#!/usr/bin/env ruby require "rubygems" Bundler.require(:default, "development") if defined?(Bundler) path = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../lib/") $LOAD_PATH.unshift(path) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(path) require path + '/spark_api' SparkApi.logger.info("Hello!") SparkApi.configure do |config| config.authentication_mode = SparkApi::Authentication::OpenIdOAuth2Hybrid config.api_key = "YOUR_CLIENT_ID" config.api_secret = "YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET" config.callback = "YOUR_REDIRECT_URI" config.auth_endpoint = "https://developers.sparkplatform.com/openid" config.endpoint = 'https://developers.sparkapi.com' end client = SparkApi.client # Step 1: # To get your code to post to /v1/oauth2/grant, send the end user to this URI, replacing the all-capped strings with # the CGI-escaped credentials for your key: # https://developers.sparkplatform.com/oauth2?response_type=code&client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&redirect_uri=YOUR_REDIRECT_URI # When the user has finished, they will land at: # YOUR_REDIRECT_URI?code=CODE. puts "Go here and log in to get your code: #{client.authenticator.authorization_url}" # Step 2: Uncomment the following, and add your code in place of CODE_FROM_ABOVE_URI # Hold on to the tokens. Unless you lose them, you can now pass in these # values until the access_token expires. #client.oauth2_provider.code = "CODE_FROM_ABOVE_URI" #client.authenticate #puts "Access Token: #{client.session.access_token}, Refresh Token: #{client.session.refresh_token}" # Step 3: Comment out Step 2, and uncomment the following. # Pass in your access_token and refresh_token to make authenticated requests to the API #client.session = SparkApi::Authentication::OAuthSession.new "access_token"=> "ACCESS_TOKEN", # "refresh_token" => "REFRESH_TOKEN", "expires_in" => 86400 # Step 2a and 3a: Uncomment with Step 3 and 4. # Make requests for authorized listing data #list = client.get '/contacts' #puts "client: #{list.inspect}" #list = SparkApi::Models::Contact.get #puts "model: #{list.inspect}"