/* histogram3d_source.c Ruby/GSL: Ruby extension library for GSL (GNU Scientific Library) (C) Copyright 2001-2006 by Yoshiki Tsunesada Ruby/GSL is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. */ /* This source code is created modifying gsl-1.5/histogram/ *2d.c */ #include "rb_gsl_histogram.h" mygsl_histogram3d* mygsl_histogram3d_alloc(const size_t nx, const size_t ny, const size_t nz) { mygsl_histogram3d *h = NULL; if (nx == 0) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("histogram3d length nx must be positive integer", GSL_EDOM, 0); if (ny == 0) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("histogram3d length ny must be positive integer", GSL_EDOM, 0); if (nz == 0) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("histogram3d length nz must be positive integer", GSL_EDOM, 0); h = (mygsl_histogram3d *) malloc(sizeof(mygsl_histogram3d)); if (h == NULL) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for histogram3d struct", GSL_ENOMEM, 0); h->xrange = (double *) malloc ((nx + 1) * sizeof (double)); if (h->xrange == 0) { free (h); /* exception in constructor, avoid memory leak */ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for histogram3d x ranges", GSL_ENOMEM, 0); } h->yrange = (double *) malloc ((ny + 1) * sizeof (double)); if (h->yrange == 0) { free (h->xrange); free (h); /* exception in constructor, avoid memory leak */ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for histogram3d y ranges", GSL_ENOMEM, 0); } h->zrange = (double *) malloc ((nz + 1) * sizeof (double)); if (h->zrange == 0) { free (h->xrange); free (h->yrange); free (h); /* exception in constructor, avoid memory leak */ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for histogram3d z ranges", GSL_ENOMEM, 0); } h->bin = (double *) malloc (nx*ny*nz*sizeof (double)); if (h->bin == 0) { free (h->xrange); free (h->yrange); free (h->zrange); free (h); /* exception in constructor, avoid memory leak */ GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate space for histogram bins", GSL_ENOMEM, 0); } h->nx = nx; h->ny = ny; h->nz = nz; return h; } mygsl_histogram3d* mygsl_histogram3d_calloc_uniform(const size_t nx, const size_t ny, const size_t nz, const double xmin, const double xmax, const double ymin, const double ymax, const double zmin, const double zmax) { mygsl_histogram3d *h; size_t i; h = mygsl_histogram3d_alloc(nx, ny, nz); for (i = 0; i < nx + 1; i++) h->xrange[i] = xmin + ((double) i / (double) nx) * (xmax - xmin); for (i = 0; i < ny + 1; i++) h->yrange[i] = ymin + ((double) i / (double) ny) * (ymax - ymin); for (i = 0; i < nz + 1; i++) h->zrange[i] = zmin + ((double) i / (double) nz) * (zmax - zmin); return h; } mygsl_histogram3d* mygsl_histogram3d_calloc(const size_t nx, const size_t ny, const size_t nz) { mygsl_histogram3d *h; size_t i; h = mygsl_histogram3d_alloc(nx, ny, nz); for (i = 0; i < nx + 1; i++) h->xrange[i] = i; for (i = 0; i < ny + 1; i++) h->yrange[i] = i; for (i = 0; i < nz + 1; i++) h->zrange[i] = i; for (i = 0; i < nx*ny*nz; i++) h->bin[i] = 0; return h; } int mygsl_histogram3d_set_ranges_uniform (mygsl_histogram3d * h, double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax) { size_t i; const size_t nx = h->nx, ny = h->ny, nz = h->nz; if (xmin >= xmax) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("xmin must be less than xmax", GSL_EINVAL, 0); if (ymin >= ymax) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("ymin must be less than ymax", GSL_EINVAL, 