--- title: QueueUtilizationDiagnostic --- ## PureCloud::QueueUtilizationDiagnostic ## Properties |Name | Type | Description | Notes| |------------ | ------------- | ------------- | -------------| | **queue** | [**UriReference**](UriReference.html) | Identifier of the queue | [optional] | | **users_in_queue** | **Integer** | The number of users joined to the queue | [optional] | | **active_users_in_queue** | **Integer** | The number of users active on the queue | [optional] | | **users_on_queue** | **Integer** | The number of users with a status of on-queue | [optional] | | **users_not_utilized** | **Integer** | The number of users in the queue currently not engaged | [optional] | | **users_on_queue_with_station** | **Integer** | The number of users in the queue with a station | [optional] | | **users_on_a_campaign_call** | **Integer** | The number of users currently engaged in a campaign call | [optional] | | **users_on_different_edge_group** | **Integer** | The number of users whose station is homed to an edge different from the campaign | [optional] | | **users_on_a_non_campaign_call** | **Integer** | The number of users currently engaged in a communication that is not part of the campaign | [optional] | {: class="table table-striped"}