# frozen_string_literal: true require 'json' module PWN module Plugins # This plugin converts images to readable text # TODO: Convert all rest requests to POST instead of GET module DefectDojo @@logger = PWN::Plugins::PWNLogger.create # Supported Method Parameters:: # dd_obj = PWN::Plugins::DefectDojo.login( # url: 'required - url of DefectDojo Server', # api_version: 'required - api version to use v1 || v2', # username: 'required - username to AuthN w/ api v1)', # api_key: 'optional - defect dojo api key (will prompt if nil)', # proxy: 'optional - proxy all traffic through MITM proxy (defaults to nil)' # ) public_class_method def self.login(opts = {}) url = opts[:url] opts[:api_version] ? (api_version = opts[:api_version]) : (api_version = 'v2') username = opts[:username].to_s.scrub api_key = opts[:api_key].to_s.scrub api_key = PWN::Plugins::AuthenticationHelper.mask_password(prompt: 'API Key') if opts[:api_key].nil? proxy = opts[:proxy] dd_obj = {} dd_obj[:url] = url dd_obj[:authz_header] = "Token #{api_key}" dd_obj[:authz_header] = "ApiKey #{username}:#{api_key}" if api_version == 'v1' dd_obj[:proxy] = proxy dd_obj[:api_version] = api_version dd_obj[:api_version] = 'v1' if api_version == 'v1' dd_obj rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # rest_call( # dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login method', # rest_call: 'required rest call to make per the schema', # http_method: 'optional HTTP method (defaults to GET) # http_body: 'optional HTTP body sent in HTTP methods that support it e.g. POST' # ) private_class_method def self.rest_call(opts = {}) # Some scan reports are huge and require long timeouts...defaulting to 9 mins. request_timeout = 540 dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] rest_call = opts[:rest_call].to_s.scrub opts[:http_method] ? (http_method = opts[:http_method].to_s.scrub.to_sym) : (http_method = :get) params = opts[:params] http_body = opts[:http_body] content_type = 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' url = dd_obj[:url] api_version = dd_obj[:api_version] base_dd_api_uri = "#{url}/api/#{api_version}".to_s.scrub rest_client = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open(browser_type: :rest)::Request if dd_obj[:proxy] rest_client = PWN::Plugins::TransparentBrowser.open( browser_type: :rest, proxy: dd_obj[:proxy] )::Request end case http_method when :get response = rest_client.execute( method: :get, url: "#{base_dd_api_uri}/#{rest_call}", headers: { content_type: content_type, authorization: dd_obj[:authz_header], params: params }, verify_ssl: false, timeout: request_timeout, open_timeout: request_timeout ) when :post if http_body.key?(:multipart) response = rest_client.execute( method: :post, url: "#{base_dd_api_uri}/#{rest_call}", headers: { authorization: dd_obj[:authz_header] }, payload: http_body, verify_ssl: false, timeout: request_timeout, open_timeout: request_timeout ) else response = rest_client.execute( method: :post, url: "#{base_dd_api_uri}/#{rest_call}", headers: { content_type: content_type, authorization: dd_obj[:authz_header] }, payload: http_body.to_json, verify_ssl: false, timeout: request_timeout, open_timeout: request_timeout ) end else raise @@logger.error("Unsupported HTTP Method #{http_method} for #{self} Plugin") end sleep 3 response rescue RestClient::ExceptionWithResponse => e puts Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%N %z') puts "Module: #{self}" puts "URL: #{base_dd_api_uri}/#{rest_call}" puts "PARAMS: #{params.inspect}" puts "HTTP POST BODY: #{http_body.inspect}" if http_body puts "#{e}\n#{e.response}\n\n\n" rescue StandardError, SystemExit, Interrupt => e dd_obj = logout(dd_obj) unless dd_obj.nil? raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # tool_configuration_resource_uri_by_name( # dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login method', # tool_config_name: 'required tool configuration name' # ) private_class_method def self.tool_configuration_resource_uri_by_name(opts = {}) dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] api_version = dd_obj[:api_version] tool_config_name = opts[:tool_config_name].to_s.scrub tool_configuration_list = self.tool_configuration_list(dd_obj: dd_obj) if api_version == 'v1' tool_configuration_by_name_object = tool_configuration_list[:objects].select do |tool_configuration| tool_configuration[:name] == tool_config_name end end if api_version == 'v2' tool_configuration_by_name_object = tool_configuration_list[:results].select do |tool_configuration| tool_configuration[:name] == tool_config_name end end