0); if (zmin >= zmax) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("zmin must be less than zmax", GSL_EINVAL, 0); for (i = 0; i <= nx; i++) h->xrange[i] = xmin + ((double) i / (double) nx) * (xmax - xmin); for (i = 0; i <= ny; i++) h->yrange[i] = ymin + ((double) i / (double) ny) * (ymax - ymin); for (i = 0; i <= nz; i++) h->zrange[i] = zmin + ((double) i / (double) nz) * (zmax - zmin); for (i = 0; i < nx*ny*nz; i++) h->bin[i] = 0; return GSL_SUCCESS; } int mygsl_histogram3d_set_ranges(mygsl_histogram3d * h, const double xrange[], size_t xsize, const double yrange[], size_t ysize, const double zrange[], size_t zsize) { size_t i; const size_t nx = h->nx, ny = h->ny, nz = h->nz; if (xsize != (nx + 1)) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("size of xrange must match size of histogram", GSL_EINVAL, 0); if (ysize != (ny + 1)) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("size of yrange must match size of histogram", GSL_EINVAL, 0); if (zsize != (nz + 1)) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("size of yrange must match size of histogram", GSL_EINVAL, 0); memcpy(h->xrange, xrange, sizeof(double)*xsize); memcpy(h->yrange, yrange, sizeof(double)*ysize); memcpy(h->zrange, zrange, sizeof(double)*zsize); for (i = 0; i < nx*ny*nz; i++) h->bin[i] = 0; return GSL_SUCCESS; } void mygsl_histogram3d_free (mygsl_histogram3d * h) { free (h->xrange); free (h->yrange); free (h->zrange); free (h->bin); free (h); } /*****/ int mygsl_histogram3d_memcpy(mygsl_histogram3d * dest, const mygsl_histogram3d * src) { size_t nx = src->nx; size_t ny = src->ny; size_t nz = src->nz; if (dest->nx != src->nx || dest->ny != src->ny || dest->nz != src->nz) { GSL_ERROR ("histograms have different sizes, cannot copy", GSL_EINVAL); } memcpy(dest->xrange, src->xrange, sizeof(double)*(nx+1)); memcpy(dest->yrange, src->yrange, sizeof(double)*(ny+1)); memcpy(dest->zrange, src->zrange, sizeof(double)*(nz+1)); memcpy(dest->bin, src->bin, sizeof(double)*nx*ny*nz); return GSL_SUCCESS; } mygsl_histogram3d* mygsl_histogram3d_clone(const mygsl_histogram3d * src) { mygsl_histogram3d *h; h = mygsl_histogram3d_alloc(src->nx, src->ny, src->nz); mygsl_histogram3d_memcpy(h, src); return h; } /*****/ int mygsl_histogram3d_fread(FILE * stream, mygsl_histogram3d * h) { int status = gsl_block_raw_fread (stream, h->xrange, h->nx + 1, 1); if (status) return status; status = gsl_block_raw_fread (stream, h->yrange, h->ny + 1, 1); if (status) return status; status = gsl_block_raw_fread (stream, h->zrange, h->nz + 1, 1); if (status) return status; status = gsl_block_raw_fread (stream, h->bin, h->nx * h->ny * h->nz, 1); return status; } int mygsl_histogram3d_fwrite(FILE * stream, const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { int status = gsl_block_raw_fwrite (stream, h->xrange, h->nx + 1, 1); if (status) return status; status = gsl_block_raw_fwrite (stream, h->yrange, h->ny + 1, 1); if (status) return status; status = gsl_block_raw_fwrite (stream, h->zrange, h->nz + 1, 1); if (status) return status; status = gsl_block_raw_fwrite (stream, h->bin, h->nx * h->ny * h->nz, 1); return status; } int mygsl_histogram3d_increment(mygsl_histogram3d * h, double x, double y, double z) { int status = mygsl_histogram3d_accumulate (h, x, y, z, 1.0); return status; } int mygsl_find (const size_t n, const double range[], const double x, size_t * i); int mygsl_find2d (const size_t nx, const double xrange[], const size_t ny, const double