require 'spec_helper' describe "vintage syntax" do before do define_model('User', :first_name => :string, :last_name => :string, :email => :string) Factory.sequence(:email) { |n| "somebody#{n}" } Factory.define :user do |factory| factory.first_name { 'Bill' } factory.last_name { 'Nye' } { } end end describe "after making an instance" do before do @instance = Factory(:user, :last_name => 'Rye') end it "should use attributes from the definition" do @instance.first_name.should == 'Bill' end it "should evaluate attribute blocks for each instance" do =~ /somebody\ Factory(:user).email.should_not == end end it "should raise an ArgumentError when trying to use a non-existent strategy" do lambda { Factory.define(:object, :default_strategy => :nonexistent) {} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should raise Factory::SequenceAbuseError" do Factory.define :sequence_abuser, :class => User do |factory| factory.first_name { Factory.sequence(:name) } end lambda { Factory(:sequence_abuser) }.should raise_error(FactoryGirl::SequenceAbuseError) end end describe Factory, "referencing a nonexistent factory as a parent" do it "should raise an ArgumentError when trying to use a non-existent factory as parent" do lambda { Factory.define(:child, :parent => :nonexsitent) {} }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end end describe "defining a factory" do before do @name = :user @factory = stub("factory", :names => [@name]) @proxy = "proxy" @options = { :class => 'magic' } FactoryGirl::Factory.stubs(:new => @factory) FactoryGirl::DefinitionProxy.stubs(:new => @proxy) end it "should create a new factory using the specified name and options" do FactoryGirl::Factory.stubs(:new => @factory) Factory.define(@name, @options) {|f| } FactoryGirl::Factory.should have_received(:new).with(@name, @options) end it "should pass the factory do the block" do yielded = nil Factory.define(@name) do |y| yielded = y end yielded.should == @proxy end it "should add the factory to the list of factories" do Factory.define(@name) {|f| } @factory.should == FactoryGirl.factory_by_name(@name) end end describe "after defining a factory" do before do @name = :user @factory = FactoryGirl.register_factory(@factory) end it "should use Proxy::AttributesFor for Factory.attributes_for" do @factory.stubs(:run => "result") Factory.attributes_for(@name, :attr => 'value').should == 'result' @factory.should have_received(:run).with(FactoryGirl::Proxy::AttributesFor, :attr => 'value') end it "should use Proxy::Build for" do @factory.stubs(:run => "result"), :attr => 'value').should == 'result' @factory.should have_received(:run).with(FactoryGirl::Proxy::Build, :attr => 'value') end it "should use Proxy::Create for Factory.create" do @factory.stubs(:run => "result") Factory.create(@name, :attr => 'value').should == 'result' @factory.should have_received(:run).with(FactoryGirl::Proxy::Create, :attr => 'value') end it "should use Proxy::Stub for Factory.stub" do @factory.stubs(:run => "result") Factory.stub(@name, :attr => 'value').should == 'result' @factory.should have_received(:run).with(FactoryGirl::Proxy::Stub, :attr => 'value') end it "should use default strategy option as Factory.default_strategy" do @factory.stubs(:default_strategy => :create, :run => "result") Factory.default_strategy(@name, :attr => 'value').should == 'result' @factory.should have_received(:run).with(FactoryGirl::Proxy::Create, :attr => 'value') end it "should use the default strategy for the global Factory method" do @factory.stubs(:default_strategy => :create, :run => "result") Factory(@name, :attr => 'value').should == 'result' @factory.should have_received(:run).with(FactoryGirl::Proxy::Create, :attr => 'value') end [:build, :create, :attributes_for, :stub].each do |method| it "should raise an ArgumentError on #{method} with a nonexistent factory" do lambda { Factory.send(method, :bogus) }.should raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "should recognize either 'name' or :name for Factory.#{method}" do @factory.stubs(:run) lambda { Factory.send(method, @name.to_s) }.should_not raise_error lambda { Factory.send(method, @name.to_sym) }.should_not raise_error end end end describe "defining a sequence" do before do @name = :count end it "should create a new sequence" do Factory.sequence(@name) == 1 end it "should use the supplied block as the sequence generator" do Factory.sequence(@name) {|n| "user-#{n}" } == "user-1" end it "should use the supplied start_value as the sequence start_value" do Factory.sequence(@name, "A") == "A" end end describe "after defining a sequence" do before do @name = :test @sequence = {} @value = '1 2 5' @sequence.stubs(:next => @value) FactoryGirl::Sequence.stubs(:new => @sequence) Factory.sequence(@name) {} end it "should call next on the sequence when sent next" do @sequence.should have_received(:next) end it "should return the value from the sequence" do == @value end end describe "an attribute generated by an in-line sequence" do before do define_model('User', :username => :string) Factory.define :user do |factory| factory.sequence(:username) { |n| "username#{n}" } end @username = Factory.attributes_for(:user)[:username] end it "should match the correct format" do @username.should =~ /^username\d+$/ end describe "after the attribute has already been generated once" do before do @another_username = Factory.attributes_for(:user)[:username] end it "should match the correct format" do @username.should =~ /^username\d+$/ end it "should not be the same as the first generated value" do @another_username.should_not == @username end end end describe "a factory with a parent" do before do define_model("User", :username => :string) Factory.define(:user) do |factory| factory.username "awesome_username" end Factory.define(:boring_user, :parent => :user) do |factory| factory.username "boring_username" end end it "supports defining parents" do == "boring_username" end end