec output with profiling" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new( :profile ) do |task| task.rspec_opts = COMMON_RSPEC_OPTS + ['-f', 'p', '-p'] end desc "Generate quiet non-colored plain-text output" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new( :quiet ) do |task| task.rspec_opts = COMMON_RSPEC_OPTS + ['-f', 'p'] end desc "Generate HTML output" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new( :html ) do |task| task.rspec_opts = COMMON_RSPEC_OPTS + ['-f', 'h'] end end ### Task: coverage (via RCov) desc "Build test coverage reports" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new( :coverage ) do |task| task.ruby_opts = [ "-I#{LIBDIR}" ] task.rspec_opts = ['-f', 'p', '-b'] task.rcov_opts = RCOV_OPTS task.rcov = true end ### Task: rcov task :rcov => :coverage ### Other coverage tasks namespace :coverage do desc "Generate a detailed text coverage report" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new( :text ) do |task| task.rcov_opts = RCOV_OPTS + ['--text-report'] task.rcov = true end desc "Show differences in coverage from last run" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new( :diff ) do |task| task.rspec_opts = ['-f', 'p', '-b'] task.rcov_opts = RCOV_OPTS - ['--save'] + ['--text-coverage-diff'] task.rcov = true end desc "Run RCov in 'spec-only' mode to check coverage from specs" RSpec::Core::RakeTask.new( :speconly ) do |task| task.rcov_opts = ['--exclude', RCOV_EXCLUDES, '--text-report', '--save'] task.rcov = true end end CLOBBER.include( COVERAGE_TARGETDIR ) rescue LoadError => err task :no_rspec do $stderr.puts "Specification tasks not defined: %s" % [ err.message ] end task :spec => :no_rspec namespace :spec do task :autotest => :no_rspec task :doc => :no_rspec task :profile => :no_rspec task :quiet => :no_rspec task :html => :no_rspec end end ### Test::Unit tests begin require 'rake/testtask' Rake::TestTask.new( :unittests ) do |task| task.libs += [LIBDIR] task.test_files = TEST_FILES task.verbose = true end rescue LoadError => err task :no_test do $stderr.puts "Test tasks not defined: %s" % [ err.message ] end task :unittests => :no_rspec end