yrange[], const double x, const double y, size_t * i, size_t * j); int mygsl_find3d (const size_t nx, const double xrange[], const size_t ny, const double yrange[], const size_t nz, const double zrange[], const double x, const double y, const double z, size_t * i, size_t * j, size_t *k); int mygsl_histogram3d_accumulate(mygsl_histogram3d * h, double x, double y, double z, double weight) { const size_t nx = h->nx; const size_t ny = h->ny; const size_t nz = h->nz; size_t i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; int status = mygsl_find3d (h->nx, h->xrange, h->ny, h->yrange, h->nz, h->zrange, x, y, z, &i, &j, &k); if (status) return GSL_EDOM; if (i >= nx) GSL_ERROR ("index lies outside valid range of 0 .. nx - 1", GSL_ESANITY); if (j >= ny) GSL_ERROR ("index lies outside valid range of 0 .. ny - 1", GSL_ESANITY); if (k >= nz) GSL_ERROR ("index lies outside valid range of 0 .. nz - 1", GSL_ESANITY); h->bin[i*ny*nz + j*nz + k] += weight; return GSL_SUCCESS; } int mygsl_histogram3d_increment2(mygsl_histogram3d * h, double x, double y, double z) { return mygsl_histogram3d_accumulate2(h, x, y, z, 1.0); } int mygsl_histogram3d_accumulate2(mygsl_histogram3d * h, double x, double y, double z, double weight) { const size_t nx = h->nx; const size_t ny = h->ny; const size_t nz = h->nz; size_t i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; int status; if (x < h->xrange[0]) x = h->xrange[0] + 4*GSL_DBL_EPSILON; if (x > h->xrange[h->nx]) x = h->xrange[h->nx] - 4*GSL_DBL_EPSILON; if (y < h->yrange[0]) y = h->yrange[0] + 4*GSL_DBL_EPSILON; if (y > h->yrange[h->ny]) y = h->yrange[h->ny] - 4*GSL_DBL_EPSILON; if (z < h->zrange[0]) z = h->zrange[0] + 4*GSL_DBL_EPSILON; if (z > h->zrange[h->nz]) z = h->zrange[h->nz] - 4*GSL_DBL_EPSILON; status = mygsl_find3d (h->nx, h->xrange, h->ny, h->yrange, h->nz, h->zrange, x, y, z, &i, &j, &k); if (status) return GSL_EDOM; if (i >= nx) GSL_ERROR ("index lies outside valid range of 0 .. nx - 1", GSL_ESANITY); if (j >= ny) GSL_ERROR ("index lies outside valid range of 0 .. ny - 1", GSL_ESANITY); if (k >= nz) GSL_ERROR ("index lies outside valid range of 0 .. nz - 1", GSL_ESANITY); h->bin[i*ny*nz + j*nz + k] += weight; return GSL_SUCCESS; } double mygsl_histogram3d_get(const mygsl_histogram3d * h, const size_t i, const size_t j, const size_t k) { const size_t nx = h->nx; const size_t ny = h->ny; const size_t nz = h->nz; if (i >= nx) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("index i lies outside valid range of 0 .. nx - 1", GSL_EDOM, 0); if (j >= ny) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("index j lies outside valid range of 0 .. ny - 1", GSL_EDOM, 0); if (k >= nz) GSL_ERROR_VAL ("index k lies outside valid range of 0 .. nz - 1", GSL_EDOM, 0); return h->bin[i*ny*nz + j*nz + k]; } int mygsl_histogram3d_get_xrange(const mygsl_histogram3d * h, const size_t i, double *xlower, double *xupper) { const size_t nx = h->nx; if (i >= nx) GSL_ERROR ("index i lies outside valid range of 0 .. nx - 1", GSL_EDOM); *xlower = h->xrange[i]; *xupper = h->xrange[i + 1]; return GSL_SUCCESS; } int mygsl_histogram3d_get_yrange(const mygsl_histogram3d * h, const size_t j, double *ylower, double *yupper) { const size_t ny = h->ny; if (j >= ny) GSL_ERROR ("index j lies outside valid range of 0 .. ny - 1", GSL_EDOM); *ylower = h->yrange[j]; *yupper = h->yrange[j + 1]; return GSL_SUCCESS; } int mygsl_histogram3d_get_zrange(const mygsl_histogram3d * h, const size_t k, double *zlower, double *zupper) { const size_t nz = h->nz; if (k >= nz) GSL_ERROR ("index k lies outside valid range of 0 .. nz - 1", GSL_EDOM); *zlower = h->zrange[k]; *zupper = h->zrange[k + 1]; return GSL_SUCCESS; } int mygsl_histogram3d_find (const mygsl_histogram3d * h, const double x, const double y, const double z, size_t * i, size_t * j, size_t *k) { int status = mygsl_find(h->nx, h->xrange, x, i); if (status) GSL_ERROR ("x not found in range of h", GSL_EDOM); status = mygsl_find (h->ny, h->yrange, y, j); if (status) GSL_ERROR ("y not found in range of h", GSL_EDOM); status = mygsl_find (h->nz, h->zrange, z, k); if (status) GSL_ERROR ("z not found in range of h", GSL_EDOM); return GSL_SUCCESS; } gsl_histogram2d* mygsl_histogram3d_xyproject(const mygsl_histogram3d * h3, size_t kstart, size_t kend) { gsl_histogram2d *h2; double count; size_t i, j, k; h2 = gsl_histogram2d_calloc(h3->nx, h3->ny); gsl_histogram2d_set_ranges(h2, h3->xrange, h3->nx+1, h3->yrange, h3->ny+1); for (i = 0; i < h3->nx; i++) { for (j = 0; j < h3->ny; j++) { count = 0; for (k = kstart; k <= kend; k++) { if (k >= h3->nz) break; count += mygsl_histogram3d_get(h3, i, j, k); } h2->bin[i*h2->ny + j] = count; } } return h2; } gsl_histogram2d* mygsl_histogram3d_xzproject(const mygsl_histogram3d * h3, size_t jstart, size_t jend) { gsl_histogram2d *h2; double count; size_t i, j, k; h2 = gsl_histogram2d_calloc(h3->nx, h3->nz); gsl_histogram2d_set_ranges(h2, h3->xrange, h3->nx+1, h3->zrange, h3->nz+1); for (i = 0; i < h3->nx; i++) { for (k = 0; k < h3->nz; k++) { count = 0; for (j = jstart; j <= jend; j++) { if (j >= h3->ny) break; count += mygsl_histogram3d_get(h3, i, j, k); } h2->bin[i*h2->ny + k] = count; } } return h2; } gsl_histogram2d* mygsl_histogram3d_yzproject(const mygsl_histogram3d * h3, size_t istart, size_t iend) { gsl_histogram2d *h2; double count; size_t i, j, k; h2 = gsl_histogram2d_calloc(h3->ny, h3->nz); gsl_histogram2d_set_ranges(h2, h3->yrange, h3->ny+1, h3->zrange, h3->nz+1); for (j = 0; j < h3->ny; j++) { for (k = 0; k < h3->nz; k++) { count = 0; for (i = istart; i <= iend; i++) { if (i >= h3->nx) break; count += mygsl_histogram3d_get(h3, i, j, k); } h2->bin[j*h2->ny + k] = count; } } return h2; } int mygsl_histogram3d_scale(mygsl_histogram3d * h, double scale) { size_t i, n; n = h->nx*h->ny*h->nz; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) h->bin[i] *= scale; return GSL_SUCCESS; } int mygsl_histogram3d_shift(mygsl_histogram3d * h, double shift) { size_t i, n; n = h->nx*h->ny*h->nz; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) h->bin[i] += shift; return GSL_SUCCESS; } double mygsl_histogram3d_xmax(const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const int nx = h->nx; return h->xrange[nx]; } double mygsl_histogram3d_xmin(const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { return h->xrange[0]; } double mygsl_histogram3d_ymax(const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const int ny = h->ny; return h->yrange[ny]; } double mygsl_histogram3d_ymin(const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { return h->yrange[0]; } double mygsl_histogram3d_zmax(const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const int nz = h->nz; return h->zrange[nz]; } double mygsl_histogram3d_zmin(const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { return h->zrange[0]; } double mygsl_histogram3d_max_val(const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const size_t nx = h->nx; const