require "spec_helper" require "shelly/cli/main" describe Shelly::CLI::Main do before do FileUtils.stub(:chmod) @main = @client = mock Shelly::Client.stub(:new).and_return(@client) Shelly::User.stub(:guess_email).and_return("") $stdout.stub(:puts) $stdout.stub(:print) end describe "#version" do it "should return shelly's version" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("shelly version #{Shelly::VERSION}") @main.version end end describe "#help" do it "should display available commands" do expected = <<-OUT Tasks: shelly add # Adds new application to Shelly Cloud shelly help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task shelly login [EMAIL] # Logs user in to Shelly Cloud shelly register [EMAIL] # Registers new user account on Shelly Cloud shelly user # Manages users using this app shelly version # Displays shelly version OUT out = IO.popen("bin/shelly").read.strip out.should == expected.strip end end describe "#register" do before do @client.stub(:register_user) @key_path = File.expand_path("~/.ssh/") @user = FileUtils.mkdir_p("~/.ssh")"~/.ssh/", "w") { |f| f << "ssh-key AAbbcc" } @client.stub(:ssh_key_available?) Shelly::User.stub(:new).and_return(@user) end it "should return false if ssh key don't exist on local hard drive" do FileUtils.rm_rf(@key_path) File.exists?(@key_path).should be_false $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mNo such file or directory - " + @key_path + "\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mUse ssh-keygen to generate ssh key pair\e[0m") lambda { @main.register }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should check ssh key in database" do @user.stub(:ssh_key_registered?).and_raise(RestClient::Conflict) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mUser with your ssh key already exists.\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mYou can login using: shelly login [EMAIL]\e[0m") lambda { @main.register }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should ask for email, password and password confirmation" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Email: ") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Password: ") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Password confirmation: ") fake_stdin(["", "secret", "secret"]) do @main.register end end it "should suggest email and use it if user enters blank email" do Shelly::User.stub(:guess_email).and_return("") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Email ( - default): ") @client.should_receive(:register_user).with("", "secret", "ssh-key AAbbcc") fake_stdin(["", "secret", "secret"]) do @main.register end end it "should use email provided by user" do @client.should_receive(:register_user).with("", "secret", "ssh-key AAbbcc") fake_stdin(["", "secret", "secret"]) do @main.register end end it "should not ask about email if it's provided as argument" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Registering with email:") fake_stdin(["secret", "secret"]) do @main.register("") end end context "when user enters blank email" do it "should show error message and exit with 1" do Shelly::User.stub(:guess_email).and_return("") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mEmail can't be blank, please try again\e[0m") lambda { fake_stdin(["", "", "only-pass", "only-pass"]) do @main.register end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "public SSH key exists" do it "should register with the public SSH key" do FileUtils.mkdir_p("~/.ssh"), "w") { |f| f << "key" } $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Uploading your public SSH key from #{@key_path}") fake_stdin(["", "secret", "secret"]) do @main.register end end end context "public SSH key doesn't exist" do it "should register user without the public SSH key" do @user.stub(:ssh_key_registered?) FileUtils.rm_rf(@key_path) $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts).with("Uploading your public SSH key from #{@key_path}") fake_stdin(["", "secret", "secret"]) do @main.register end end end context "on successful registration" do it "should display message about registration and email address confirmation" do @client.stub(:register_user).and_return(true) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Successfully registered!") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Check you mailbox for email address confirmation") fake_stdin(["", "pass", "pass"]) do @main.register end end end context "on unsuccessful registration" do it "should display errors and exit with 1" do response = {"message" => "Validation Failed", "errors" => [["email", "has been already taken"]]} exception = @client.stub(:register_user).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mEmail has been already taken\e[0m") lambda { fake_stdin(["", "pass", "pass"]) do @main.register end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end describe "#login" do before do @user = @user.stub(:upload_ssh_key) @client.stub(:token).and_return("abc") @client.stub(:apps).and_return([{"code_name" => "abc"}, {"code_name" => "fooo"}]) Shelly::User.stub(:new).and_return(@user) end it "should ask about email and password" do fake_stdin(["", "secret"]) do @main.login end end context "on successful login" do it "should display message about successful login" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Login successful") fake_stdin(["", "secret"]) do @main.login end end it "should upload user's public SSH key" do @user.should_receive(:upload_ssh_key) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Uploading your public SSH key") fake_stdin(["", "secret"]) do @main.login end end it "should display list of applications to which user has access" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mYou have following applications available:\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" abc") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" fooo") fake_stdin(["", "secret"]) do @main.login end end end context "on unauthorized user" do it "should exit with 1 and display error message" do response = {"message" => "Unauthorized", "url" => ""} exception = @client.stub(:token).