tool_configuration_by_name_object.first[:resource_uri] if api_version == 'v1' tool_configuration_by_name_object.first[:id] if api_version == 'v2' rescue StandardError, SystemExit, Interrupt => e dd_obj = logout(dd_obj) unless dd_obj.nil? raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # product_list = PWN::Plugins::DefectDojo.product_list( # dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login method', # id: 'optional - retrieve single product by id, otherwise return all' # ) public_class_method def self.product_list(opts = {}) dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] opts[:id] ? (rest_call = "products/#{opts[:id].to_i}") : (rest_call = 'products') response = rest_call( dd_obj: dd_obj, rest_call: rest_call ) # Return array containing the post-authenticated DefectDojo REST API token JSON.parse(response, symbolize_names: true) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # engagement_list = PWN::Plugins::DefectDojo.engagement_list( # dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login method', # id: 'optional - retrieve single engagement by id, otherwise return all' # ) public_class_method def self.engagement_list(opts = {}) dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] opts[:id] ? (rest_call = "engagements/#{opts[:id].to_i}") : (rest_call = 'engagements') response = rest_call( dd_obj: dd_obj, rest_call: rest_call ) # Return array containing the post-authenticated DefectDojo REST API token JSON.parse(response, symbolize_names: true) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # engagement_create_response = PWN::Plugins::DefectDojo.engagement_create( # dd_obj: 'required - dd_obj returned from #login method', # name: 'required - name of the engagement', # description: 'optional - description of engagement', # engagement_type: 'optional - type of engagement Interactive||CI/CD (defaults to CI/CD)', # status: 'optional - status of the engagement In Progress || On Hold (defaults to In Progress)', # lead_username: 'required - username of lead to tie to engagement', # product_name: 'required - product name in which to create engagement', # test_strategy: 'required - URL of test strategy documentation (e.g. OWASP ASVS URL)', # orchestration_engine: 'optional - name of orchestration engine tied to CI/CD engagement', # build_server: 'optional - name of build server tied to CI/CD engagement', # scm_server: 'optional - name of SCM server tied to CI/CD engagement', # api_test: 'optional - boolean to set an engagement as an api assessment (defaults to false)', # pen_test: 'optional - boolean to set an engagement as a manual penetration test (defaults to false)', # threat_model: 'optional - boolean to set an engagement as a threat model (defaults to false)', # check_list: 'optional - boolean to set an engagement as a checkbox assessment (defaults to false)', # first_contacted: 'optional - date of engagement request e.g. 2018-06-18 (Defaults to current day)', # target_start: 'optional - date to start enagement e.g. 2018-06-19 (Defaults to current day)', # target_end: 'optional - date of engagement completion e.g. 2018-06-20 (Defaults to current day)' # ) public_class_method def self.engagement_create(opts = {}) http_body = {} dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] api_version = dd_obj[:api_version] # HTTP POST body options w/ optional params set to default values # Defaults to true http_body[:active] = true http_body[:name] = opts[:name] http_body[:description] = opts[:description] opts[:engagment_type] ? (http_body[:engagement_type] = opts[:engagement_type]) : (http_body[:engagement_type] = 'CI/CD') status = opts[:status].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub case status when 'In Progress', 'On Hold', '' # Defaults to 'In Progress' status == '' ? (http_body[:status] = 'In Progress') : (http_body[:status] = status) when 'Completed' raise 'Completed status not implemented for #engagement_create - use #engagement_update instead' else raise "Unknown engagement status: #{opts[:status]}. Options for this method are 'In Progress' || 'On Hold'" end # Ok lets determine the resource_uri for the lead username lead_username = opts[:lead_username].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub user_list = self.user_list(dd_obj: dd_obj) if api_version == 'v1' user_by_username_object = user_list[:objects].select do |user| user[:username] == lead_username end http_body[:lead] = user_by_username_object.first[:resource_uri] end if api_version == 'v2' user_by_username_object = user_list[:results].select do |user| user[:username] == lead_username end # Should only ever return 1 result so we should be good here http_body[:lead] = user_by_username_object.first[:id] end # Ok lets determine the resource_uri for the product name product_name = opts[:product_name].