describe("QueueRunner", function() { it("runs all the functions it's passed", function() { var calls = [], queueableFn1 = { fn: jasmine.createSpy('fn1') }, queueableFn2 = { fn: jasmine.createSpy('fn2') }, queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn1, queueableFn2] }); queueableFn1.fn.and.callFake(function() { calls.push('fn1'); }); queueableFn2.fn.and.callFake(function() { calls.push('fn2'); }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(calls).toEqual(['fn1', 'fn2']); }); it("calls each function with a consistent 'this'-- an empty object", function() { var queueableFn1 = { fn: jasmine.createSpy('fn1') }, queueableFn2 = { fn: jasmine.createSpy('fn2') }, queueableFn3 = { fn: function(done) { asyncContext = this; done(); } }, queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn1, queueableFn2, queueableFn3] }), asyncContext; queueRunner.execute(); var context = queueableFn1.fn.calls.first().object; expect(context).toEqual({}); expect(queueableFn2.fn.calls.first().object).toBe(context); expect(asyncContext).toBe(context); }); describe("with an asynchronous function", function() { beforeEach(function() { jasmine.clock().install(); }); afterEach(function() { jasmine.clock().uninstall(); }); it("supports asynchronous functions, only advancing to next function after a done() callback", function() { //TODO: it would be nice if spy arity could match the fake, so we could do something like: //createSpy('asyncfn').and.callFake(function(done) {}); var onComplete = jasmine.createSpy('onComplete'), beforeCallback = jasmine.createSpy('beforeCallback'), fnCallback = jasmine.createSpy('fnCallback'), afterCallback = jasmine.createSpy('afterCallback'), queueableFn1 = { fn: function(done) { beforeCallback(); setTimeout(done, 100); } }, queueableFn2 = { fn: function(done) { fnCallback(); setTimeout(done, 100); } }, queueableFn3 = { fn: function(done) { afterCallback(); setTimeout(done, 100); } }, queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn1, queueableFn2, queueableFn3], onComplete: onComplete }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(beforeCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(fnCallback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(afterCallback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(onComplete).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.clock().tick(100); expect(fnCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(afterCallback).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(onComplete).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.clock().tick(100); expect(afterCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(onComplete).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.clock().tick(100); expect(onComplete).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("explicitly fails an async function with a provided fail function and moves to the next function", function() { var queueableFn1 = { fn: function(done) { setTimeout(function() {'foo'); }, 100); } }, queueableFn2 = { fn: jasmine.createSpy('fn2') }, failFn = jasmine.createSpy('fail'), queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn1, queueableFn2], fail: failFn }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(failFn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(queueableFn2.fn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.clock().tick(100); expect(failFn).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo'); expect(queueableFn2.fn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("sets a timeout if requested for asynchronous functions so they don't go on forever", function() { var timeout = 3, beforeFn = { fn: function(done) { }, type: 'before', timeout: function() { return timeout; } }, queueableFn = { fn: jasmine.createSpy('fn'), type: 'queueable' }, onComplete = jasmine.createSpy('onComplete'), onException = jasmine.createSpy('onException'), queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [beforeFn, queueableFn], onComplete: onComplete, onException: onException }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(queueableFn.fn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.clock().tick(timeout); expect(onException).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Error)); expect(queueableFn.fn).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(onComplete).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("by default does not set a timeout for asynchronous functions", function() { var beforeFn = { fn: function(done) { } }, queueableFn = { fn: jasmine.createSpy('fn') }, onComplete = jasmine.createSpy('onComplete'), onException = jasmine.createSpy('onException'), queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [beforeFn, queueableFn], onComplete: onComplete, onException: onException, }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(queueableFn.fn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.clock().tick(jasmineUnderTest.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL); expect(onException).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(queueableFn.fn).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(onComplete).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("clears the timeout when an async function throws an exception, to prevent additional exception reporting", function() { var queueableFn = { fn: function(done) { throw new Error("error!"); } }, onComplete = jasmine.createSpy('onComplete'), onException = jasmine.createSpy('onException'), queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn], onComplete: onComplete, onException: onException }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(onComplete).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(onException).toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.clock().tick(jasmineUnderTest.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL); expect(onException.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it("clears the timeout when the done callback is called", function() { var queueableFn = { fn: function(done) { done(); } }, onComplete = jasmine.createSpy('onComplete'), onException = jasmine.createSpy('onException'), queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn], onComplete: onComplete, onException: onException }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(onComplete).toHaveBeenCalled(); jasmine.clock().tick(jasmineUnderTest.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL); expect(onException).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("only moves to the next spec the first time you call done", function() { var queueableFn = { fn: function(done) {done(); done();} }, nextQueueableFn = { fn: jasmine.createSpy('nextFn') }; queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn, nextQueueableFn] }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(nextQueueableFn.fn.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it("does not move to the next spec if done is called after an exception has ended the spec", function() { var queueableFn = { fn: function(done) { setTimeout(done, 1); throw new Error('error!'); } }, nextQueueableFn = { fn: jasmine.createSpy('nextFn') }; queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn, nextQueueableFn] }); queueRunner.execute(); jasmine.clock().tick(1); expect(nextQueueableFn.fn.calls.count()).toEqual(1); }); it("should return a null when you call done", function () { // Some promises want handlers to return anything but undefined to help catch "forgotten returns". var doneReturn, queueableFn = { fn: function(done) { doneReturn = done(); } }, queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn] }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(doneReturn).toBe(null); }); }); it("calls exception handlers when an exception is thrown in a fn", function() { var queueableFn = { type: 'queueable', fn: function() { throw new Error('fake error'); } }, onExceptionCallback = jasmine.createSpy('on exception callback'), queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn], onException: onExceptionCallback }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(onExceptionCallback).toHaveBeenCalledWith(jasmine.any(Error)); }); it("rethrows an exception if told to", function() { var queueableFn = { fn: function() { throw new Error('fake error'); } }, queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn], catchException: function(e) { return false; } }); expect(function() { queueRunner.execute(); }).toThrowError('fake error'); }); it("continues running the functions even after an exception is thrown in an async spec", function() { var queueableFn = { fn: function(done) { throw new Error("error"); } }, nextQueueableFn = { fn: jasmine.createSpy("nextFunction") }, queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn, nextQueueableFn] }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(nextQueueableFn.fn).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("calls a provided complete callback when done", function() { var queueableFn = { fn: jasmine.createSpy('fn') }, completeCallback = jasmine.createSpy('completeCallback'), queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [queueableFn], onComplete: completeCallback }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(completeCallback).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it("calls a provided stack clearing function when done", function() { var asyncFn = { fn: function(done) { done() } }, afterFn = { fn: jasmine.createSpy('afterFn') }, completeCallback = jasmine.createSpy('completeCallback'), clearStack = jasmine.createSpy('clearStack'), queueRunner = new jasmineUnderTest.QueueRunner({ queueableFns: [asyncFn, afterFn], clearStack: clearStack, onComplete: completeCallback }); clearStack.and.callFake(function(fn) { fn(); }); queueRunner.execute(); expect(afterFn.fn).toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(clearStack).toHaveBeenCalledWith(completeCallback); }); });