# ********************************************************************************* # URBANopt (tm), Copyright (c) 2019-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC, and other # contributors. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, # are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list # of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this # list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other # materials provided with the distribution. # # Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be # used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific # prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND # ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. # IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, # INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, # DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED # OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ********************************************************************************* require 'urbanopt/scenario/scenario_post_processor_base' require 'urbanopt/reporting/default_reports' require 'csv' require 'json' require 'fileutils' require 'sqlite3' module URBANopt module Scenario class ScenarioDefaultPostProcessor < ScenarioPostProcessorBase ## # ScenarioPostProcessorBase post-processes a scenario to create scenario level results ## # [parameters:] # * +scenario_base+ - _ScenarioBase_ - An object of ScenarioBase class. def initialize(scenario_base) super(scenario_base) @initialization_hash = { directory_name: scenario_base.run_dir, name: scenario_base.name, id: scenario_base.name, root_dir: scenario_base.root_dir } @scenario_result = URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports::ScenarioReport.new(@initialization_hash) @default_save_name = 'default_scenario_report' @@logger ||= URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports.logger end ## # Run the post processor on this Scenario.This will add all the simulation_dirs. ## def run # this run method adds all the simulation_dirs, you can extend it to do more custom stuff @scenario_base.simulation_dirs.each do |simulation_dir| add_simulation_dir(simulation_dir) end return @scenario_result end ## # Add results from a simulation_dir to this result. ## # [parameters:] # * +simulation_dir+ - _SimulationDirOSW_ - An object on SimulationDirOSW class. def add_simulation_dir(simulation_dir) feature_reports = URBANopt::Reporting::DefaultReports::FeatureReport.from_simulation_dir(simulation_dir) feature_reports.each do |feature_report| if feature_report.to_hash[:simulation_status] == 'Complete' @scenario_result.add_feature_report(feature_report) else @@logger.error("Feature #{feature_report.id} failed to run!") end end return feature_reports end # Create database file with scenario-level results # Sum values for each timestep across all features. Save to new table in a new database ## # [parameters:] # * +file_name+ - _String_ - Assign a name to the saved scenario results file def create_scenario_db_file(file_name = @default_save_name) new_db_file = File.join(@initialization_hash[:directory_name], "#{file_name}.db") scenario_db = SQLite3::Database.open new_db_file scenario_db.execute "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ReportData( TimeIndex INTEGER, Year VARCHAR(255), Month VARCHAR(255), Day VARCHAR(255), Hour VARCHAR(255), Minute VARCHAR(255), Dst INTEGER, FuelType VARCHAR(255), Value INTEGER, FuelUnits VARCHAR(255) )" values_arr = [] feature_list = Pathname.new(@initialization_hash[:directory_name]).children.select(&:directory?) # Folders in the run/scenario directory # get scenario CSV scenario_csv = File.join(@initialization_hash[:root_dir], @initialization_hash[:name] + '.csv') if File.exist?(scenario_csv) # csv found feature_ids = CSV.read(scenario_csv, headers: true) feature_list = [] # loop through building feature ids from scenario csv feature_ids['Feature Id'].each do |feature| if Dir.exist?(File.join(@initialization_hash[:directory_name], feature)) feature_list << File.join(@initialization_hash[:directory_name], feature) else puts "warning: did not find a directory for datapoint #{feature}...skipping" end end else raise "Couldn't find scenario CSV: #{scenario_csv}" end feature_list.each do |feature| # Loop through each feature in the scenario uo_output_sql_file = File.join(@initialization_hash[:directory_name], File.basename(feature), 'eplusout.sql') feature_db = SQLite3::Database.open uo_output_sql_file # Doing "db.results_as_hash = true" is prettier, but in this case significantly slower. elec_query = feature_db.query "SELECT ReportData.TimeIndex, Time.Year, Time.Month, Time.Day, Time.Hour, Time.Minute, Time.Dst, ReportData.Value FROM ReportData INNER JOIN Time ON Time.TimeIndex=ReportData.TimeIndex INNER JOIN ReportDataDictionary AS rddi ON rddi.ReportDataDictionaryIndex=ReportData.ReportDataDictionaryIndex WHERE rddi.IndexGroup == 'Facility:Electricity' AND rddi.ReportingFrequency == 'Zone Timestep' AND Time.Year > 1900 ORDER BY ReportData.TimeIndex" elec_query.each do |row| # Add up all the values for electricity usage across all Features at this timestep # row[0] == TimeIndex, row[1] == Value arr_match = values_arr.find { |v| v[:time_index] == row[0] } if arr_match.nil? # add new row to value_arr values_arr << { time_index: row[0], year: row[1], month: row[2], day: row[3], hour: row[4], minute: row[5], dst: row[6], elec_val: Float(row[7]), gas_val: 0 } else # running sum arr_match[:elec_val] += Float(row[7]) end end # End elec_query elec_query.close gas_query = feature_db.query "SELECT ReportData.TimeIndex, Time.Year, Time.Month, Time.Day, Time.Hour, Time.Minute, Time.Dst, ReportData.Value FROM ReportData INNER JOIN Time ON Time.TimeIndex=ReportData.TimeIndex INNER JOIN ReportDataDictionary AS rddi ON rddi.ReportDataDictionaryIndex=ReportData.ReportDataDictionaryIndex WHERE rddi.IndexGroup == 'Facility:Gas' AND rddi.ReportingFrequency == 'Zone Timestep' AND Time.Year > 1900 ORDER BY ReportData.TimeIndex" gas_query.each do |row| # row[0] == TimeIndex, row[1] == Value arr_match = values_arr.find { |v| v[:time_index] == row[0] } if arr_match.nil? # add new row to value_arr values_arr << { time_index: row[0], year: row[1], month: row[2], day: row[3], hour: row[4], minute: row[5], dst: row[6], gas_val: Float(row[7]), elec_val: 0 } else # running sum arr_match[:gas_val] += Float(row[7]) end end # End gas_query gas_query.close feature_db.close end # End feature_list loop elec_sql = [] gas_sql = [] values_arr.each do |i| elec_sql << "(#{i[:time_index]}, #{i[:year]}, #{i[:month]}, #{i[:day]}, #{i[:hour]}, #{i[:minute]}, #{i[:dst]}, 'Electricity', #{i[:elec_val]}, 'J')" gas_sql << "(#{i[:time_index]}, #{i[:year]}, #{i[:month]}, #{i[:day]}, #{i[:hour]}, #{i[:minute]}, #{i[:dst]}, 'Gas', #{i[:gas_val]}, 'J')" end # Put summed Values into the database scenario_db.execute("INSERT INTO ReportData VALUES #{elec_sql.join(', ')}") scenario_db.execute("INSERT INTO ReportData VALUES #{gas_sql.join(', ')}") scenario_db.close end ## # Save scenario result ## # [parameters:] # * +file_name+ - _String_ - Assign a name to the saved scenario results file def save(file_name = @default_save_name) @scenario_result.save return @scenario_result end end end end