- content_for :page_scripts do = render(partial: "page_scripts.js") - content_for :main do %h1.forum_icon Edit Topic '#{@topic.name}' %div.cms_form = form_for @topic, :url=>"/admin/forums/topic/#{@topic.id}", :html=>{:multipart=>true} do |f| = error_messages_for @topic %ul %li %label Name: = f.text_field :name .field_help Use a short, descriptive name. The name must be unique within the topic category. %li %label Description: = f.text_area :description .field_help Describe to your users the kind of things that are discussed within this topic. %li %label Category: = f.select :topic_category_id, options_from_collection_for_select(TopicCategory.sys(_sid).order(:display_order).all, "id", "name", @topic.topic_category_id) .field_help Change this to move the topic from one category to another. %li %label Topic can be seen by: = f.select :read_access_level, access_list(@topic.read_access_level) .field_help This controls who can see the topic. %li %label Topic can be posted to by: = f.select :write_access_level, access_list(@topic.write_access_level, include_anyone:false) .field_help This controls who can add posts to the topic. %li %label Topic comment: = f.text_area :topic_comment .field_help This comment is shown at the topic of the thread list within the topic. It can also be edited by administrators whilst they browse the topics. %li %label Display order: = f.text_field :display_order .field_help The smaller the display order number the higher up the list of topics the topic will appear. The higher the number the lower down the list. %li %label Image: = f.file_field :image .field_help A small icon or other image which will appear next to the topic in topic lists. = kit_submit "Save", :class=>"save_wicon action_icon" or = icon_to "Cancel", "/admin/forums/topic/#{@topic.id}"