Chaltron.setup do |config| # Add new roles to the right and NEVER change role order, or you'll break every role bitmask # config.roles = %w( admin user_admin ) # If LDAP enabled (see config/initializers/devise.rb), chaltron must use # email field and may use first_name, last_name, full_name, department. # Here is the field mapping on you own LDAP server. # Default values are the following: # config.ldap_field_mappings = { # first_name: 'givenname', # last_name: 'cn', # department: 'department', # email: 'mail' # } # If LDAP enabled, set this to true to allow every ldap authenitcated # users to access you application # config.ldap_allow_all = true # You may set here default roles granted to new users (if automatically created) # config.default_roles = [] # Here you may specify a different base for your LDAP groups # If not specified the :base parameter defined in Devise.omniauth_configs[:ldap] will be used # config.ldap_group_base = 'ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com' # Here you may specify a filter to retrieve LDAP group membership # Accept entry (an instance of Chaltron::LDAP::Person) as parameter # Default is # config.ldap_group_member_filter = -> (entry) { "uniquemember=#{entry.dn}" } # Roles granted to new users may be retrieved by LDAP group membership. # config.ldap_role_mappings = { # 'DN_of_LDAP_group1' => 'role1', # 'DN_of_LDAP_group2' => 'role2' # } # The following callback is called after a successful LDAP authentication # The callback may manipulate the user instance and # must return user if ok, nil if not allowed do login # Takes two parameters: # - user, current instance of User # - ldap, a new instance of Chaltron::LDAP::Connection # Default is the following (it does nothing and return user) # config.ldap_after_authenticate = -> (user, ldap) { user } # # Example: # config.ldap_after_authenticate = -> (user, ldap) { # ldap.find_by_uid(user.username).entry.enabled == ['true'] ? user : nil # } # The following callback is called before logout of an LDAP user # Takes two parameters: # - user, current instance of User # - ldap, a new instance of Chaltron::LDAP::Connection # Default is the following (does nothing) # config.ldap_before_logout = -> (user, ldap) { } # # Example: # config.ldap_before_logout = -> (user, ldap) { # ldap.update_attributes(user.extern_uid, { lastLogout:'%Y%m%d%H%M%S%z') }) # } # # If syslog enabled, all Log records will be available also in syslog flow # config.enable_syslog = false # config.syslog_facility = Syslog::LOG_SYSLOG end