# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/inputs/base" require "logstash/namespace" require "logstash/json" # This input plugin permits to retrieve metrics from remote Java applications using JMX. # Every `polling_frequency`, it scans a folder containing json configuration # files describing JVMs to monitor with metrics to retrieve. # Then a pool of threads will retrieve metrics and create events. # # ## The configuration: # # In Logstash configuration, you must set the polling frequency, # the number of thread used to poll metrics and a directory absolute path containing # json files with the configuration per jvm of metrics to retrieve. # Logstash input configuration example: # [source,ruby] # jmx { # //Required # path => "/apps/logstash_conf/jmxconf" # //Optional, default 60s # polling_frequency => 15 # type => "jmx" # //Optional, default 4 # nb_thread => 4 # } # # Json JMX configuration example: # [source,js] # { # //Required, JMX listening host/ip # "host" : "", # //Required, JMX listening port # "port" : 1335, # //Optional, the username to connect to JMX # "username" : "user", # //Optional, the password to connect to JMX # "password": "pass", # //Optional, use this alias as a prefix in the metric name. If not set use _ # "alias" : "test.homeserver.elasticsearch", # //Required, list of JMX metrics to retrieve # "queries" : [ # { # //Required, the object name of Mbean to request # "object_name" : "java.lang:type=Memory", # //Optional, use this alias in the metrics value instead of the object_name # "object_alias" : "Memory" # }, { # "object_name" : "java.lang:type=Runtime", # //Optional, set of attributes to retrieve. If not set retrieve # //all metrics available on the configured object_name. # "attributes" : [ "Uptime", "StartTime" ], # "object_alias" : "Runtime" # }, { # //object_name can be configured with * to retrieve all matching Mbeans # "object_name" : "java.lang:type=GarbageCollector,name=*", # "attributes" : [ "CollectionCount", "CollectionTime" ], # //object_alias can be based on specific value from the object_name thanks to ${}. # //In this case ${type} will be replaced by GarbageCollector... # "object_alias" : "${type}.${name}" # }, { # "object_name" : "java.nio:type=BufferPool,name=*", # "object_alias" : "${type}.${name}" # } ] # } # # Here are examples of generated events. When returned metrics value type is # number/boolean it is stored in `metric_value_number` event field # otherwise it is stored in `metric_value_string` event field. # [source,ruby] # { # "@version" => "1", # "@timestamp" => "2014-02-18T20:57:27.688Z", # "host" => "", # "path" => "/apps/logstash_conf/jmxconf", # "type" => "jmx", # "metric_path" => "test.homeserver.elasticsearch.GarbageCollector.ParNew.CollectionCount", # "metric_value_number" => 2212 # } # # [source,ruby] # { # "@version" => "1", # "@timestamp" => "2014-02-18T20:58:06.376Z", # "host" => "localhost", # "path" => "/apps/logstash_conf/jmxconf", # "type" => "jmx", # "metric_path" => "test.homeserver.elasticsearch.BufferPool.mapped.ObjectName", # "metric_value_string" => "java.nio:type=BufferPool,name=mapped" # } # class LogStash::Inputs::Jmx < LogStash::Inputs::Base config_name 'jmx' #Class Var attr_accessor :regexp_group_alias_object attr_accessor :queue_conf # Path where json conf files are stored config :path, :validate => :string, :required => true # Indicate interval between two jmx metrics retrieval # (in s) config :polling_frequency, :validate => :number, :default => 60 # Indicate number of thread launched to retrieve metrics config :nb_thread, :validate => :number, :default => 4 #Error messages MISSING_CONFIG_PARAMETER = "Missing parameter '%s'." BAD_TYPE_CONFIG_PARAMETER = "Bad type for parameter '%{param}', expecting '%{expected}', found '%{actual}'." MISSING_QUERY_PARAMETER = "Missing parameter '%s' in queries[%d]." BAD_TYPE_QUERY = "Bad type for queries[%{index}], expecting '%{expected}', found '%{actual}'." BAD_TYPE_QUERY_PARAMETER = "Bad type for parameter '%{param}' in queries[%{index}], expecting '%{expected}', found '%{actual}'." # Verify that all required parameter are present in the conf_hash public def validate_configuration(conf_hash) validation_errors = [] #Check required parameters in configuration ["host", "port","queries"].each do |param| validation_errors << MISSING_CONFIG_PARAMETER % param unless conf_hash.has_key?(param) end #Validate parameters type in configuration {"host" => String, "port" => Fixnum, "alias" => String }.each do |param, expected_type| if conf_hash.has_key?(param) && !conf_hash[param].instance_of?(expected_type) validation_errors << BAD_TYPE_CONFIG_PARAMETER % { :param => param, :expected => expected_type, :actual => conf_hash[param].class } end end if conf_hash.has_key?