require 'spec_helper' describe "For working with Hashes, the Trxl::Calculator" do include Trxl::SpecHelper before(:each) do @parser = end it "should evaluate hash literal expressions" do eval("{}").should == {} eval("{ 1 => 2 }").should == { 1 => 2 } eval("{ 1 => 2, 3 => 4 }").should == { 1 => 2, 3 => 4 } end it "should allow hash variable definitions" do eval("a = {}").should == {} eval("a = {}; a;").should == {} eval("a = { 1 => 2 }").should == { 1 => 2 } eval("a = { 1 => 2 }; a;").should == { 1 => 2 } eval("a = { 1 => 2, 3 => 4 }; a;").should == { 1 => 2, 3 => 4 } end it "should allow nested hash variable definitions" do eval("a = { 1 => { 2 => 3 } }").should == { 1 => { 2 => 3 } } eval("a = { 1 => { 2 => 3 }, 4 => 5 }").should == { 1 => { 2 => 3 }, 4 => 5 } end it "should allow arbitrary expressions in hash literal" do eval("x = 1; foo = fun(x) {x}; h = { fun(){2}() => foo(3) }").should == { 2 => 3 } end it "should be able to index hashes by their keys" do eval("h = { 1 => 2 }; h[0]").should == nil eval("h = { 1 => 2 }; h[1]").should == 2 eval("h = { 1 => 2 }; h[2]").should == nil end it "should recognize primary expressions as hash offset specifiers" do eval("h = { 1 => 2 }; h[fun(x){x}(0)]").should == nil eval("h = { 1 => 2 }; h[fun(x){x}(1)]").should == 2 eval("h = { 1 => 2 }; h[fun(x){x}(2)]").should == nil end it "should resolve exact matching expressions" do env = { :foo => { :a => "bar", :b => "bar", :c => "baz" } } eval("foo[='bar']", env).should == [ [:a, "bar"], [:b, "bar"] ] eval("foo[='baz']", env).should == [ [:c, "baz"] ] eval("foo[='bam']", env).should == [] end it "should resolve exact matching expressions followed by offset access expressions" do env = { :foo => { :a => "bar", :b => "bar", :c => "baz" } } eval("foo[='bar'][0]", env).should == [ :a, "bar" ] eval("foo[='bar'][1]", env).should == [ :b, "bar" ] eval("foo[='baz'][0]", env).should == [ :c, "baz" ] eval("foo[='bam'][0]", env).should be_nil end end