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub product_list = self.product_list(dd_obj: dd_obj) if api_version == 'v1' product_by_name_object = product_list[:objects].select do |prod| prod[:name] == product_name end # Should only ever return 1 result so we should be good here http_body[:product] = product_by_name_object.first[:resource_uri] end if api_version == 'v2' product_by_name_object = product_list[:results].select do |prod| prod[:name] == product_name end # Should only ever return 1 result so we should be good here http_body[:product] = product_by_name_object.first[:id] end http_body[:test_strategy] = opts[:test_strategy] # Ok lets determine the resource_uri orchestration, build_server, and scm_server orchestration_engine = opts[:orchestration_engine].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub http_body[:orchestration_engine] = tool_configuration_resource_uri_by_name( dd_obj: dd_obj, tool_config_name: orchestration_engine ) build_server = opts[:build_server].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub http_body[:build_server] = tool_configuration_resource_uri_by_name( dd_obj: dd_obj, tool_config_name: build_server ) scm_server = opts[:scm_server].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub http_body[:source_code_management_server] = tool_configuration_resource_uri_by_name( dd_obj: dd_obj, tool_config_name: scm_server ) # Defaults to false opts[:api_test] ? (http_body[:api_test] = true) : (http_body[:api_test] = false) # Defaults to false opts[:pen_test] ? (http_body[:pen_test] = true) : (http_body[:pen_test] = false) # Defaults to false opts[:threat_model] ? (http_body[:threat_model] = true) : (http_body[:threat_model] = false) # Defaults to false opts[:check_list] ? (http_body[:check_list] = true) : (http_body[:check_list] = false) # Defaults to Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') opts[:first_contacted] ? (http_body[:first_contacted] = opts[:first_contacted]) : (http_body[:first_contacted] = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) # Defaults to Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') opts[:target_start] ? (http_body[:target_start] = opts[:target_start]) : (http_body[:target_start] = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) # Defaults to Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') opts[:target_end] ? (http_body[:target_end] = opts[:target_end]) : (http_body[:target_end] = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) # Defaults to false http_body[:done_testing] = false rest_call( dd_obj: dd_obj, rest_call: 'engagements/', http_method: :post, http_body: http_body ) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # test_list = PWN::Plugins::DefectDojo.test_list( # dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login method', # id: 'optional - retrieve single test by id, otherwise return all' # ) public_class_method def self.test_list(opts = {}) dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] opts[:id] ? (rest_call = "tests/#{opts[:id].to_i}") : (rest_call = 'tests') response = rest_call( dd_obj: dd_obj, rest_call: rest_call ) # Return array containing the post-authenticated DefectDojo REST API token JSON.parse(response, symbolize_names: true) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # importscan_response = PWN::Plugins::DefectDojo.importscan( # dd_obj: 'required - dd_obj returned from #login method', # engagement_name: 'required - name of engagement to associate w/ scan', # scan_type: 'required - type of scan importing (see /admin/dojo/test_type/ for listing)', # file: 'required - path of scan results file', # lead_username: 'required - username of lead to tie to scan', # tags: 'optional - comma-delimited list of tag names to tie to scan', # minimum_severity: 'optional - minimum finding severity Info||Low||Medium||High||Critical (Defaults to Info)', # scan_date: 'optional - date in which scan was kicked off (defaults to now)', # verified: 'optional - flag finding as verified by a tester (defaults to false)' # ) public_class_method def self.importscan(opts = {}) http_body = {} dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] api_version = dd_obj[:api_version] # HTTP POST body options w/ optional params set to default values # Defaults to true http_body[:active] = true # Ok lets determine the resource_uri for the engagement name engagement_name = opts[:engagement_name].