/* */ "format cjs"; webshim.register('filereader-xhr', function($, webshim, window, document, undefined, featureOptions){ "use strict"; var mOxie, moxie, hasXDomain; var sel = 'input[type="file"].ws-filereader, input[type="file"].ws-capture'; var hasFlash = swfmini.hasFlashPlayerVersion('10.3'); var loadMoxie = function (){ webshim.loader.loadList(['moxie']); }; var _createFilePicker = function(){ var $input, picker, $parent, onReset; var input = this; if(webshim.implement(input, 'filepicker')){ input = this; $input = $(this); $parent = $input.parent(); onReset = function(){ if(!input.value){ $input.prop('value', ''); } }; $input.attr('tabindex', '-1').on('mousedown.filereaderwaiting click.filereaderwaiting', false); $parent.addClass('ws-loading'); picker = new mOxie.FileInput({ browse_button: this, accept: $.prop(this, 'accept'), multiple: $.prop(this, 'multiple') }); $input.jProp('form').on('reset', function(){ setTimeout(onReset); }); picker.onready = function(){ $input.off('.fileraderwaiting'); $parent.removeClass('ws-waiting'); }; picker.onchange = function(e){ webshim.data(input, 'fileList', e.target.files); $input.trigger('change'); }; picker.onmouseenter = function(){ $input.trigger('mouseover'); $parent.addClass('ws-mouseenter'); }; picker.onmouseleave = function(){ $input.trigger('mouseout'); $parent.removeClass('ws-mouseenter'); }; picker.onmousedown = function(){ $input.trigger('mousedown'); $parent.addClass('ws-active'); }; picker.onmouseup = function(){ $input.trigger('mouseup'); $parent.removeClass('ws-active'); }; webshim.data(input, 'filePicker', picker); webshim.ready('WINDOWLOAD', function(){ var lastWidth; $input.onWSOff('updateshadowdom', function(){ var curWitdth = input.offsetWidth; if(curWitdth && lastWidth != curWitdth){ lastWidth = curWitdth; picker.refresh(); } }); }); webshim.addShadowDom(); picker.init(); if(input.disabled){ picker.disable(true); } } }; var getFileNames = function(file){ return file.name; }; var createFilePicker = function(){ var elem = this; loadMoxie(); $(elem) .on('mousedown.filereaderwaiting click.filereaderwaiting', false) .parent() .addClass('ws-loading') ; webshim.ready('moxie', function(){ createFilePicker.call(elem); }); }; var noxhr = /^(?:script|jsonp)$/i; var notReadyYet = function(){ loadMoxie(); webshim.error('filereader/formdata not ready yet. please wait for moxie to load `webshim.ready("moxie", callbackFn);`` or wait for the first change event on input[type="file"].ws-filereader.') }; var inputValueDesc = webshim.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'value', { prop: { get: function(){ var fileList = webshim.data(this, 'fileList'); if(fileList && fileList.map){ return fileList.map(getFileNames).join(', '); } return inputValueDesc.prop._supget.call(this); } } } ); var shimMoxiePath = webshim.cfg.basePath+'moxie/'; var crossXMLMessage = 'You nedd a crossdomain.xml to get all "filereader" / "XHR2" / "CORS" features to work. Or host moxie.swf on your server an configure filereader options: "swfpath"'; var testMoxie = function(options){ return (options.wsType == 'moxie' || (options.data && options.data instanceof mOxie.FormData) || (options.crossDomain && $.support.cors !== false && hasXDomain != 'no' && !noxhr.test(options.dataType || ''))); }; var createMoxieTransport = function (options){ if(testMoxie(options)){ var ajax; webshim.info('moxie transfer used for $.ajax'); if(hasXDomain == 'no'){ webshim.error(crossXMLMessage); } return { send: function( headers, completeCallback ) { var proressEvent = function(obj, name){ if(options[name]){ var called = false; ajax.addEventListener('load', function(e){ if(!called){ options[name]({type: 'progress', lengthComputable: true, total: 1, loaded: 1}); } else if(called.lengthComputable && called.total > called.loaded){ options[name]({type: 'progress', lengthComputable: true, total: called.total, loaded: called.total}); } }); obj.addEventListener('progress', function(e){ called = e; options[name](e); }); } }; ajax = new moxie.xhr.XMLHttpRequest(); ajax.open(options.type, options.url, options.async, options.username, options.password); proressEvent(ajax.upload, featureOptions.uploadprogress); proressEvent(ajax.upload, featureOptions.progress); ajax.addEventListener('load', function(e){ var responses = { text: ajax.responseText, xml: