en: remarkable: mongo_mapper: describe: each: "{{key}} is {{value}}" prepend: "when " connector: " and " expectations: allow_nil: "{{subject_name}} to {{not}}allow nil values for {{attribute}}" allow_blank: "{{subject_name}} to {{not}}allow blank values for {{attribute}}" optionals: allow_nil: positive: "allowing nil values" negative: "not allowing nil values" allow_blank: positive: "allowing blank values" negative: "not allowing blank values" allow_values_for: description: "allow {{in}} as values for {{attributes}}" expectations: is_valid: "{{subject_name}} to be valid when {{attribute}} is set to {{value}}" association: many: have many belongs_to: belong to description: "{{type}} {{associations}}" expectations: association_exists: "{{subject_name}} records {{type}} {{association}}, but the association does not exist" type_matches: "{{subject_name}} records {{type}} {{association}}, got {{subject_name}} records {{actual_type}} {{association}}" klass_exists: "{{subject_name}} records {{type}} {{association}}, but the association class does not exist" options_match: "{{subject_name}} records {{type}} {{association}} with options {{options}}, got {{actual}}" have_key: description: "have key(s) {{attributes}} with type {{type}}" expectations: has_key: "{{subject_name}} to have key named {{attribute}} with type {{type}}" validate_presence_of: description: "require {{attributes}} to be set" expectations: allow_nil: "{{subject_name}} to require {{attribute}} to be set"