-- -- This tests the json indexer. Run in local mode with 'pig -x local test/test_json_loader.pig' -- %default ES_JAR_DIR '/usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/0.18.7/libexec' %default ES_YAML '/usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/0.18.7/config/elasticsearch.yml' %default PLUGINS '/usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/0.18.7/plugins' %default INDEX 'foo_test' %default OBJ 'foo' register $ES_JAR_DIR/*.jar; register target/wonderdog*.jar; foo = LOAD 'test/foo.json' AS (data:chararray); -- -- Query parameters let elasticsearch output format that we're storing json data and -- want to use a bulk request size of 1 record. -- STORE foo INTO 'es://$INDEX/$OBJ?json=true&size=1' USING com.infochimps.elasticsearch.pig.ElasticSearchStorage('$ES_YAML', '$PLUGINS');