opal_filter "Object#trusted/untrusted" do fails "Kernel#to_s returns an untrusted result if self is untrusted" fails "Array#+ does not infected even if an original array is untrusted" fails "Array#* with an integer copies the untrusted status of the original array if the passed count is not 0" fails "Array#* with an integer copies the untrusted status of the original array even if the array is empty" fails "Array#* with an integer copies the untrusted status of the original array even if the passed count is 0" fails "Array#* with a string with an untrusted separator untrusts the result if the array has two or more elements" fails "Array#* with a string with an untrusted separator does not untrust the result if the array has only one element" fails "Array#* with a string with an untrusted separator does not untrust the result if the array is empty" fails "Array#delete keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#delete_if keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#delete_at keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#clear keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#clone copies untrusted status from the original" fails "Array#collect does not copy untrusted status" fails "Array#compact does not keep untrusted status even if all elements are removed" fails "Array#compact! keeps untrusted status even if all elements are removed" fails "Array#collect! keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#concat keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#concat is not infected untrustedness by the other" fails "Array#concat keeps the untrusted status of elements" fails "Array#dup copies untrusted status from the original" fails "Array#flatten returns an untrusted array if self is untrusted" fails "Array#inspect untrusts the result if an element is untrusted" fails "Array#inspect does not untrust the result if the Array is untrusted but empty" fails "Array#inspect untrusts the result if the Array is untrusted" fails "Array#join with an untrusted separator untrusts the result if the array has two or more elements" fails "Array#join with an untrusted separator does not untrust the result if the array has only one element" fails "Array#join with an untrusted separator does not untrust the result if the array is empty" fails "Array#join untrusts the result if the result of coercing an element is untrusted" fails "Array#join does not untrust the result if the Array is untrusted but empty" fails "Array#join untrusts the result if the Array is untrusted and non-empty" fails "Array#map does not copy untrusted status" fails "Array#pop passed a number n as an argument keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#pop passed a number n as an argument returns a trusted array even if the array is untrusted" fails "Array#pop keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#map! keeps untrusted status" fails "Array#to_s untrusts the result if an element is untrusted" fails "Array#to_s does not untrust the result if the Array is untrusted but empty" fails "Array#to_s untrusts the result if the Array is untrusted" fails "Enumerable#to_a returns an untrusted array if self is untrusted" fails "Enumerable#entries returns an untrusted array if self is untrusted" fails "Enumerable#group_by returns an untrusted hash if self is untrusted" fails "Hash#inspect returns an untrusted string if self is untrusted and not empty" fails "Hash#to_a returns an untrusted array if self is untrusted" fails "Hash#to_s returns an untrusted string if self is untrusted and not empty" fails "String#chop untrusts result when self is untrusted" fails "String#gsub with pattern and replacement untrusts the result if the original string or replacement is untrusted" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash untrusts the result if the original string is untrusted" fails "String#gsub with pattern and Hash untrusts the result if a hash value is untrusted" fails "String#gsub with pattern and block untrusts the result if the original string or replacement is untrusted" end