use crate::cdsl::isa::TargetIsa; use crate::cdsl::settings::{PredicateNode, SettingGroupBuilder}; macro_rules! define_zvl_ext { (DEF: $settings:expr, $size:expr) => {{ let name = concat!("has_zvl", $size, "b"); let desc = concat!("has extension Zvl", $size, "b?"); let comment = concat!( "Zvl", $size, "b: Vector register has a minimum of ", $size, " bits" ); $settings.add_bool(&name, &desc, &comment, false) }}; ($settings:expr, $size:expr $(, $implies:expr)*) => {{ let has_feature = define_zvl_ext!(DEF: $settings, $size); let name = concat!("zvl", $size, "b"); let desc = concat!("Has a vector register size of at least ", $size, " bits"); let preset = $settings.add_preset(&name, &desc, preset!(has_feature $( && $implies )*)); (has_feature, preset) }}; } pub(crate) fn define() -> TargetIsa { let mut setting = SettingGroupBuilder::new("riscv64"); // We target a minimum of riscv64g. That means that we have the following extensions by default: // // * M (integer multiplication and division) // * A (atomic instructions) // * F (single-precision floating point) // * D (double-precision floating point) // * Zicsr (control and status register instructions) // * Zifencei (instruction-fetch fence) let has_m = setting.add_bool( "has_m", "has extension M?", "Integer multiplication and division", true, ); let has_a = setting.add_bool("has_a", "has extension A?", "Atomic instructions", true); let has_f = setting.add_bool( "has_f", "has extension F?", "Single-precision floating point", true, ); let has_d = setting.add_bool( "has_d", "has extension D?", "Double-precision floating point", true, ); let _has_zfa = setting.add_bool( "has_zfa", "has extension Zfa?", "Zfa: Extension for Additional Floating-Point Instructions", false, ); let _has_zfh = setting.add_bool( "has_zfh", "has extension Zfh?", "Zfh: Half-Precision Floating-Point Instructions", false, ); let _has_v = setting.add_bool( "has_v", "has extension V?", "Vector instruction support", false, ); let has_zca = setting.add_bool( "has_zca", "has extension Zca?", "Zca is the C extension without floating point loads", false, ); let has_zcd = setting.add_bool( "has_zcd", "has extension Zcd?", "Zcd contains only the double precision floating point loads from the C extension", false, ); setting.add_preset( "has_c", "Support for compressed instructions", preset!(has_zca && has_zcd), ); let _has_zcb = setting.add_bool( "has_zcb", "has extension Zcb?", "Zcb: Extra compressed instructions", false, ); let _has_zbkb = setting.add_bool( "has_zbkb", "has extension zbkb?", "Zbkb: Bit-manipulation for Cryptography", false, ); let _has_zba = setting.add_bool( "has_zba", "has extension zba?", "Zba: Address Generation", false, ); let _has_zbb = setting.add_bool( "has_zbb", "has extension zbb?", "Zbb: Basic bit-manipulation", false, ); let _has_zbc = setting.add_bool( "has_zbc", "has extension zbc?", "Zbc: Carry-less multiplication", false, ); let _has_zbs = setting.add_bool( "has_zbs", "has extension zbs?", "Zbs: Single-bit instructions", false, ); let _has_zicond = setting.add_bool( "has_zicond", "has extension zicond?", "ZiCond: Integer Conditional Operations", false, ); let has_zicsr = setting.add_bool( "has_zicsr", "has extension zicsr?", "Zicsr: Control and Status Register (CSR) Instructions", true, ); let has_zifencei = setting.add_bool( "has_zifencei", "has extension zifencei?", "Zifencei: Instruction-Fetch Fence", true, ); // Zvl*: Minimum Vector Length Standard Extensions // These extension specify the minimum number of bits in a vector register. // Since it is a minimum, Zvl64b implies Zvl32b, Zvl128b implies Zvl64b, etc. // The V extension supports a maximum of 64K bits in a single register. // // See: let (_, zvl32b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 32); let (_, zvl64b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 64, zvl32b); let (_, zvl128b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 128, zvl64b); let (_, zvl256b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 256, zvl128b); let (_, zvl512b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 512, zvl256b); let (_, zvl1024b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 1024, zvl512b); let (_, zvl2048b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 2048, zvl1024b); let (_, zvl4096b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 4096, zvl2048b); let (_, zvl8192b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 8192, zvl4096b); let (_, zvl16384b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 16384, zvl8192b); let (_, zvl32768b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 32768, zvl16384b); let (_, _zvl65536b) = define_zvl_ext!(setting, 65536, zvl32768b); setting.add_predicate( "has_g", predicate!(has_m && has_a && has_f && has_d && has_zicsr && has_zifencei), ); TargetIsa::new("riscv64", }