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mWrong email or password\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mYou can reset password by using link:\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31m\e[0m") lambda { fake_stdin(["", "secret"]) do @main.login end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end describe "#add" do before do FileUtils.mkdir_p("/projects/foo") Dir.chdir("/projects/foo") @app = @app.stub(:add_git_remote) @app.stub(:create) @app.stub(:generate_cloudfile).and_return("Example Cloudfile") @app.stub(:open_billing_page) @app.stub(:git_url).and_return("") Shelly::App.stub(:inside_git_repository?).and_return(true) Shelly::App.stub(:new).and_return(@app) end it "should exit with message if command run outside git repository" do Shelly::App.stub(:inside_git_repository?).and_return(false) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mMust be run inside your project git repository\e[0m") lambda { fake_stdin(["", ""]) do @main.add end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end context "command line options" do context "invalid params" do it "should show help and exit if not all options are passed" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mTry 'shelly help add' for more information\e[0m") @main.options = {"code-name" => "foo"} lambda { @main.add }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should exit if databases are not valid" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mTry 'shelly help add' for more information\e[0m") @main.options = {"code-name" => "foo", "databases" => ["not existing"], "domains" => [""]} lambda { @main.add }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should display which parameter was wrong" do expected = "shelly: unrecognized option '--unknown=param'\n" + "Usage: shelly [COMMAND]... [OPTIONS]\n" + "Try 'shelly --help' for more information" Open3.popen3("bin/shelly add --unknown=param") do |stdin, stdout, stderr, wait_thr| out = out.should == expected end end end context "valid params" do it "should create app on shelly cloud" do @app.should_receive(:create) @main.options = {"code-name" => "foo", "databases" => ["postgresql"], "domains" => [""]} @main.add end end end it "should use code name provided by user" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Application code name (foo-production - default): ") @app.should_receive(:code_name=).with("mycodename") fake_stdin(["mycodename", ""]) do @main.add end end context "when user provided empty code name" do it "should use 'current_dirname-purpose' as default" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Application code name (foo-production - default): ") @app.should_receive(:code_name=).with("foo-production") fake_stdin(["", ""]) do @main.add end end end it "should use database provided by user (separated by comma or space)" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Which database do you want to use postgresql, mongodb, redis, none (postgresql - default): ") @app.should_receive(:databases=).with(["postgresql", "mongodb", "redis"]) fake_stdin(["", "postgresql ,mongodb redis"]) do @main.add end end it "should ask again for databases if unsupported kind typed" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Which database do you want to use postgresql, mongodb, redis, none (postgresql - default): ") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Unknown database kind. Supported are: postgresql, mongodb, redis, none: ") fake_stdin(["", "postgresql,doesnt-exist", "none"]) do @main.add end end context "when user provided empty database" do it "should use 'postgresql' database as default" do @app.should_receive(:databases=).with(["postgresql"]) fake_stdin(["", ""]) do @main.add end end end it "should create the app on shelly cloud" do @app.should_receive(:create) fake_stdin(["", ""]) do @main.add end end it "should display validation errors if they are any" do response = {"message" => "Validation Failed", "errors" => [["code_name", "has been already taken"]]} exception = @app.should_receive(:create).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mCode name has been already taken\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mFix erros in the below command and type it again to create your application\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mshelly add --code-name=foo-production --databases=postgresql\e[0m") lambda { fake_stdin(["", ""]) do @main.add end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should add git remote" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mAdding remote production\e[0m") @app.should_receive(:add_git_remote) fake_stdin(["foooo", ""]) do @main.add end end it "should create Cloudfile" do File.exists?("/projects/foo/Cloudfile").should be_false fake_stdin(["foooo", ""]) do @main.add end"/projects/foo/Cloudfile").should == "Example Cloudfile" end it "should browser window with link to edit billing information" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mProvide billing details. Opening browser...\e[0m") @app.should_receive(:open_billing_page) fake_stdin(["foooo", ""]) do @main.add end end it "should display info about adding Cloudfile to repository" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mProject is now configured for use with Shell Cloud:\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mYou can review changes using\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" git status") fake_stdin(["foooo", "none"]) do @main.add end end it "should display info on how to deploy to ShellyCloud" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mWhen you make sure all settings are correct please issue following commands:\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" git add .") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(' git commit -m "Application added to Shelly Cloud"') $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" git push") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mDeploy to production using:\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" git push production master") fake_stdin(["foooo", "none"]) do @main.add end end end end