require 'fileutils' require 'cerberus/utils' require 'cerberus/constants' require 'cerberus/config' require 'cerberus/latch' require 'cerberus/component_lazy_loader' module Cerberus class AddCommand EXAMPLE_CONFIG = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config.example.yml') def initialize(path, cli_options = {}) @path, @cli_options = path, end def run scm_type = @cli_options[:scm] || Cerberus::SCM.guess_type(@path) || 'svn' scm = Cerberus::SCM.get(scm_type).new(@path,, @cli_options)) say "Can't find any #{scm_type} application under #{@path}" unless scm.url application_name = @cli_options[:application_name] || extract_project_name(@path) create_example_config config_name = "#{HOME}/config/#{application_name}.yml" say "Application #{application_name} already present in Cerberus" if File.exists?(config_name) app_config = { 'scm' => { 'url' => scm.url, 'type' => scm_type }, 'publisher' => {'mail' => {'recipients' => @cli_options[:recipients]}} } app_config['builder'] = {'type' => @cli_options[:builder]} if @cli_options[:builder] dump_yml(config_name, app_config) puts "Application '#{application_name}' has been added to Cerberus successfully" unless @cli_options[:quiet] end private def extract_project_name(path) path = File.expand_path(path) if test(?d, path) File.basename(path).strip.gsub( /\.git$/, '' ) end def create_example_config FileUtils.mkpath(HOME) unless test(?d, HOME) FileUtils.cp(EXAMPLE_CONFIG, CONFIG_FILE) unless test(?f, CONFIG_FILE) end end class RemoveCommand # DRY: this is ugly and needs refactoring. It duplicates functionality from other # classes a lot. def initialize(application_name, cli_options = {}) unless File.exists?("#{HOME}/config/#{application_name}.yml") say "Project '#{application_name}' does not exist in Cerberus. Type 'cerberus list' to see the list of all active projects." end @app_root = "#{HOME}/work/#{application_name}" def_options = {:application_root => @app_root, :application_name => application_name} @config =, cli_options.merge(def_options)) end def run application_name = @config[:application_name] config_name = "#{HOME}/config/#{application_name}.yml" if not File.exists?(config_name) say "Unknown application #{application_name}" exit(1) end FileUtils.rm_rf @config[:application_root] File.unlink config_name puts "Application '#{application_name}' removed." unless @config[:quiet] end end class BuildCommand attr_reader :builder, :success, :scm, :status, :setup_script_output DEFAULT_CONFIG = {:scm => {:type => 'svn'}, :log => {:enable => true}, :at_time => '* *', } def initialize(application_name, cli_options = {}) unless File.exists?("#{HOME}/config/#{application_name}.yml") say "Project '#{application_name}' does not exist in Cerberus. Type 'cerberus list' to see the list of all active projects." end app_root = "#{HOME}/work/#{application_name}" def_options = {:application_root => app_root + '/sources', :application_name => application_name} #pseudo options that stored in config. Could not be set in any config file not through CLI @config =, cli_options.merge(def_options)) @config.merge!(DEFAULT_CONFIG, false) @status ="#{app_root}/status.log") scm_type = @config[:scm, :type] @scm = SCM.get(scm_type).new(@config[:application_root], @config) say "Client for SCM '#{scm_type}' does not installed" unless @scm.installed? builder_type = get_configuration_option(@config[:builder], :type, :rake) @builder = Builder.get(builder_type).new(@config) end def run begin Latch.lock("#{HOME}/work/#{@config[:application_name]}/.lock", :lock_ttl => 2 * LOCK_WAIT) do @scm.update! if @scm.has_changes? or @config[:force] or @status.previous_build_successful.nil? Dir.chdir File.join(@config[:application_root], @config[:build_dir] || '') @setup_script_output = `#{@config[:setup_script]}` if @config[:setup_script] build_successful = @status.keep(build_successful, @scm.current_revision, @builder.brokeness) #Save logs to directory if @config[:log, :enable] log_dir = "#{HOME}/work/#{@config[:application_name]}/logs/" FileUtils.mkpath(log_dir) time ="%Y%m%d%H%M%S") file_name = "#{log_dir}/#{time}-#{@status.current_state.to_s}.log" body = [ @setup_script_output, scm.last_commit_message, builder.output ].join("\n\n") IO.write(file_name, body) end #send notifications active_publishers = get_configuration_option(@config[:publisher], :active, 'mail') active_publishers.split(/\W+/).each do |pub| publisher_config = @config[:publisher, pub] raise "Publisher have no configuration: #{pub}" unless publisher_config events = interpret_state(publisher_config[:on_event] || @config[:publisher, :on_event] || 'default') Publisher.get(pub, publisher_config).publish(@status, self, @config) if events.include?(@status.current_state) end #Process hooks hooks = @config[:hook] hooks.each_pair{|name, hook| events = interpret_state(hook[:on_event] || 'all', false) if events.include?