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et_ExtensionTypesExtensionPointsExtensionTypesIAddinRegistryaddinRegistryinitializedsuiteBuilderstestBuilderstestDecoratorslistenersframeworkstestcaseProvidersdataPointProvidershostget_Hostget_Initializedget_AddinRegistryset_AddinRegistryget_SuiteBuildersget_TestBuildersget_TestDecoratorsget_Listenersget_TestFrameworksget_TestCaseProvidersInstallBuiltinsInstallAddinsInstallAdhocExtensionsInstallAddinUnloadServiceInitializeServiceHostInitializedAddinRegistrySuiteBuildersTestBuildersTestDecoratorsListenersTestFrameworksSystem.GlobalizationCultureInfocurrentCulturereasonIsCultureSupportedget_ReasonReasonsavedDirectoryNameTestOutputTypetypeWriteWriteLineSystem.TextEncodingget_EncodingMAX_BUFFERStringBuildersbFlushCheckBuffertestsfixtureSetUpMethodsfixtureTearDownMethodsmaintainTestOrderfixtureTypeSortIListget_Testsget_IsSuiteGetSetUpMethodsGetTearDownMethodsCountTestCasesDoOneTimeSetUpCreateUserFixtureDoOneTimeTearDownIsAssertExceptionIsIgnoreExceptionIsStaticClassRunAllTestsSkipAllTestsIgnoreAllTestsMarkAllTestsInvalidMarkTestsNotRunMarkTestNotRunMarkTestsFailedMarkTestFailedTestsIsSuiteDecorateSystem.Runtime.SerializationSerializationInfoStreamingContextnamespaceSuitesrootSuiteget_RootSuiteBuildFromNameSpaceRootSuiteCanBuildFromBuildFromDEFAULT_LEVELMAX_LEVELSlistsget_LevelsRemoveGetEnumeratorLevelslistEnumcurrentLevelResetget_CurrentMoveNextCurrentget_Extensionsget_NameInstallIsValidExtensionExtensionsNamethreadtestResultlistenerfilterthrownExceptionApartmentStateget_ApartmentStateset_ApartmentStateRunTestProcRunTesttestMethodsuiteOSPlatformosRuntimeFrameworkrtOSPlatformsRuntimePlatformsIsPlatformSupportedrunnerresultsget_IsAliveget_ResultsWaitCancelStartRunTestRunnerThreadProcIsAliveResultsrunnerIDtestRunnerget_IDget_Runningget_AssemblyInfoITestget_Testget_TestResultget_TestRunnerset_TestRunnerTestPackageLoadUnloadBeginRunEndRunCancelRunInitializeLifetimeServiceIDRunningAssemblyInfoenabledwriterget_Writerset_Writerget_Enabledset_Enabledget_DefaultThresholdStartCaptureStopCaptureWriterEnabledDefaultThresholddefaultThresholdSystem.Collections.SpecializedNameValueCollectionGetConfigSectionallowOldStyleTestsget_AllowOldStyleTestsThreadPrioritythreadPriorityget_ThreadPriorityapartmentStateget_BuildConfigurationnunitLibDirectoryget_NUnitLibDirectorynunitBinDirectoryget_NUnitBinDirectoryaddinDirectoryget_AddinDirectorymonoExePathget_MonoExePathapplicationDirectoryget_ApplicationDirectoryinstallDirget_InstallDirectoryget_HelpUrlVersionGetNUnitBinDirectoryGetTestAgentExePathAllowOldStyleTestsBuildConfigurationNUnitLibDirectoryNUnitBinDirectoryAddinDirectoryMonoExePathApplicationDirectoryInstallDirectoryHelpUrlGetAssemblyPathGetDirectoryNameGetDisplayNameBestCommonTypeIsNumericAppDomainCreateInstanceStartTextCaptureEventArgsCurrentDomain_DomainUnloadtheTextWriterClosebuilderTypeget_BuilderTypeBuilderTypeexceptionHandlerexpectedExceptionTypeexpectedExceptionNameexpectedMessagematchTypeuserMessageProcessNoExceptionProcessExceptionIsExpectedExceptionTypeIsExpectedMessageMatchNoExceptionMessageWrongTypeMessageWrongTextMessageCombineWithUserMessageGetStackTraceGetDefaultExceptionHandlerGetExceptionHandlerGetHandlerGetExceptionTypeGetExceptionNameGetExpectedMessageGetMatchTypeGetUserMessagebuildersget_AssembliesBuildBuildSingleAssemblyAssembliesisActiveCreateRunnerget_AppDomainInitializeDomainOnDomainUnloadbuilderrunThreadget_EventsRunStartedRunFinishedTestNameTestStartedTestFinishedSuiteStartedSuiteFinishedUnhandledExceptionTestOutputEventstestRunnerThreadGetDisplayStringEscapeControlCharStreamWriterlogDirectoryget_LogDirectoryLogDirectorySendtestCountresultexceptiontestNamesuiteNameoutputQueuequeueget_CountEnqueueDequeueCountNLTIME_FMTLevelInitializeGetLoggerget_NULLNULLlog4netAssemblyappenderTypebasicConfiguratorTypeappenderisInitializedlogFormatget_IsInitializedTryLoadLog4NetAssemblyTryCreateAppenderSetAppenderLogFormatSetLoggingThresholdSetAppenderTextWriterConfigureAppenderIsInitializedcurrentget_Tracingset_Tracingget