/* Copyright (c) 2012-2017 The ANTLR Project. All rights reserved.
* Use of this file is governed by the BSD 3-clause license that
* can be found in the LICENSE.txt file in the project root.
#pragma once
#include "Exceptions.h"
namespace antlr4 {
/// The root of the ANTLR exception hierarchy. In general, ANTLR tracks just
/// 3 kinds of errors: prediction errors, failed predicate errors, and
/// mismatched input errors. In each case, the parser knows where it is
/// in the input, where it is in the ATN, the rule invocation stack,
/// and what kind of problem occurred.
class ANTLR4CPP_PUBLIC RecognitionException : public RuntimeException {
/// The Recognizer where this exception originated.
Recognizer *_recognizer;
IntStream *_input;
ParserRuleContext *_ctx;
/// The current Token when an error occurred. Since not all streams
/// support accessing symbols by index, we have to track the Token
/// instance itself.
Token *_offendingToken;
size_t _offendingState;
RecognitionException(Recognizer *recognizer, IntStream *input, ParserRuleContext *ctx,
Token *offendingToken = nullptr);
RecognitionException(const std::string &message, Recognizer *recognizer, IntStream *input,
ParserRuleContext *ctx, Token *offendingToken = nullptr);
RecognitionException(RecognitionException const&) = default;
RecognitionException& operator=(RecognitionException const&) = default;
/// Get the ATN state number the parser was in at the time the error
/// occurred. For NoViableAltException and
/// LexerNoViableAltException exceptions, this is the
/// DecisionState number. For others, it is the state whose outgoing
/// edge we couldn't match.
/// If the state number is not known, this method returns -1.
virtual size_t getOffendingState() const;
void setOffendingState(size_t offendingState);
/// Gets the set of input symbols which could potentially follow the
/// previously matched symbol at the time this exception was thrown.
/// If the set of expected tokens is not known and could not be computed,
/// this method returns an empty set.
/// @returns The set of token types that could potentially follow the current
/// state in the ATN, or an empty set if the information is not available.
virtual misc::IntervalSet getExpectedTokens() const;
/// Gets the at the time this exception was thrown.
/// If the context is not available, this method returns {@code null}.
/// The at the time this exception was thrown.
/// If the context is not available, this method returns {@code null}.
virtual RuleContext* getCtx() const;
/// Gets the input stream which is the symbol source for the recognizer where
/// this exception was thrown.
/// If the input stream is not available, this method returns {@code null}.
/// The input stream which is the symbol source for the recognizer
/// where this exception was thrown, or {@code null} if the stream is not
/// available.
virtual IntStream* getInputStream() const;
virtual Token* getOffendingToken() const;
/// Gets the where this exception occurred.
/// If the recognizer is not available, this method returns {@code null}.
/// The recognizer where this exception occurred, or {@code null} if
/// the recognizer is not available.
virtual Recognizer* getRecognizer() const;
void InitializeInstanceFields();
} // namespace antlr4