size_t ny = h->ny; const size_t nz = h->nz; size_t i; double max = h->bin[0]; for (i = 0; i < nx*ny*nz; i++) { if (h->bin[i] > max) max = h->bin[i]; } return max; } void mygsl_histogram3d_max_bin(const mygsl_histogram3d * h, size_t *imax_out, size_t *jmax_out, size_t *kmax_out) { const size_t nx = h->nx; const size_t ny = h->ny; const size_t nz = h->nz; size_t imax = 0, jmax = 0, kmax = 0, i, j, k; double max = h->bin[0], x; for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { for (k = 0; k < nz; k++) { x = h->bin[i * ny*nz + j*nz + k]; if (x > max) { max = x; imax = i; jmax = j; kmax = k; } } } } *imax_out = imax; *jmax_out = jmax; *kmax_out = kmax; } double mygsl_histogram3d_min_val(const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const size_t nx = h->nx; const size_t ny = h->ny; const size_t nz = h->nz; size_t i; double min = h->bin[0]; for (i = 0; i < nx*ny*nz; i++) { if (h->bin[i] < min) min = h->bin[i]; } return min; } void mygsl_histogram3d_min_bin(const mygsl_histogram3d * h, size_t *imin_out, size_t *jmin_out, size_t *kmin_out) { const size_t nx = h->nx; const size_t ny = h->ny; const size_t nz = h->nz; size_t imin = 0, jmin = 0, kmin = 0, i, j, k; double min = h->bin[0], x; for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { for (k = 0; k < nz; k++) { x = h->bin[i * ny*nz + j*nz + k]; if (x < min) { min = x; imin = i; jmin = j; kmin = k; } } } } *imin_out = imin; *jmin_out = jmin; *kmin_out = kmin; } double mygsl_histogram3d_sum (const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const size_t n = h->nx*h->ny*h->nz; double sum = 0; size_t i = 0; while (i < n) sum += h->bin[i++]; return sum; } double mygsl_histogram3d_xmean (const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const size_t nx = h->nx; const size_t ny = h->ny; const size_t nz = h->nz; size_t i, j, k; double wmean = 0; double W = 0; for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { double xi = (h->xrange[i + 1] + h->xrange[i]) / 2.0; double wi = 0; for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { for (k = 0; k < nz; k++) { double wijk = h->bin[i * ny *nz + j * nz + k]; if (wijk > 0) wi += wijk; } } if (wi > 0) { W += wi; wmean += (xi - wmean) * (wi / W); } } return wmean; } double mygsl_histogram3d_ymean (const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const size_t nx = h->nx; const size_t ny = h->ny; const size_t nz = h->nz; size_t i, j, k; double wmean = 0; double W = 0; for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { double yj = (h->yrange[j + 1] + h->yrange[j]) / 2.0; double wj = 0; for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (k = 0; k < nz; k++) { double wijk = h->bin[i * ny *nz + j * nz + k]; if (wijk > 0) wj += wijk; } } if (wj > 0) { W += wj; wmean += (yj - wmean) * (wj / W); } } return wmean; } double mygsl_histogram3d_zmean (const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const size_t nx = h->nx; const size_t ny = h->ny; const size_t nz = h->nz; size_t i, j, k; double wmean = 0; double W = 0; for (k = 0; k < nz; k++) { double zk = (h->zrange[k + 1] + h->zrange[k]) / 2.0; double wk = 0; for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { double wijk = h->bin[i * ny *nz + j * nz + k]; if (wijk > 0) wk += wijk; } } if (wk > 0) { W += wk; wmean += (zk - wmean) * (wk / W); } } return wmean; } double mygsl_histogram3d_xsigma(const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const double xmean = mygsl_histogram3d_xmean(h); const