# Riak Ruby Client (riak-client) [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/basho/riak-ruby-client.png)](http://travis-ci.org/basho/riak-ruby-client) `riak-client` is a rich Ruby client/toolkit for Riak, Basho's distributed database that contains a basic wrapper around typical operations, including bucket manipulation, object CRUD, link-walking, and map-reduce. ## Dependencies `riak-client` requires i18n, builder, beefcake, and multi_json. For higher performance on HTTP requests, install the 'excon' gem. The cache store implementation requires ActiveSupport 3 or later. Development dependencies are handled with bundler. Install bundler (`gem install bundler`) and run this command in each sub-project to get started: ``` bash $ bundle install ``` Run the RSpec suite using `bundle exec`: ``` bash $ bundle exec rake ``` ## Basic Example ``` ruby require 'riak' # Create a client interface client = Riak::Client.new # Create a client interface that uses Excon client = Riak::Client.new(:http_backend => :Excon) # Create a client that uses Protocol Buffers client = Riak::Client.new(:protocol => "pbc") # Automatically balance between multiple nodes client = Riak::Client.new(:nodes => [ {:host => ''}, {:host => '', :pb_port => 1234}, {:host => '', :http_port => 5678} ]) # Retrieve a bucket bucket = client.bucket("doc") # a Riak::Bucket # Get an object from the bucket object = bucket.get_or_new("index.html") # a Riak::RObject # Change the object's data and save object.raw_data = "Hello, world!" object.content_type = "text/html" object.store # Reload an object you already have object.reload # Works if you have the key and vclock, using conditional GET object.reload :force => true # Reloads whether you have the vclock or not # Access more like a hash, client[bucket][key] client['doc']['index.html'] # the Riak::RObject # Create a new object new_one = Riak::RObject.new(bucket, "application.js") new_one.content_type = "application/javascript" # You must set the content type. new_one.raw_data = "alert('Hello, World!')" new_one.store ``` ## Map-Reduce Example ``` ruby # Assuming you've already instantiated a client, get the album titles for The Beatles results = Riak::MapReduce.new(client). add("artists","Beatles"). link(:bucket => "albums"). map("function(v){ return [JSON.parse(v.values[0].data).title]; }", :keep => true).run p results # => ["Please Please Me", "With The Beatles", "A Hard Day's Night", # "Beatles For Sale", "Help!", "Rubber Soul", # "Revolver", "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band", "Magical Mystery Tour", # "The Beatles", "Yellow Submarine", "Abbey Road", "Let It Be"] ``` ## Riak Search Examples For more information about Riak Search, see [the Basho wiki](http://wiki.basho.com/Riak-Search.html). ``` ruby # Create a client, specifying the Solr-compatible endpoint # When connecting to Riak 0.14 and later, the Solr endpoint configuration option is not necessary. client = Riak::Client.new :solr => "/solr" # Search the default index for documents result = client.search("title:Yesterday") # Returns a vivified JSON object # containing 'responseHeaders' and 'response' keys result['response']['numFound'] # total number of results result['response']['start'] # offset into the total result set result['response']['docs'] # the list of indexed documents # Search the 'users' index for documents client.search("users", "name:Sean") # Add a document to an index client.index("users", {:id => "sean@basho.com", :name => "Sean Cribbs"}) # adds to the 'users' index client.index({:id => "index.html", :content => "Hello, world!"}) # adds to the default index client.index({:id => 1, :name => "one"}, {:id => 2, :name => "two"}) # adds multiple docs # Remove document(s) from an index client.remove({:id => 1}) # removes the document with ID 1 client.remove({:query => "archived"}) # removes all documents matching query client.remove({:id => 1}, {:id => 5}) # removes multiple docs client.remove("users", {:id => "sean@basho.com"}) # removes from the 'users' index # Seed MapReduce with search results Riak::MapReduce.new(client). search("users","email:basho"). map("Riak.mapValuesJson", :keep => true). run # Detect whether a bucket has auto-indexing client['users'].is_indexed? # Enable auto-indexing on a bucket client['users'].enable_index! # Disable auto-indexing on a bucket client['users'].disable_index! ``` ## Secondary Index Examples Riak supports secondary indexes. Secondary indexing, or "2i," gives you the ability to tag objects with multiple queryable values at write time, and then query them later. * [Using Secondary Indexes](http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/using/2i/) * [Secondary Index implementation notes](http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/advanced/2i/) ### Tagging Objects Objects are tagged with a hash kept behind the `indexes` method. Secondary index storage logic is in `lib/riak/rcontent.rb`. ```ruby object = bucket.get_or_new 'cobb.salad' # Indexes