("queries") if !conf_hash["queries"].respond_to?(:each) validation_errors << BAD_TYPE_CONFIG_PARAMETER % { :param => 'queries', :expected => Enumerable, :actual => conf_hash['queries'].class } else conf_hash['queries'].each_with_index do |query,index| unless query.respond_to?(:[]) && query.respond_to?(:has_key?) validation_errors << BAD_TYPE_QUERY % {:index => index, :expected => Hash, :actual => query.class} next end #Check required parameters in each query ["object_name"].each do |param| validation_errors << MISSING_QUERY_PARAMETER % [param,index] unless query.has_key?(param) end #Validate parameters type in each query {"object_name" => String, "object_alias" => String }.each do |param, expected_type| if query.has_key?(param) && !query[param].instance_of?(expected_type) validation_errors << BAD_TYPE_QUERY_PARAMETER % { :param => param, :index => index, :expected => expected_type, :actual => query[param].class } end end if query.has_key?("attributes") && !query["attributes"].respond_to?(:each) validation_errors << BAD_TYPE_QUERY_PARAMETER % { :param => 'attributes', :index => index, :expected => Enumerable, :actual => query['attributes'].class } end end end end return validation_errors end private def replace_alias_object(r_alias_object,object_name) @logger.debug("Replace ${.*} variables from #{r_alias_object} using #{object_name}") group_alias = @regexp_group_alias_object.match(r_alias_object) if group_alias r_alias_object = r_alias_object.gsub('${'+group_alias[1]+'}',object_name.split(group_alias[1]+'=')[1].split(',')[0]) r_alias_object = replace_alias_object(r_alias_object,object_name) end r_alias_object end private def send_event_to_queue(queue,host,metric_path,metric_value) @logger.debug('Send event to queue to be processed by filters/outputs') event = LogStash::Event.new event['host'] = host event['path'] = @path event['type'] = @type number_type = [Fixnum, Bignum, Float] boolean_type = [TrueClass, FalseClass] metric_path_substituted = metric_path.gsub(' ','_').gsub('"','') if number_type.include?(metric_value.class) @logger.debug("The value #{metric_value} is of type number: #{metric_value.class}") event['metric_path'] = metric_path_substituted event['metric_value_number'] = metric_value elsif boolean_type.include?(metric_value.class) @logger.debug("The value #{metric_value} is of type boolean: #{metric_value.class}") event['metric_path'] = metric_path_substituted+'_bool' event['metric_value_number'] = metric_value ? 1 : 0 else @logger.debug("The value #{metric_value} is not of type number: #{metric_value.class}") event['metric_path'] = metric_path_substituted event['metric_value_string'] = metric_value.to_s end queue << event end # Thread function to retrieve metrics from JMX private def thread_jmx(queue_conf,queue) while true begin @logger.debug('Wait config to retrieve from queue conf') thread_hash_conf = queue_conf.pop @logger.debug("Retrieve config #{thread_hash_conf} from queue conf") @logger.debug('Check if jmx connection need a user/password') if thread_hash_conf.has_key?('username') and thread_hash_conf.has_key?('password') @logger.debug("Connect to #{thread_hash_conf['host']}:#{thread_hash_conf['port']} with user #{thread_hash_conf['username']}") jmx_connection = JMX::MBean.connection :host => thread_hash_conf['host'], :port => thread_hash_conf['port'], :username => thread_hash_conf['username'], :password => thread_hash_conf['password'] else @logger.debug("Connect to #{thread_hash_conf['host']}:#{thread_hash_conf['port']}") jmx_connection = JMX::MBean.connection :host => thread_hash_conf['host'], :port => thread_hash_conf['port'] end if thread_hash_conf.has_key?('alias') @logger.debug("Set base_metric_path to alias: #{thread_hash_conf['alias']}") base_metric_path = thread_hash_conf['alias'] else @logger.debug("Set base_metric_path to host_port: #{thread_hash_conf['host']}_#{thread_hash_conf['port']}") base_metric_path = "#{thread_hash_conf['host']}_#{thread_hash_conf['port']}" end @logger.debug("Treat queries #{thread_hash_conf['queries']}") thread_hash_conf['queries'].each do |query| @logger.debug("Find all objects name #{query['object_name']}") jmx_object_name_s = JMX::MBean.find_all_by_name(query['object_name'], :connection => jmx_connection) if jmx_object_name_s.length > 0 jmx_object_name_s.each do |jmx_object_name| if query.has_key?('object_alias') object_name = replace_alias_object(query['object_alias'],jmx_object_name.object_name.to_s) @logger.debug("Set object_name to object_alias: #{object_name}") else object_name = jmx_object_name.object_name.to_s @logger.debug("Set object_name to jmx object_name: #{object_name}") end if query.has_key?