require 'highline' require 'logger' require 'thor' require 'pathname' require 'kpm/version' module KPM module Tasks def self.included(base) base.send :include, ::Thor::Actions base.class_eval do desc 'KPM version', 'Return current KPM version.' def version say "KPM version #{KPM::VERSION}" end class_option :overrides, :type => :hash, :default => nil, :desc => "A hashed list of overrides. Available options are 'url', 'repository', 'username', and 'password'." class_option :ssl_verify, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => 'Set to false to disable SSL Verification.' method_option :force_download, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force download of the artifact even if it exists' method_option :verify_sha1, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => 'Validate sha1 sum' desc 'install config_file', 'Install Kill Bill server and plugins according to the specified YAML configuration file.' def install(config_file=nil) help = Installer.from_file(config_file).install(options[:force_download], options[:verify_sha1]) say help, :green unless help.nil? end method_option :destination, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'A different folder other than the default bundles directory.' method_option :force, :type => :boolean, :default => nil, :desc => 'Don\'t ask for confirmation while deleting multiple versions of a plugin.' desc 'uninstall plugin', 'Uninstall the specified plugin, identified by its name or key, from current deployment' def uninstall(plugin) say 'Done!' if[:destination]).uninstall_plugin(plugin, options[:force]) end method_option :destination, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'A different folder other than the current working directory.' method_option :bundles_dir, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'The location where bundles will be installed (along with sha1 file)' method_option :force_download, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force download of the artifact even if it exists' method_option :verify_sha1, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => 'Validate sha1 sum' desc 'pull_kb_server_war ', 'Pulls Kill Bill server war from Sonatype and places it on your machine. If version was not specified it uses the latest released version.' def pull_kb_server_war(version='LATEST') installer =, options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]) response = installer.install_killbill_server(KillbillServerArtifact::KILLBILL_GROUP_ID, KillbillServerArtifact::KILLBILL_ARTIFACT_ID, KillbillServerArtifact::KILLBILL_PACKAGING, KillbillServerArtifact::KILLBILL_CLASSIFIER, version, options[:destination], options[:bundles_dir], options[:force_download], options[:verify_sha1]) say "Artifact has been retrieved and can be found at path: #{response[:file_path]}", :green end desc 'search_for_kb_server', 'Searches for all versions of Kill Bill server and prints them to the screen.' def search_for_kb_server say "Available versions: #{KillbillServerArtifact.versions(KillbillServerArtifact::KILLBILL_ARTIFACT_ID, KillbillServerArtifact::KILLBILL_PACKAGING, KillbillServerArtifact::KILLBILL_CLASSIFIER, options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]).to_a.join(', ')}", :green end method_option :destination, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'A different folder other than the current working directory.' method_option :bundles_dir, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'The location where bundles will be installed (along with sha1 file)' method_option :force_download, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force download of the artifact even if it exists' method_option :verify_sha1, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => 'Validates sha1 sum' desc 'pull_kp_server_war ', 'Pulls Kill Pay server war from Sonatype and places it on your machine. If version was not specified it uses the latest released version.' def pull_kp_server_war(version='LATEST') installer =, options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]) response = installer.install_killbill_server(KillbillServerArtifact::KILLBILL_GROUP_ID, KillbillServerArtifact::KILLPAY_ARTIFACT_ID, KillbillServerArtifact::KILLPAY_PACKAGING, KillbillServerArtifact::KILLPAY_CLASSIFIER, version, options[:destination], options[:bundles_dir], options[:force_download], options[:verify_sha1]) say "Artifact has been retrieved and can be found at path: #{response[:file_path]}", :green end desc 'search_for_kp_server', 'Searches for all versions of Kill Pay server and prints them to the screen.' def search_for_kp_server say "Available versions: #{KillbillServerArtifact.versions(KillbillServerArtifact::KILLPAY_ARTIFACT_ID, KillbillServerArtifact::KILLPAY_PACKAGING, KillbillServerArtifact::KILLPAY_CLASSIFIER, options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]).to_a.join(', ')}", :green end method_option :group_id, :type => :string, :default => KillbillPluginArtifact::KILLBILL_JAVA_PLUGIN_GROUP_ID, :desc => 'The plugin artifact group-id' method_option :artifact_id, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'The plugin artifact id' method_option :version, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'The plugin artifact version' method_option :packaging, :type => :string, :default => KillbillPluginArtifact::KILLBILL_JAVA_PLUGIN_PACKAGING, :desc => 'The plugin artifact packaging' method_option :classifier, :type => :string, :default => KillbillPluginArtifact::KILLBILL_JAVA_PLUGIN_CLASSIFIER, :desc => 'The plugin artifact classifier' method_option :from_source_file, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'Specify the plugin jar that should be used for the installation.' method_option :destination, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'A different folder other than the current working directory.' method_option :force_download, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force download of the artifact even if it exists' method_option :sha1_file, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'Location of the sha1 file' method_option :verify_sha1, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => 'Validates sha1 sum' desc 'install_java_plugin plugin-key ', 'Pulls a java plugin from Sonatype and installs it under the specified destination. If the kb-version has been specified, it is used to download the matching plugin artifact version; if not, it uses the specified plugin version or if null, the LATEST one.' def install_java_plugin(plugin_key, kb_version='LATEST') installer =, options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]) if options[:from_source_file].nil? response = installer.install_plugin(plugin_key, kb_version, options[:group_id], options[:artifact_id], options[:packaging], options[:classifier], options[:version], options[:destination], 'java', options[:force_download], options[:verify_sha1], false) else response = installer.install_plugin_from_fs(plugin_key, options[:from_source_file], nil, options[:version], options[:destination], 'java') end say "Artifact has been retrieved and can be found at path: #{response[:file_path]}", :green end method_option :group_id, :type => :string, :default => KillbillPluginArtifact::KILLBILL_RUBY_PLUGIN_GROUP_ID, :desc => 'The plugin artifact group-id' method_option :artifact_id, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'The plugin artifact id' method_option :version, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'The plugin artifact version' method_option :packaging, :type => :string, :default => KillbillPluginArtifact::KILLBILL_RUBY_PLUGIN_PACKAGING, :desc => 'The plugin artifact packaging' method_option :classifier, :type => :string, :default => KillbillPluginArtifact::KILLBILL_RUBY_PLUGIN_CLASSIFIER, :desc => 'The plugin artifact classifier' method_option :from_source_file, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'Specify the ruby plugin archive that should be used for the installation.' method_option :destination, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'A different folder other than the current working directory.' method_option :force_download, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force download of the artifact even if it exists' method_option :sha1_file, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'Location of the sha1 file' method_option :verify_sha1, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => 'Validates sha1 sum' desc 'install_ruby_plugin plugin-key ', 'Pulls a ruby plugin from Sonatype and installs it under the specified destination. If the kb-version has been specified, it is used to download the matching plugin artifact version; if not, it uses the specified plugin version or if null, the LATEST one.' def install_ruby_plugin(plugin_key, kb_version='LATEST') installer =, options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]) if options[:from_source_file].nil? response = installer.install_plugin(plugin_key, kb_version, options[:group_id], options[:artifact_id], options[:packaging], options[:classifier], options[:version], options[:destination], 'ruby', options[:force_download], options[:verify_sha1], true) else response = installer.install_plugin_from_fs(plugin_key, options[:from_source_file], nil, nil, options[:destination], 'ruby') end say "Artifact has been retrieved and can be found at path: #{response[:file_path]}", :green end method_option :destination, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'A different folder other than the default bundles directory.' method_option :force_download, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force download of the artifact even if it exists' method_option :verify_sha1, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => 'Validates sha1 sum' desc 'pull_defaultbundles ', 'Pulls the default