_Loggingset_Loggingget_Outset_Outget_Errorset_Errorget_TraceWriterset_TraceWriterget_LogWriterset_LogWriterget_CurrentDirectoryset_CurrentDirectoryget_CurrentCultureset_CurrentCultureget_CurrentUICultureset_CurrentUICultureget_TestCaseTimeoutset_TestCaseTimeoutSaveRestoreTracingLoggingOutTraceWriterLogWriterCurrentDirectoryCurrentCultureCurrentUICultureTestCaseTimeouttracingloggingoutWritererrorWritertraceWritertestCaseTimeoutlogCapturecurrentDirectorycurrentUICulturepriorReverseChangesStopTracingStartTracingBuildParameterizedMethodSuiteParameterSetBuildSingleTestMethodCheckTestMethodSignatureSourceTypePropertySourceNamePropertyHasTestCasesForGetTestCasesForGetSourcesForIsValidFixtureTypeGetSuitePropertySourcesAttributeParameterInfoHasDataForGetDataForassemblylegacySuiteBuilderTestAssemblyInfoassemblyInfoget_AssemblyBuildTestAssemblyGetFixturesGetCandidateFixtureTypesdataPointProvidersourcesenumeratorsget_Sourcesget_EnumeratorsGetTestCasesSourcesEnumeratorsBuildMultipleFixturesBuildSingleFixtureAddTestCa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in pump threadI does not have a default constructorK does not have a suitable constructorRethrownnunit.frameworkNUnitLitegInvalid signature for SetUp or TearDown method: {0}INUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttribute;NUnit.Framework.TestAttributeINUnit.Framework.DescriptionAttributeCNUnit.Framework.ExplicitAttribute?NUnit.Framework.IgnoreAttributeCNUnit.Framework.PlatformAttributeANUnit.Framework.CultureAttributeMNUnit.Framework.RequiredAddinAttribute3System.STAThreadAttribute3System.MTAThreadAttributeARequired addin {0} not availableAPARTMENT_STATECNUnit.Framework.CategoryAttributeCNUnit.Framework.PropertyAttribute=NUnit.Framework.SetUpAttributeCNUnit.Framework.TearDownAttributeSNUnit.Framework.TestFixtureSetUpAttributeYNUnit.Framework.TestFixtureTearDownAttributeUNUnit.Framework.ExpectedExceptionAttribute=NUnit.Framework.SuiteAttributeENUnit.Framework.AssertionException?NUnit.Framework.IgnoreExceptionKNUnit.Framework.InconclusiveExceptionANUnit.Framework.SuccessException-NUnit.Framework.AssertANUnit.Framework.IExpectExceptionAreEqualCounter.TimeoutTest Starting: _SETCULTURE_SETUICULTURE RepeatMaxTime]Elapsed time of {0}ms exceeds maximum of {1}ms-Not a strong name: {0}1Resolved from Cache: {0} *.dll'Added to Cache: {0};Unable to load addin assembly#Not in Cache: {0}#FrameworkRegistryAddinRegistry'Installing Builtins NUnit#Installing Addins3Unable to locate {0} Type;Install method returned false%Failed to load {0}CoreExtensionsIncludeExcludeAOnly supported under culture {0}?Not supported under culture {0})Invalid culture: {0};Only supported under culture 5Parent SetUp failed in {0}=TestFixtureSetUp failed in {0}[ level9Value must be between 0 and 7 is not {0} extension pointextension9Priority value not supportedpriority'Starting TestThreadJoin CompleteITest exceeded Timeout value of {0}ms+Only supported on {0})Not supported on {0}5Invalid platform name: {0}WIN WIN32 WIN32SWIN32WINDOWSWIN32NT WINCE WIN95 WIN98 WINMENT3NT4NT5 WIN2K WINXPWIN2003SERVERNT6 VISTAWIN2008SERVER UNIX LINUXNET NETCF SSCLI ROTOR MONO1.01.1+Invalid platform name%Only supported on Win,Win32,Win32S,Win32NT,Win32Windows,WinCE,Win95,Win98,WinMe,NT3,NT4,NT5,NT6,Win2K,WinXP,Win2003Server,Vista,Win2008Server,Unix,Linux5Net,NetCF,SSCLI,Rotor,Mono!TestRunnerThread;Exception in TestRunnerThreadOff None Error!NUnit/TestRunner'DefaultLogThreshold+NUnit/TestCaseBuilder#OldStyleTestCasesApartmentStateThreadPriorityIInvalid configuration setting in {0}Releaselib addins)Software\Novell\MonoDefaultCLRSdkInstallRootbin\mono.exe-Software\\2.4InstallDirhelpUrl!http://nunit.orgdoc/index.html filelocalhostnunit-agent.exe(, null.0fdmLUL")'[default namespace]+Loading Test Package #UseThreadedRunner7Loaded package successfully'Package load failed-Unloading test packageRunBeginRun unloaded!RemoteTestRunnercThe specified exception handler {0} was not found ExactContains RegexStartsWithAn Exception was expectedOAn unexpected exception type