$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__)) unless $:.include?(File.dirname(__FILE__)) || $:.include?(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) require 'fileutils' require 'tempfile' require 'yaml' require 'open-uri' require 'optparse' require 'ostruct' require 'rubygems' require 'xmlsimple' require 'erb' class GitRedmineCommit defaults = {} REDMINECOMMIT_RC = File.join("#{ENV['HOME']}",".redmine_commit_rc") REDMINECOMMIT_TEMPLATE = File.join("#{ENV['HOME']}",".redmine_commit_template") GRC_CONFIG = if File.exist?(REDMINECOMMIT_RC) defaults.merge(YAML.load_file(REDMINECOMMIT_RC)) else defaults end def initialize(args) @options = {} opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} issue_id [options] -- [git-commit options]" opts.separator "" opts.separator "Specify the api key and url. You only need to do it once for each repo." opts.on( "--redmine-api-key [key]", String, "The api access key to access redmine." ) do |opt| @options[:key] = opt end opts.on( "--redmine-url [url]", String, "URL of your redmine." ) do |opt| @options[:url] = opt end opts.separator "" opts.on("-h", "--help", "Displays this help info") do puts opts exit 0 end opts.separator "" opts.separator "Example:" opts.separator "\t#{File.basename($0)} 3125 -- -a" end opts.parse!(args) if args.empty? puts "Please specify the redmine issue id" puts opts exit 1 end @options[:issue_id] = args.shift.to_i @options[:git_options] = args.join(' ') @options[:repo] = `git config --get remote.origin.url`.chomp @options[:repo] = Dir.pwd if @options[:repo].empty? end def set_redmine_config(redmine_url, api_key, repo) GRC_CONFIG[redmine_url] ||= {} GRC_CONFIG[redmine_url][:key] = api_key GRC_CONFIG[redmine_url][:repos] ||= [] GRC_CONFIG[redmine_url][:repos] << repo GRC_CONFIG[redmine_url][:repos].uniq! File.open( REDMINECOMMIT_RC, 'w' ) do |out| YAML.dump( GRC_CONFIG, out ) end end def message_template template_src = if File.file?(REDMINECOMMIT_TEMPLATE) open(REDMINECOMMIT_TEMPLATE) {|f| f.read} else " #<%= issue_id %>:<%= issue_subject %>\n" end ERB.new template_src end def run git_repo = @options[:repo] unless @options[:key] && @options[:url] config = get_config(git_repo) || get_config(Dir.pwd) || set_config(git_repo) @options[:key] ||= config[:key] @options[:url] ||= config[:url] end set_redmine_config(@options[:url], @options[:key], @options[:repo]) url = File.join(@options[:url], "issues", "#{@options[:issue_id]}.xml?key=#{@options[:key]}") issue = XmlSimple.xml_in(open(url).read) issue_id = issue['id'] issue_subject = issue['subject'] title = message_template.result(binding) temp = Tempfile.new('redmine_commit') temp << title temp.close commit_template = `git config --get commit.template` `git config commit.template #{temp.path}` system "git commit #{@options[:git_options]}" system "git config --unset commit.template" `git config commit.template #{commit_template}` if commit_template && commit_template.size > 0 end def get_config(git_repo) redmine_url = GRC_CONFIG.keys.select {|k| rslt = false GRC_CONFIG[k][:repos].each {|repo| rslt = true and break if git_repo == repo } rslt }[0] {:url => redmine_url, :key => GRC_CONFIG[redmine_url][:key]} if redmine_url end def set_config(git_repo) redmine_url = @options[:url] until redmine_url && !redmine_url.empty? print "Redmine url: " redmine_url = STDIN.gets.chomp end GRC_CONFIG[redmine_url] ||= {} api_key = @options[:key] || GRC_CONFIG[redmine_url][:key] until api_key && !api_key.empty? print "Redmine api key: " api_key = STDIN.gets.chomp end {:url => redmine_url, :key => api_key} end end