OSGI bundles from Sonatype and places it on your machine. If the kb-version has been specified, it is used to download the matching platform artifact; if not, it uses the latest released version.' def pull_defaultbundles(kb_version='LATEST') response =, options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]) .install_default_bundles(options[:destination], nil, kb_version, options[:force_download], options[:verify_sha1]) say "Artifact has been retrieved and can be found at path: #{response[:file_path]}", :green end desc 'search_for_plugins', 'Searches for all available plugins and prints them to the screen.' def search_for_plugins all_plugins = KillbillPluginArtifact.versions(options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]) result = '' all_plugins.each do |type, plugins| result << "Available #{type} plugins:\n" Hash[plugins.sort].each do |name, versions| result << " #{name}: #{versions.to_a.join(', ')}\n" end end say result, :green end method_option :destination, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'A different folder other than the current working directory.' method_option :force_download, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Force download of the artifact even if it exists' method_option :sha1_file, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'Location of the sha1 file' method_option :verify_sha1, :type => :boolean, :default => true, :desc => 'Validates sha1 sum' desc 'pull_kaui_war ', 'Pulls Kaui war from Sonatype and places it on your machine. If version was not specified it uses the latest released version.' def pull_kaui_war(version='LATEST') response = KauiArtifact.pull(logger, KauiArtifact::KAUI_GROUP_ID, KauiArtifact::KAUI_ARTIFACT_ID, KauiArtifact::KAUI_PACKAGING, KauiArtifact::KAUI_CLASSIFIER, version, options[:destination], options[:sha1_file], options[:force_download], options[:verify_sha1], options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]) say "Artifact has been retrieved and can be found at path: #{response[:file_path]}", :green end desc 'search_for_kaui', 'Searches for all versions of Kaui and prints them to the screen.' def search_for_kaui say "Available versions: #{KauiArtifact.versions(options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]).to_a.join(', ')}", :green end method_option :version, :type => :string, :default => 'LATEST', :desc => 'Kill Bill version' desc 'info', 'Describe information about a Kill Bill version' def info say "Fetching info for version #{options[:version]}...\n" versions_info =[:version], options[:overrides], options[:ssl_verify]) say "Dependencies for version #{options[:version]}\n " + ( {|k,v| "#{k} #{v}"}).join("\n "), :green say "\n\n" resolved_kb_version = versions_info['killbill'] kb_version = resolved_kb_version.split('.').slice(0,2).join(".") plugins_info = KPM::PluginsDirectory.list_plugins(true, kb_version) say "Known plugin for KB version #{options[:version]}\n " + ( {|k,v| "#{k} #{v}"}).join("\n "), :green end method_option :destination, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'Folder where to download migration files.' method_option :token, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'GitHub OAuth token.' desc 'migrations repository from to', 'Download migration files for Kill Bill or a plugin' def migrations(repository, from, to = nil) full_repo = repository.include?('/') ? repository : "killbill/#{repository}" dir =, to, full_repo, options[:token], logger).save(options[:destination]) say (dir.nil? ? 'No migration required' : "Migrations can be found at #{dir}"), :green end method_option :destination, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'A different folder other than the default bundles directory.' desc 'inspect', 'Inspect current deployment' def inspect inspector = puts options[:destination] all_plugins = inspector.inspect(options[:destination]) #puts all_plugins.to_json inspector.format(all_plugins) end method_option :bundles_dir, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'A different folder other than the default bundles directory.' method_option :config_file, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'KPM configuration file (yml file)' method_option :as_json, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Set the output format as JSON when true' method_option :kaui_web_path, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'Path for the KAUI web app' method_option :killbill_web_path, :type => :string, :default => nil, :desc => 'Path for the killbill web app' desc 'system', 'Gather information about the system' def system system = system.information(options[:bundles_dir], options[:as_json], options[:config_file], options[:kaui_web_path], options[:killbill_web_path]) end map :pull_ruby_plugin => :install_ruby_plugin, :pull_java_plugin => :install_java_plugin private def logger logger = logger.level = Logger::INFO logger end end end end end