was thrownExpected:  but was:  : ;Expected message containing: 7Expected message matching: 7Expected message starting: QThe exception message text was incorrect1No stack trace availableHandleException!System.ExceptionHandlerMatchTypeUserMessage'AutoNamespaceSuitesMergeAssembliesDefaultTimeout3Creating RemoteTestRunnerStartingStopping%a_%p.log)Initializing domain #Unloading domain !Loading package Unloading#Starting test run#Test run completesMay not CancelRun on same thread that is running the test EndRundouble.NaN/double.PositiveInfinity/double.NegativeInfinitydouble.MaxValuedouble.MinValuefloat.NaN-float.PositiveInfinity-float.NegativeInfinityfloat.MaxValuefloat.MinValue!decimal.MinValue!decimal.MaxValuelong.MinValuelong.MaxValueulong.MinValueulong.MaxValue'int.MaxValueint.MinValue\'\"\\\0\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\x{0:X4} logs%p%a NTrace)NUnit internal traceKInternalTrace: Initializing at level 7{0} {1,-5} [{2,2}] {3}: {4} DebugHH:mm:ss.ffflog4netGlog4net.Appender.TextWriterAppenderAlog4net.Config.BasicConfigurator9log4net.Layout.PatternLayout LayoutThreshold WriterConfigureQ%d{ABSOLUTE} %-5p [%4t] %c{1} [%x]- %m%n=TestContext: too many RestoresCNUnit.Framework.TestCaseAttributeONUnit.Framework.TestCaseSourceAttribute?NUnit.Framework.TheoryAttribute test;NUnit.Framework.ITestCaseData%Method is abstract)Method is not publicAMethod has non-void return valueYArguments provided for method not taking any5No arguments were providedEWrong number of arguments providedSourceTypeSourceNameCSuite property may not be indexed)NUnit.Core.TestSuiteuSuite property must return either TestSuite or IEnumerable1{0} is an abstract classK{0} does not have a valid constructorUSetUp method not allowed on a legacy suite[TearDown method not allowed on a legacy suiteINUnit.Framework.ValueSourceAttributeKNUnit.Framework.SetUpFixtureAttributekTestFixtureSetUp method not allowed on a SetUpFixtureqTestFixtureTearDown method not allowed on a SetUpFixtureSetUpFixture cannot be used when loading tests as a flat list of fixtures'Has no TestFixtures _PID_APPDOMAIN!Loaded assembly IExamining assembly for test fixtures9Found {0} classes to examine%Found {0} fixtures'TestAssemblyBuilder%DataPointProvidersArguments IgnoreIgnoreReason1 does not have any testsCNo suitable constructor was found9NUnit.Framework.SpecialValue NullCNUnit.Framework.PairwiseAttributeGNUnit.Framework.SequentialAttributeMNUnit.Framework.ParameterDataAttributeGetDataproviderTypeproviderName1Unable to locate {0}.{1}}PairwiseStrategy self-test failed : Not all pairs are covered!ENUnit.Framework.DatapointAttributeGNUnit.Framework.DatapointsAttribute#TestCaseProvidersTestDecorators!TestCaseBuildersSuiteBuildersEventListenersQOFBƂ%z\V4КJw M,u M,  (y} E E EE       yy  >NUnit.Framework.IgnoreAttributeBNUnit.Framework.PlatformAttribute@NUnit.Framework.CultureAttributeBNUnit.Framework.ExplicitAttributeBNUnit.Framework.CategoryAttributeBNUnit.Framework.PropertyAttributeHNUnit.Framework.DescriptionAttributeLNUnit.Framework.RequiredAddinAttributeHNUnit.Framework.TestFixtureAttributeJNUnit.Framework.SetUpFixtureAttribute:NUnit.Framework.TestAttributeBNUnit.Framework.TestCaseAttributeNNUnit.Framework.TestCaseSourceAttribute>NUnit.Framework.TheoryAttribute EE$                 M  ((((((($ $ 0      (8      = m = (=(m(@@   a Q - M   @((a(Q(-(M((  E M  (        M  M M M M(  T T T  T(T   99 !x 5 ! ! ! 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All Rights Reserved. NUnit p_CorDllMainmscoree.dll% @0HX4VS_VERSION_INFO$$?DVarFileInfo$TranslationStringFileInfo000004b0Comments 4,FileDescription 8 FileVersion2.5.2.9222@InternalNamenunit.core.dllLegalCopyrightCopyright (C) 2002-2009 Charlie Poole. Copyright (C) 2002-2004 James W. Newkirk, Michael C. Two, Alexei A. Vorontsov. Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Philip Craig. All Rights Reserved.l"LegalTrademarksNUnit is a trademark of NUnit.orgHOriginalFilenamenunit.core.dll,ProductNameNUnit< ProductVersion2.5.2.9222@ Assembly Version2.5.2.9222 7