size_t nx = h->nx, ny = h->ny, nz = h->nz; size_t i, j, k; double wvariance = 0, W = 0; for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { double xi = (h->xrange[i + 1] + h->xrange[i]) / 2 - xmean; double wi = 0; for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { for (k = 0; k < nz; k++) { double wijk = h->bin[i * ny*nz + j*nz + k]; if (wijk > 0) wi += wijk; } } if (wi > 0) { W += wi; wvariance += ((xi * xi) - wvariance) * (wi / W); } } return sqrt(wvariance); } double mygsl_histogram3d_ysigma(const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const double ymean = mygsl_histogram3d_ymean(h); const size_t nx = h->nx, ny = h->ny, nz = h->nz; size_t i, j, k; double wvariance = 0, W = 0; for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { double yj = (h->yrange[j + 1] + h->yrange[j]) / 2 - ymean; double wj = 0; for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (k = 0; k < nz; k++) { double wjjk = h->bin[i * ny*nz + j*nz + k]; if (wjjk > 0) wj += wjjk; } } if (wj > 0) { W += wj; wvariance += ((yj * yj) - wvariance) * (wj / W); } } return sqrt(wvariance); } double mygsl_histogram3d_zsigma(const mygsl_histogram3d * h) { const double zmean = mygsl_histogram3d_zmean(h); const size_t nx = h->nx, ny = h->ny, nz = h->nz; size_t i, j, k; double wvariance = 0, W = 0; for (k = 0; k < nz; k++) { double zk = (h->zrange[k + 1] + h->zrange[k]) / 2 - zmean; double wk = 0; for (i = 0; i < nx; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { double wijk = h->bin[i * ny*nz + j*nz + k]; if (wijk > 0) wk += wijk; } } if (wk > 0) { W += wk; wvariance += ((zk * zk) - wvariance) * (wk / W); } } return sqrt(wvariance); } void mygsl_histogram3d_reset(mygsl_histogram3d * h) { size_t i; const size_t nx = h->nx; const size_t ny = h->ny; const size_t nz = h->nz; for (i = 0; i < nx * ny * nz; i++) { h->bin[i] = 0; } } int mygsl_histogram3d_equal_bins_p(const mygsl_histogram3d * h1, const mygsl_histogram3d * h2) { size_t i; if ((h1->nx != h2->nx) || (h1->ny != h2->ny) || (h1->nz != h2->nz)) return 0; for (i = 0; i <= h1->nx; i++) if (h1->xrange[i] != h2->xrange[i]) return 0; for (i = 0; i <= h1->ny; i++) if (h1->yrange[i] != h2->yrange[i]) return 0; for (i = 0; i <= h1->nz; i++) if (h1->zrange[i] != h2->zrange[i]) return 0; return 1; } int mygsl_histogram3d_add(mygsl_histogram3d * h1, const mygsl_histogram3d * h2) { size_t i; if (!mygsl_histogram3d_equal_bins_p(h1, h2)) GSL_ERROR ("histograms have different binning", GSL_EINVAL); for (i = 0; i < (h1->nx) * (h1->ny) * (h1->nz); i++) h1->bin[i] += h2->bin[i]; return GSL_SUCCESS; } int mygsl_histogram3d_sub(mygsl_histogram3d * h1, const mygsl_histogram3d * h2) { size_t i; if (!mygsl_histogram3d_equal_bins_p(h1, h2)) GSL_ERROR ("histograms have different binning", GSL_EINVAL); for (i = 0; i < (h1->nx) * (h1->ny) * (h1->nz); i++) h1->bin[i] -= h2->bin[i]; return GSL_SUCCESS; } int mygsl_histogram3d_mul(mygsl_histogram3d * h1, const mygsl_histogram3d * h2) { size_t i; if (!mygsl_histogram3d_equal_bins_p(h1, h2)) GSL_ERROR ("histograms have different binning", GSL_EINVAL); for (i = 0; i < (h1->nx) * (h1->ny) * (h1->nz); i++) h1->bin[i] *= h2->bin[i]; return GSL_SUCCESS; } int mygsl_histogram3d_div(mygsl_histogram3d * h1, const mygsl_histogram3d * h2) { size_t i; if (!mygsl_histogram3d_equal_bins_p(h1, h2)) GSL_ERROR ("histograms have different binning", GSL_EINVAL); for (i = 0; i < (h1->nx) * (h1->ny) * (h1->nz); i++) h1->bin[i] /= h2->bin[i]; return GSL_SUCCESS; }