end with the "_bin" suffix to indicate they're binary or string # indexes. They can have multiple values. object.indexes['ingredients_bin'] = %w{lettuce tomato bacon egg chives} # Indexes ending with the "_int" suffix are indexed as integers. They can # have multiple values too. object.indexes['calories_int'] = [220] # You must re-save the object to store indexes. object.store ``` ### Finding Objects Secondary index queries return a list of keys exactly matching a scalar or within a range. ```ruby # The Bucket#get_index method allows querying by scalar... bucket.get_index 'calories_int', 220 # => ['cobb.salad'] # or range. bucket.get_index 'calories_int', 100..300 # => ['cobb.salad'] # Binary indexes also support both ranges and scalars. bucket.get_index 'ingredients_bin', 'tomata'..'tomatz' # => ['cobb.salad'] # The collection from #get_index also provides a continuation for pagination: c = bucket.get_index 'ingredients_bin', 'lettuce', max_results: 5 c.length # => 5 c.continuation # => "g2gCbQAAA=" # You can use that continuation to get the next page of results: c2 = bucket.get_index 'ingredients_bin', 'lettuce', max_results: 5, continuation: c.continuation # More complicated operations may benefit by using the `SecondaryIndex` object: q = Riak::SecondaryIndex.new bucket, 'ingredients_bin', 'lettuce', max_results: 5 # SecondaryIndex objects give you access to the keys... q.keys # => ['cobb.salad', 'wedge.salad', 'buffalo_chicken.wrap', ...] # but can also fetch values for you in parallel. q.values # => [, true q2 = q.next_page ``` ## Counter examples For more information about counters in Riak, see [the Basho wiki](http://docs.basho.com/riak/latest/dev/references/http/counters/). Counter records are automatically persisted on increment or decrement. The initial default value is 0. ``` ruby # Firstly, ensure that your bucket is allow_mult set to true bucket = client.bucket "counters" bucket.allow_mult = true # You can create a counter by using the bucket's counter method counter = bucket.counter("counter-key-here") counter.increment => nil p counter.value 1 => 1 # Let's increment one more time and then retrieve it from the database counter.increment # Retrieval is similar to creation persisted_counter = Riak::Counter.new(bucket, "counter-key-here") p persisted_counter.value 2 => 2 # We can also increment by a specified number persisted_counter.increment(20) p persisted_counter.value 22 => 22 # Decrement works much the same persisted_counter.decrement persisted_counter.value => 21 persisted_counter.decrement(6) persisted_counter.value => 15 # Incrementing by anything other than integer will throw an ArgumentError persisted_counter.increment "nonsense" ArgumentError: Counters can only be incremented or decremented by integers. ``` That's about it. PN Counters in Riak are distributed, so each node will receive the proper increment/decrement operation. Enjoy using them. ## How to Contribute * Fork the project on [Github](http://github.com/basho/riak-ruby-client). If you have already forked, use `git pull --rebase` to reapply your changes on top of the mainline. Example: ``` bash $ git checkout master $ git pull --rebase basho master ``` * Copy spec/support/test_server.yml.example to spec/support/test_server.yml and change that file according to your local installation of riak. * Create a topic branch. If you've already created a topic branch, rebase it on top of changes from the mainline "master" branch. Examples: * New branch: ``` bash $ git checkout -b topic ``` * Existing branch: ``` bash $ git rebase master ``` * Write an RSpec example or set of examples that demonstrate the necessity and validity of your changes. **Patches without specs will most often be ignored. Just do it, you'll thank me later.** Documentation patches need no specs, of course. * Make your feature addition or bug fix. Make your specs and stories pass (green). * Run the suite using multiruby or rvm to ensure cross-version compatibility. * Cleanup any trailing whitespace in your code (try @whitespace-mode@ in Emacs, or "Remove Trailing Spaces in Document" in the "Text" bundle in Textmate). You can use the `clean_whitespace` Rake task if you like. * Commit, do not mess with Rakefile. If related to an existing issue in the [tracker](http://github.com/basho/ruby-riak-client/issues), include "Closes #X" in the commit message (where X is the issue number). * Send a pull request to the Basho repository. ## License & Copyright Copyright ©2010-2012 Sean Cribbs and Basho Technologies, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at [http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ## Auxillary Licenses The included photo (spec/fixtures/cat.jpg) is Copyright ©2009 [Sean Cribbs](http://seancribbs.com/), and is licensed under the [Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial 3.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/3.0) license. !["Creative Commons"](http://i.creativecommons.org/l/by-nc/3.0/88x31.png)