('attributes') @logger.debug("Retrieves attributes #{query['attributes']} to #{jmx_object_name.object_name}") query['attributes'].each do |attribute| begin jmx_attribute_value = jmx_object_name.send(attribute.snake_case) if jmx_attribute_value.instance_of? Java::JavaxManagementOpenmbean::CompositeDataSupport @logger.debug('The jmx value is a composite_data one') jmx_attribute_value.each do |jmx_attribute_value_composite| @logger.debug("Get jmx value #{jmx_attribute_value[jmx_attribute_value_composite]} for attribute #{attribute}.#{jmx_attribute_value_composite} to #{jmx_object_name.object_name}") send_event_to_queue(queue, thread_hash_conf['host'], "#{base_metric_path}.#{object_name}.#{attribute}.#{jmx_attribute_value_composite}", jmx_attribute_value[jmx_attribute_value_composite]) end else @logger.debug("Get jmx value #{jmx_attribute_value} for attribute #{attribute} to #{jmx_object_name.object_name}") send_event_to_queue(queue, thread_hash_conf['host'], "#{base_metric_path}.#{object_name}.#{attribute}", jmx_attribute_value) end rescue Exception => ex @logger.warn("Failed retrieving metrics for attribute #{attribute} on object #{jmx_object_name.object_name}") @logger.warn(ex.message) end end else @logger.debug("No attribute to retrieve define on #{jmx_object_name.object_name}, will retrieve all") jmx_object_name.attributes.each_key do |attribute| begin jmx_attribute_value = jmx_object_name.send(attribute) if jmx_attribute_value.instance_of? Java::JavaxManagementOpenmbean::CompositeDataSupport @logger.debug('The jmx value is a composite_data one') jmx_attribute_value.each do |jmx_attribute_value_composite| @logger.debug("Get jmx value #{jmx_attribute_value[jmx_attribute_value_composite]} for attribute #{jmx_object_name.attributes[attribute]}.#{jmx_attribute_value_composite} to #{jmx_object_name.object_name}") send_event_to_queue(queue, thread_hash_conf['host'], "#{base_metric_path}.#{object_name}.#{jmx_object_name.attributes[attribute]}.#{jmx_attribute_value_composite}", jmx_attribute_value[jmx_attribute_value_composite]) end else @logger.debug("Get jmx value #{jmx_attribute_value} for attribute #{jmx_object_name.attributes[attribute]} to #{jmx_object_name.object_name}") send_event_to_queue(queue, thread_hash_conf['host'], "#{base_metric_path}.#{object_name}.#{jmx_object_name.attributes[attribute]}", jmx_attribute_value) end rescue Exception => ex @logger.warn("Failed retrieving metrics for attribute #{attribute} on object #{jmx_object_name.object_name}") @logger.warn(ex.message) end end end end else @logger.warn("No jmx object found for #{query['object_name']}") end end jmx_connection.close rescue Exception => ex @logger.error(ex.message) @logger.error(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) end end end public def register require 'thread' require 'jmx4r' @logger.info("Create queue dispatching JMX requests to threads") @queue_conf = Queue.new @logger.info("Compile regexp for group alias object replacement") @regexp_group_alias_object = Regexp.new('(?:\${(.*?)})+') end public def run(queue) begin threads = [] @logger.info("Initialize #{@nb_thread} threads for JMX metrics collection") @nb_thread.times do threads << Thread.new { thread_jmx(@queue_conf,queue) } end while true @logger.info("Loading configuration files in path", :path => @path) Dir.foreach(@path) do |item| next if item == '.' or item == '..' begin file_conf = File.join(@path, item) @logger.debug? && @logger.debug("Loading configuration from file", :file => file_conf) config_string = File.read(file_conf) conf_hash = LogStash::Json.load(config_string) validation_errors = validate_configuration(conf_hash) if validation_errors.empty? @logger.debug? && @logger.debug("Add configuration to the queue", :config => conf_hash) @queue_conf << conf_hash else @logger.warn("Issue with configuration file", :file => file_conf, :validation_errors => validation_errors) end rescue Exception => ex @logger.warn("Issue loading configuration from file", :file => file_conf, :exception => ex.message, :backtrace => ex.backtrace) end end @logger.debug('Wait until the queue conf is empty') delta=0 until @queue_conf.empty? @logger.debug("There are still #{@queue_conf.size} messages in the queue conf. Sleep 1s.") delta=delta+1 sleep(1) end wait_time=@polling_frequency-delta if wait_time>0 @logger.debug("Wait #{wait_time}s (#{@polling_frequency}-#{delta}(seconds wait until queue conf empty)) before to launch again a new jmx metrics collection") sleep(wait_time) else @logger.warn("The time taken to retrieve metrics is more important than the retrieve_interval time set. \nYou must adapt nb_thread, retrieve_interval to the number of jvm/metrics you want to retrieve.") end end rescue Exception => ex @logger.error(ex.message) @logger.error(ex.backtrace.join("\n")) end end end