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub engagement_list = self.engagement_list(dd_obj: dd_obj) if api_version == 'v1' engagement_by_name_object = engagement_list[:objects].select do |engagement| engagement[:name] == engagement_name end # Should only ever return 1 result so we should be good here http_body[:engagement] = engagement_by_name_object.first[:resource_uri] end if api_version == 'v2' engagement_by_name_object = engagement_list[:results].select do |engagement| engagement[:name] == engagement_name end # Should only ever return 1 result so we should be good here http_body[:engagement] = engagement_by_name_object.first[:id] end http_body[:scan_type] = opts[:scan_type].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub # Necessary to upload file to remote host http_body[:multipart] = true http_body[:file] = File.new(opts[:file].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub, 'rb') if File.exist?(opts[:file].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub) # Ok lets determine the resource_uri for the lead username lead_username = opts[:lead_username].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub user_list = self.user_list(dd_obj: dd_obj) if api_version == 'v1' user_by_username_object = user_list[:objects].select do |user| user[:username] == lead_username end # Should only ever return 1 result so we should be good here http_body[:lead] = user_by_username_object.first[:resource_uri] end if api_version == 'v2' user_by_username_object = user_list[:results].select do |user| user[:username] == lead_username end # Should only ever return 1 result so we should be good here http_body[:lead] = user_by_username_object.first[:id] end http_body[:tags] = opts[:tags].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub minimum_severity = opts[:minimum_severity].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub.downcase.capitalize case minimum_severity when '', 'Info', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Critical' # Defaults to 'Info' minimum_severity == '' ? (http_body[:minimum_severity] = 'Info') : (http_body[:minimum_severity] = minimum_severity) else raise "Unknown minimum severity: #{opts[:minimum_severity]}. Options are Info||Low||Medium||High||Critical'" end # Defaults to Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') opts[:scan_date] ? (http_body[:scan_date] = opts[:scan_date]) : (http_body[:scan_date] = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')) # Defaults to false opts[:verified] ? (http_body[:verified] = true) : (http_body[:verified] = false) api_path = 'import-scan/' api_path = 'importscan/' if api_version == 'v1' rest_call( dd_obj: dd_obj, rest_call: api_path, http_method: :post, http_body: http_body ) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # reimportscan_response = PWN::Plugins::DefectDojo.reimportscan( # dd_obj: 'required - dd_obj returned from #login method', # engagement_name: 'required - name of engagement to associate w/ scan', # scan_type: 'required - type of scan importing (see /admin/dojo/test_type/ for listing)', # file: 'required - path of scan results file', # tags: 'optional - comma-delimited list of tag names to tie to scan for unique test resource_uri retrival', # test_resource_uri: 'optional - alternative to tag names to know which test to reimport', # minimum_severity: 'optional - minimum finding severity Info||Low||Medium||High||Critical (Defaults to Info)', # scan_date: 'optional - date in which scan was kicked off (defaults to now)', # verified: 'optional - flag finding as verified by a tester (defaults to false)' # ) public_class_method def self.reimportscan(opts = {}) http_body = {} dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] api_version = dd_obj[:api_version] # HTTP POST body options w/ optional params set to default values # Defaults to true http_body[:active] = true # Ok lets determine the resource_uri for the engagement name engagement_name = opts[:engagement_name].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub engagement_list = self.engagement_list(dd_obj: dd_obj) if api_version == 'v1' engagement_by_name_object = engagement_list[:objects].select do |engagement| engagement[:name] == engagement_name end # Should only ever return 1 result so we should be good here engagement_resource_uri = engagement_by_name_object.first[:resource_uri] end if api_version == 'v2' engagement_by_name_object = engagement_list[:results].select do |engagement| engagement[:name] == engagement_name end # Should only ever return 1 result so we should be good here engagement_resource_uri = engagement_by_name_object.first[:id] end # TODO: lookup scan_type for test resource_uri since the scan_type should never change http_body[:scan_type] = opts[:scan_type].