ajax.responseXML }; completeCallback(ajax.status, ajax.statusText, responses, ajax.getAllResponseHeaders()); }); if(options.xhrFields && options.xhrFields.withCredentials){ ajax.withCredentials = true; } if(options.timeout){ ajax.timeout = options.timeout; } $.each(headers, function(name, value){ ajax.setRequestHeader(name, value); }); ajax.send(options.data); }, abort: function() { if(ajax){ ajax.abort(); } } }; } }; var transports = { //based on script: https://github.com/MoonScript/jQuery-ajaxTransport-XDomainRequest xdomain: (function(){ var httpRegEx = /^https?:\/\//i; var getOrPostRegEx = /^get|post$/i; var sameSchemeRegEx = new RegExp('^'+location.protocol, 'i'); return function(options, userOptions, jqXHR) { // Only continue if the request is: asynchronous, uses GET or POST method, has HTTP or HTTPS protocol, and has the same scheme as the calling page if (!options.crossDomain || options.username || (options.xhrFields && options.xhrFields.withCredentials) || !options.async || !getOrPostRegEx.test(options.type) || !httpRegEx.test(options.url) || !sameSchemeRegEx.test(options.url) || (options.data && options.data instanceof mOxie.FormData) || noxhr.test(options.dataType || '')) { return; } var xdr = null; webshim.info('xdomain transport used.'); return { send: function(headers, complete) { var postData = ''; var userType = (userOptions.dataType || '').toLowerCase(); xdr = new XDomainRequest(); if (/^\d+$/.test(userOptions.timeout)) { xdr.timeout = userOptions.timeout; } xdr.ontimeout = function() { complete(500, 'timeout'); }; xdr.onload = function() { var allResponseHeaders = 'Content-Length: ' + xdr.responseText.length + '\r\nContent-Type: ' + xdr.contentType; var status = { code: xdr.status || 200, message: xdr.statusText || 'OK' }; var responses = { text: xdr.responseText, xml: xdr.responseXML }; try { if (userType === 'html' || /text\/html/i.test(xdr.contentType)) { responses.html = xdr.responseText; } else if (userType === 'json' || (userType !== 'text' && /\/json/i.test(xdr.contentType))) { try { responses.json = $.parseJSON(xdr.responseText); } catch(e) { } } else if (userType === 'xml' && !xdr.responseXML) { var doc; try { doc = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLDOM'); doc.async = false; doc.loadXML(xdr.responseText); } catch(e) { } responses.xml = doc; } } catch(parseMessage) {} complete(status.code, status.message, responses, allResponseHeaders); }; // set an empty handler for 'onprogress' so requests don't get aborted xdr.onprogress = function(){}; xdr.onerror = function() { complete(500, 'error', { text: xdr.responseText }); }; if (userOptions.data) { postData = ($.type(userOptions.data) === 'string') ? userOptions.data : $.param(userOptions.data); } xdr.open(options.type, options.url); xdr.send(postData); }, abort: function() { if (xdr) { xdr.abort(); } } }; }; })(), moxie: function (options, originalOptions, jqXHR){ if(testMoxie(options)){ loadMoxie(options); var ajax; var tmpTransport = { send: function( headers, completeCallback ) { ajax = true; webshim.ready('moxie', function(){ if(ajax){ ajax = createMoxieTransport(options, originalOptions, jqXHR); tmpTransport.send = ajax.send; tmpTransport.abort = ajax.abort; ajax.send(headers, completeCallback); } }); }, abort: function() { ajax = false; } }; return tmpTransport; } } }; webshim.loader.addModule('moxie', { src: 'moxie/js/moxie-'+ (hasFlash ? 'swf' : 'html4') }); if(!featureOptions.progress){ featureOptions.progress = 'onprogress'; } if(!featureOptions.uploadprogress){ featureOptions.uploadprogress = 'onuploadprogress'; } if(!featureOptions.swfpath){ featureOptions.swfpath = shimMoxiePath+'flash/Moxie.min.swf'; } if($.support.cors !== false || !window.XDomainRequest){ delete transports.xdomain; } $.ajaxTransport("+*", function( options, originalOptions, jqXHR ) { var ajax, type; if(options.wsType || transports[transports]){ ajax = transports[transports](options, originalOptions, jqXHR); } if(!ajax){ for(type in transports){ ajax = transports[type](options, originalOptions, jqXHR); if(ajax){break;} } } return ajax; }); webshim.defineNodeNameProperty('input', 'files', { prop: { writeable: false, get: function(){ if(this.type != 'file'){return null;} if(!