(@status.current_state) `#{hook[:action]}` end } if hooks end end #lock rescue Exception => e if ENV['CERBERUS_ENV'] == 'TEST' raise e else"#{HOME}/error.log", File::WRONLY|File::APPEND|File::CREAT) do |f| f.puts"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S [#{@config[:application_name]}] -- #{e.class}") f.puts e.message unless e.message.empty? f.puts e.backtrace.collect{|line| ' '*5 + line} f.puts "\n" end end end end def run_time?(time) minute, hour = @config[:at_time].split say "Run time is configured wrong." if minute.nil? or hour.nil? if hour.cron_match?(time.hour) return minute.cron_match?(time.min) end return false end private def get_configuration_option(hash, defining_key = nil, default_option = nil) if hash return hash[defining_key] if hash[defining_key] return hash.keys[0] if hash.size == 1 end return default_option end end class BuildAllCommand def initialize(cli_options = {}) @cli_options = cli_options end def run threads = [] Dir["#{HOME}/config/*.yml"].each do |fn| fn =~ %r{#{HOME}/config/(.*).yml} application_name = $1 command =, @cli_options) threads << { } if command.run_time?( end @already_waited = false threads.each do |t| if @already_waited or not t.join(LOCK_WAIT) t.kill @already_waited = true end end end end class ListCommand def initialize(cli_options = {}) end def run projects = Dir["#{HOME}/config/*.yml"] if projects.empty? puts "There are no active projects" else puts "List of active projects:" projects.sort.each do |fn| fn =~ %r{#{HOME}/config/(.*).yml} puts " * #{$1}" end puts "\nType 'cerberus build PROJECT_NAME' to build any of these projects" end end end class StatusCommand def initialize(cli_options = {}) end def run projects = Dir["#{HOME}/config/*.yml"] { |fn| fn.gsub(/.*\/(.*).yml$/, '\1') } if projects.empty? puts "There are not any active projects" else delim = ' | ' cols = [ ['Project Name', 30, lambda { |p, s| p }], ['Revision', 10, lambda { |p, s| "#{s.revision.to_s.slice( 0, 8 ) }"}], ['Status', 10, lambda { |p, s| s.previous_build_successful ? 'Pass' : 'Fail' }], ['Last Success', 10, lambda { |p, s| "#{s.successful_build_revision.to_s.slice( 0, 8 )}"}], ] header = { |head, size, lamb| head.ljust(size) }.join(delim) puts '-' * header.length puts header puts '-' * header.length projects.each do |proj| status ="#{HOME}/work/#{proj}/status.log") row = { |head, size, lamb|, status).to_s.ljust(size) }.join(delim) puts status.previous_build_successful ? ansi_green(row) : ansi_red(row) end puts '-' * header.length end end def ansi_green(str) ansi_escape('32m', str) end def ansi_red(str) ansi_escape('31m', str) end def ansi_escape(code, str) "\033[#{code}" + str + "\033[0m" end end # # Fields that are contained in status file # # successful_build_timestamp # timestamp # successful (true mean previous build was successful, otherwise - false) # revision # brokeness # successful_build_revision # class Status attr_reader :previous_build_successful, :previous_brokeness, :current_build_successful, :current_brokeness, :revision, :successful_build_revision def initialize(param) if param.is_a? Hash @hash = param @current_build_successful = @hash['state'] @already_kept = true else @path = param value = File.exists?(@path) ? YAML.load( : nil @hash = case value when String value = %w(succesful successful setup).include?(value) #fix typo in status values {'successful' => value} when nil {} else value end @already_kept = false end @revision = @hash['revision'] @successful_build_revision = @hash['successful_build_revision'] @previous_build_successful = @hash['successful'] @previous_brokeness = @hash['brokeness'] # Create some convenience methods to access status @hash.keys.each { |key| self.class.send( :define_method, key ) { @hash[key] } } end def end def keep(build_successful, revision, brokeness) raise 'Status could be kept only once. Please try to reread status file.' if @already_kept @current_brokeness = brokeness @current_build_successful = build_successful hash = {'successful' => @current_build_successful, 'timestamp' =>, 'revision' => revision, 'brokeness' => brokeness} if build_successful hash['successful_build_timestamp'] = hash['successful_build_revision'] = revision else hash['successful_build_timestamp'] = @hash['successful_build_timestamp'] hash['successful_build_revision'] = @hash['successful_build_revision'] end, "w+", 0777) { |file| file.write(YAML.dump(hash)) } @already_kept = true end def current_state raise "Invalid project state. Before calculating status please do keeping of it." unless @already_kept if @current_build_successful if @previous_build_successful.nil? :setup else @previous_build_successful ? :successful : :revival end else @previous_build_successful ? :failed : :broken end end end end