Unreleased Changes ------------------ 1.37.0 (2021-07-28) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.36.0 (2021-07-26) ------------------ * Feature - S3 Access Point aliases can be used anywhere you use S3 bucket names to access data in S3 1.35.0 (2021-07-22) ------------------ * Feature - Documentation updates for Amazon S3-control 1.34.0 (2021-06-03) ------------------ * Feature - Amazon S3 Batch Operations now supports S3 Bucket Keys. 1.33.0 (2021-05-11) ------------------ * Feature - Documentation updates for Amazon S3-control 1.32.0 (2021-03-24) ------------------ * Feature - Documentation updates for s3-control 1.31.0 (2021-03-18) ------------------ * Feature - S3 Object Lambda is a new S3 feature that enables users to apply their own custom code to process the output of a standard S3 GET request by automatically invoking a Lambda function with a GET request 1.30.0 (2021-03-10) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.29.0 (2021-03-08) ------------------ * Feature - Documentation updates for Amazon S3 1.28.0 (2021-02-23) ------------------ * Feature - Documentation updates for s3-control 1.27.0 (2021-02-02) ------------------ * Feature - Amazon S3 Batch Operations now supports Delete Object Tagging * Feature - Support PrivateLink using the client `:endpoint` option. This patch has several minor behavioral changes. 1) Any operation using the `outpost_id` parameter with a client configured with `:use_dualstack_endpoint` will now raise an `ArgumentError` as dualstack is not supported by S3 Outposts. 2) Fix a bug where clients configured with `:use_dualstack_endpoint` resolved to the wrong endpoint by not prefixing the account id to the host. 3) A client constructed using both `:use_dualstack_endpoint` and `:endpoint` will now raise an `ArgumentError`. 1.26.0 (2021-01-14) ------------------ * Feature - Amazon S3 Batch Operations now supports restoring objects from the S3 Intelligent-Tiering Archive Access and Deep Archive Access tiers. 1.25.0 (2020-11-18) ------------------ * Feature - AWS S3 Storage Lens provides visibility into your storage usage and activity trends at the organization or account level, with aggregations by Region, storage class, bucket, and prefix. 1.24.0 (2020-09-30) ------------------ * Feature - Amazon S3 on Outposts expands object storage to on-premises AWS Outposts environments, enabling you to store and retrieve objects using S3 APIs and features. * Feature - Support Outpost Access Point and Outpost Bucket ARNs. 1.23.0 (2020-09-15) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.22.0 (2020-08-25) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.21.0 (2020-06-23) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.20.1 (2020-06-11) ------------------ * Issue - Republish previous version with correct dependency on `aws-sdk-core`. 1.20.0 (2020-06-10) ------------------ * Issue - This version has been yanked. (#2327). * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.19.0 (2020-05-28) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.18.0 (2020-05-07) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.17.0 (2020-05-04) ------------------ * Feature - Amazon S3 Batch Operations now supports Object Lock. 1.16.0 (2020-03-16) ------------------ * Feature - Amazon S3 now supports Batch Operations job tagging. 1.15.0 (2020-03-09) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.14.0 (2019-12-03) ------------------ * Feature - Amazon S3 Access Points is a new S3 feature that simplifies managing data access at scale for shared data sets on Amazon S3. Access Points provide a customizable way to access the objects in a bucket, with a unique hostname and access policy that enforces the specific permissions and network controls for any request made through the access point. This represents a new way of provisioning access to shared data sets. 1.13.0 (2019-10-23) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.12.0 (2019-07-25) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.11.0 (2019-07-01) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.10.0 (2019-06-17) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.9.0 (2019-05-29) ------------------ * Feature - Code Generated Changes, see `./build_tools` or `aws-sdk-core`'s CHANGELOG.md for details. 1.8.0 (2019-05-21) ------------------ * Feature - API update. 1.7.0 (2019-05-15) ------------------ * Feature - API update. 1.6.0 (2019-05-14) ------------------ * Feature - API update. 1.5.0 (2019-04-30) ------------------ * Feature - API update. 1.4.0 (2019-03-21) ------------------ * Feature - API update. 1.3.0 (2019-03-18) ------------------ * Feature - API update. 1.2.0 (2019-03-14) ------------------ * Feature - API update. 1.1.0 (2018-11-20) ------------------ * Feature - Support S3 Control plugin working with endpoint trait. 1.0.1 (2018-11-16) ------------------ * Issue - Update version dependency on `aws-sdk-core` to support endpoint discovery. 1.0.0 (2018-11-15) ------------------ * Feature - Initial release of `aws-sdk-s3control`.