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub # Necessary to upload file to remote host http_body[:multipart] = true http_body[:file] = File.new(opts[:file].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub, 'rb') if File.exist?(opts[:file].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub) # Ok lets determine the resource_uri for the test we're looking to remimport test_list = self.test_list(dd_obj: dd_obj) if api_version == 'v1' tests_by_engagement_object = test_list[:objects].select do |test| test[:engagement] == engagement_resource_uri end end if api_version == 'v2' tests_by_engagement_object = test_list[:results].select do |test| test[:engagement] == engagement_resource_uri end end tags = opts[:tags].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub # TODO: wait for solution to: # https://github.com/DefectDojo/django-DefectDojo/issues/457 # in order to obtain the unique test resource_uri # by searching tags for unique identifier (would be better to have a unique test names) http_body[:tags] = tags http_body[:test] = opts[:test_resource_uri] if opts[:test_resource_uri] minimum_severity = opts[:minimum_severity].to_s.strip.chomp.scrub.downcase.capitalize case minimum_severity when '', 'Info', 'Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Critical' # Defaults to 'Info' minimum_severity == '' ? (http_body[:minimum_severity] = 'Info') : (http_body[:minimum_severity] = minimum_severity) else raise "Unknown minimum severity: #{opts[:minimum_severity]}. Options are Info||Low||Medium||High||Critical'" end # Defaults to Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') opts[:scan_date] ? (http_body[:scan_date] = opts[:scan_date]) : (http_body[:scan_date] = Time.now.strftime('%Y/%m/%d')) # Defaults to false opts[:verified] ? (http_body[:verified] = true) : (http_body[:verified] = false) api_path = 'reimport-scan/' api_path = 'reimportscan/' if api_version == 'v1' rest_call( dd_obj: dd_obj, rest_call: api_path, http_method: :post, http_body: http_body ) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # finding_list = PWN::Plugins::DefectDojo.finding_list( # dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login method', # id: 'optional - retrieve single finding by id, otherwise return all' # ) public_class_method def self.finding_list(opts = {}) dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] opts[:id] ? (rest_call = "findings/#{opts[:id].to_i}") : (rest_call = 'findings') response = rest_call( dd_obj: dd_obj, rest_call: rest_call ) # Return array containing the post-authenticated DefectDojo REST API token JSON.parse(response, symbolize_names: true) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # user_list = PWN::Plugins::DefectDojo.user_list( # dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login method', # id: 'optional - retrieve single user by id, otherwise return all' # ) public_class_method def self.user_list(opts = {}) dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] opts[:id] ? (rest_call = "users/#{opts[:id].to_i}") : (rest_call = 'users') response = rest_call( dd_obj: dd_obj, rest_call: rest_call ) # Return array containing the post-authenticated DefectDojo REST API token JSON.parse(response, symbolize_names: true) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # tool_configuration_list = PWN::Plugins::DefectDojo.tool_configuration_list( # dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login method', # id: 'optional - retrieve single test by id, otherwise return all' # ) public_class_method def self.tool_configuration_list(opts = {}) dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] opts[:id] ? (rest_call = "tool_configurations/#{opts[:id].to_i}") : (rest_call = 'tool_configurations') response = rest_call( dd_obj: dd_obj, rest_call: rest_call ) # Return array containing the post-authenticated DefectDojo REST API token JSON.parse(response, symbolize_names: true) rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Supported Method Parameters:: # PWN::Plugins::DefectDojo.logout( # dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login method' # ) public_class_method def self.logout(opts = {}) dd_obj = opts[:dd_obj] @@logger.info('Logging out...') # TODO: Terminate Session if Possible via API Call dd_obj = nil rescue StandardError => e raise e end # Author(s):: 0day Inc. public_class_method def self.authors "AUTHOR(S): 0day Inc. " end # Display Usage for this