module CiCd module Builder # noinspection RubySuperCallWithoutSuperclassInspection module ChefRepoManifest module Build # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # noinspection RubyHashKeysTypesInspection def prepareBuild() super if @vars[:return_code] == 0 end @vars[:return_code] end # --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- def packageBuild() @logger.step __method__.to_s if isSameDirectory(Dir.pwd, ENV['WORKSPACE']) if @vars.has_key?(:components) and not @vars[:components].empty? @vars[:return_code] = 0 clazz = getRepoClass('S3') @logger.debug "Repo class == '#{clazz}'" if clazz.is_a?(Class) and not clazz.nil? @repo = if @vars[:return_code] == 0 lines = [] @vars[:artifacts] = [] # Deal with all artifacts of each component @vars[:components].each { |comp| processComponent(comp, lines) } if @vars[:return_code] == 0 cleanupAfterPackaging(lines) end else @logger.fatal "S3 repo error: Bucket #{ENV['AWS_S3_BUCKET']}" end else @logger.error "CiCd::Builder::Repo::#{type} is not a valid repo class" @vars[:return_code] = Errors::BUILDER_REPO_TYPE end else @logger.error 'No components found during preparation?' @vars[:return_code] = Errors::NO_COMPONENTS end else @logger.error "Not in WORKSPACE? '#{pwd}' does not match WORKSPACE='#{workspace}'" @vars[:return_code] = Errors::WORKSPACE_DIR end @vars[:return_code] end end end end end