$(this).is('.ws-filereader, .ws-capture')){ webshim.info("please add the 'ws-filereader'/'ws-capture' class to your input[type='file'] to implement files-property"); } return webshim.data(this, 'fileList') || []; } } } ); webshim.reflectProperties(['input'], ['accept']); if($('').prop('multiple') == null){ webshim.defineNodeNamesBooleanProperty(['input'], ['multiple']); } webshim.onNodeNamesPropertyModify('input', 'disabled', function(value, boolVal, type){ var picker = webshim.data(this, 'filePicker'); if(picker){ picker.disable(boolVal); } }); webshim.onNodeNamesPropertyModify('input', 'value', function(value, boolVal, type){ if(value === '' && this.type == 'file' && $(this).is('.ws-filereader, .ws-capture')){ webshim.data(this, 'fileList', []); } }); if(!document.createElement('canvas').toBlob){ webshim.defineNodeNameProperty('canvas', 'toBlob', { prop: { value: function(cb, type, qualitiy){ var dataURL; var $canvas = $(this); if(!type){ type = 'image/jpeg'; } if(type == 'image/jpeg' && !qualitiy){ qualitiy = 0.8; } loadMoxie(); webshim.ready('moxie', function(){ var img = new mOxie.Image(); dataURL = $canvas.callProp('getAsDataURL', [type, qualitiy]); img.onload = function() { var blob = img.getAsBlob(); webshim.defineProperty(blob, '_wsDataURL', { value: dataURL, enumerable: false }); cb(blob); }; img.load(dataURL); }); } } }); webshim.ready('url', function(){ var _nativeCreateObjectURL = URL.createObjectURL; var _nativeRevokeObjectURL = URL.revokeObjectURL; URL.createObjectURL = function(obj){ var url = obj; if(obj._wsimgDataURL) { url = obj._wsimgDataURL; } else if(_nativeCreateObjectURL){ return _nativeCreateObjectURL.apply(this, arguments); } return url; }; URL.revokeObjectURL = function(url){ if (_nativeRevokeObjectURL){ return _nativeRevokeObjectURL.apply(this, arguments); } }; }); } window.FileReader = notReadyYet; window.FormData = notReadyYet; webshim.ready('moxie', function(){ var wsMimes = 'application/xml,xml'; moxie = window.moxie; mOxie = window.mOxie; mOxie.Env.swf_url = featureOptions.swfpath; window.FileReader = mOxie.FileReader; window.FormData = function(form){ var appendData, i, len, files, fileI, fileLen, inputName; var moxieData = new mOxie.FormData(); if(form && $.nodeName(form, 'form')){ appendData = $(form).serializeArray(); for(i = 0; i < appendData.length; i++){ if(Array.isArray(appendData[i].value)){ appendData[i].value.forEach(function(val){ moxieData.append(appendData[i].name, val); }); } else { moxieData.append(appendData[i].name, appendData[i].value); } } appendData = form.querySelectorAll('input[type="file"][name]'); for(i = 0, len = appendData.length; i < appendData.length; i++){ inputName = appendData[i].name; if(inputName && !$(appendData[i]).is(':disabled')){ files = $.prop(appendData[i], 'files') || []; if(files.length){ if(files.length > 1 || (moxieData.hasBlob && moxieData.hasBlob())){ webshim.error('FormData shim can only handle one file per ajax. Use multiple ajax request. One per file.'); } for(fileI = 0, fileLen = files.length; fileI < fileLen; fileI++){ moxieData.append(inputName, files[fileI]); } } } } } return moxieData; }; createFilePicker = _createFilePicker; transports.moxie = createMoxieTransport; featureOptions.mimeTypes = (featureOptions.mimeTypes) ? wsMimes+','+featureOptions.mimeTypes : wsMimes; try { mOxie.Mime.addMimeType(featureOptions.mimeTypes); } catch(e){ webshim.warn('mimetype to moxie error: '+e); } }); webshim.addReady(function(context, contextElem){ $(context.querySelectorAll(sel)).add(contextElem.filter(sel)).each(createFilePicker); }); webshim.ready('WINDOWLOAD', loadMoxie); if(webshim.cfg.debug !== false && featureOptions.swfpath.indexOf((location.protocol+'//'+location.hostname)) && featureOptions.swfpath.indexOf(('https://'+location.hostname))){ webshim.ready('WINDOWLOAD', function(){ var printMessage = function(){ if(hasXDomain == 'no'){ webshim.error(crossXMLMessage); } }; try { hasXDomain = sessionStorage.getItem('wsXdomain.xml'); } catch(e){} printMessage(); if(hasXDomain == null){ try { $.ajax({ url: 'crossdomain.xml', type: 'HEAD', dataType: 'xml', success: function(){ hasXDomain = 'yes'; }, error: function(){ hasXDomain = 'no'; }, complete: function(){ try { sessionStorage.setItem('wsXdomain.xml', hasXDomain); } catch(e){} printMessage(); } }); } catch(e){} } }); } if(document.readyState == 'complete'){ webshims.isReady('WINDOWLOAD', true); } });