Module public_class_method def self.help puts "USAGE: dd_obj = #{self}.login( url: 'required - url of DefectDojo Server', api_version: 'required - api version to use v1 || v2', username: 'required - username to AuthN w/ api v1)', api_key: 'optional - defect dojo api key (will prompt if nil)', proxy: 'optional - proxy all traffic through MITM proxy (defaults to nil)' ) product_list = #{self}.product_list( dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login_v1 method', id: 'optional - retrieve single product by id, otherwise return all' ) engagement_list = #{self}.engagement_list( dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login_v1 method', id: 'optional - retrieve single engagement by id, otherwise return all' ) engagement_create_response = #{self}.engagement_create( dd_obj: 'required - dd_obj returned from #login_v1 method', name: 'required - name of the engagement', description: 'optional - description of engagement', engagement_type: 'optional - type of engagement Interactive||CI/CD (defaults to CI/CD)', status: 'optional - status of the engagement In Progress || On Hold (defaults to In Progress)', lead_username: 'required - username of lead to tie to engagement', product_name: 'required - product name in which to create engagement', test_strategy: 'required - URL of test strategy documentation (e.g. OWASP ASVS URL)', orchestration_engine: 'optional - name of orchestration engine tied to CI/CD engagement', build_server: 'optional - name of build server tied to CI/CD engagement', scm_server: 'optional - name of SCM server tied to CI/CD engagement', api_test: 'optional - boolean to set an engagement as an api assessment (defaults to false)', pen_test: 'optional - boolean to set an engagement as a manual penetration test (defaults to false)', threat_model: 'optional - boolean to set an engagement as a threat model (defaults to false)', check_list: 'optional - boolean to set an engagement as a checkbox assessment (defaults to false)', first_contacted: 'optional - date of engagement request e.g. 2018-06-18 (Defaults to current day)', target_start: 'optional - date to start enagement e.g. 2018-06-19 (Defaults to current day)', target_end: 'optional - date of engagement completion e.g. 2018-06-20 (Defaults to current day)' ) test_list = #{self}.test_list( dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login_v1 method', id: 'optional - retrieve single test by id, otherwise return all' ) importscan_response = #{self}.importscan( dd_obj: 'required - dd_obj returned from #login_v1 method', engagement_name: 'required - name of engagement to associate w/ scan', scan_type: 'required - type of scan importing (see /admin/dojo/test_type/ for listing)', file: 'required - path of scan results file', lead_username: 'required - username of lead to tie to scan', tags: 'optional - comma-delimited list of tag names to tie to scan', minimum_severity: 'optional - minimum finding severity Info||Low||Medium||High||Critical (Defaults to Info)', scan_date: 'optional - date in which scan was kicked off (defaults to now)', verified: 'optional - flag finding as verified by a tester (defaults to false)' ) reimportscan_response = #{self}.reimportscan( dd_obj: 'required - dd_obj returned from #login_v1 method', engagement_name: 'required - name of engagement to associate w/ scan', scan_type: 'required - type of scan importing (see /admin/dojo/test_type/ for listing)', file: 'required - path of scan results file', tags: 'optional - comma-delimited list of tag names to tie to scan for unique test resource_uri retrival', test_resource_uri: 'optional - alternative to tag names to know which test to reimport', minimum_severity: 'optional - minimum finding severity Info||Low||Medium||High||Critical (Defaults to Info)', scan_date: 'optional - date in which scan was kicked off (defaults to now)', verified: 'optional - flag finding as verified by a tester (defaults to false)' ) finding_list = #{self}.finding_list( dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login_v1 method', id: 'optional - retrieve single finding by id, otherwise return all' ) user_list = #{self}.user_list( dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login_v1 method', id: 'optional - retrieve single user by id, otherwise return all' ) tool_configuration_list = #{self}.tool_configuration_list( dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login_v1 method', id: 'optional - retrieve single test by id, otherwise return all' ) #{self}.logout( dd_obj: 'required dd_obj returned from #login_v1 or #login_v2 method' ) #{self}.authors " end end end end