# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'tempfile' module Jpmobile module Util # SJIS = "Shift_JIS" SJIS = "Windows-31J" UTF8 = "UTF-8" JIS = "ISO-2022-JP" BINARY = "ASCII-8BIT" WAVE_DASH = [0x301c].pack("U") FULLWIDTH_TILDE = [0xff5e].pack("U") OVERLINE = [0x203e].pack("U") FULLWIDTH_MACRON = [0xffe3].pack("U") EM_DASH = [0x2014].pack("U") HORIZONTAL_BAR = [0x2015].pack("U") MINUS_SIGN = [0x2212].pack("U") FULLWIDTH_HYPHEN_MINUS = [0xFF0D].pack("U") module_function def deep_apply(obj, &proc) case obj when Hash obj.each_pair do |key, value| obj[key] = deep_apply(value, &proc) end when Array obj.collect!{|value| deep_apply(value, &proc)} when String obj = obj.to_param if obj.respond_to?(:to_param) proc.call(obj) else # NilClass, TrueClass, FalseClass, Tempfile, StringIO, etc... return obj end end def deep_convert(obj, &proc) case obj when Hash new_obj = {} obj.each_pair do |key, value| new_obj[deep_convert(key.dup, &proc)] = deep_convert(value, &proc) end new_obj when Array new_obj = obj.map do |value| deep_convert(value, &proc) end when Symbol new_obj = proc.call(obj.to_s).to_sym when String obj = obj.to_param if obj.respond_to?(:to_param) new_obj = proc.call(obj) else # NilClass, TrueClass, FalseClass, Tempfile, StringIO, etc... new_obj = obj end new_obj end def sjis(str) if str.respond_to?(:force_encoding) and !shift_jis?(str) str.force_encoding(SJIS) end str end def utf8(str) if str.respond_to?(:force_encoding) and !utf8?(str) str.force_encoding(UTF8) end str end def jis(str) if str.respond_to?(:force_encoding) and !jis?(str) str.force_encoding(JIS) end str end def ascii_8bit(str) if str.respond_to?(:force_encoding) and !ascii_8bit?(str) str.force_encoding(BINARY) end str end def utf8_to_sjis(utf8_str) # 波ダッシュ対策 utf8_str = wavedash_to_fullwidth_tilde(utf8_str) # オーバーライン対策(不可逆的) utf8_str = overline_to_fullwidth_macron(utf8_str) # ダッシュ対策(不可逆的) utf8_str = emdash_to_horizontal_bar(utf8_str) # マイナス対策(不可逆的) utf8_str = minus_sign_to_fullwidth_hyphen_minus(utf8_str) if utf8_str.respond_to?(:encode) utf8_str. gsub(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/, "\r\n"). encode(SJIS, :undef => :replace, :replace => '?') else NKF.nkf("-m0 -x -W --oc=cp932 --fb-subchar=63", utf8_str).gsub(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/, "\r\n") end end def sjis_to_utf8(sjis_str) utf8_str = if sjis_str.respond_to?(:encode) sjis_str.encode("UTF-8", :universal_newline => true) else NKF.nkf("-m0 -x -w --ic=cp932", sjis_str).gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n") end # 波ダッシュ対策 fullwidth_tilde_to_wavedash(utf8_str) end def utf8_to_jis(utf8_str) # 波ダッシュ対策 utf8_str = fullwidth_tilde_to_wavedash(utf8_str) if utf8_str.respond_to?(:encode) utf8_str. gsub(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/, "\r\n"). encode(JIS, :undef => :replace, :replace => '?') else NKF.nkf("-m0 -x -Wj --fb-subchar=63", utf8_str).gsub(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/, "\r\n") end end def jis_to_utf8(jis_str) if jis_str.respond_to?(:encode) jis_str.encode(UTF8, :universal_newline => true) else NKF.nkf("-m0 -x -Jw", jis_str).gsub(/\r\n?/, "\n") end end def regexp_utf8_to_sjis(utf8_str) if Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(utf8_to_sjis(utf8_str))) else Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(utf8_to_sjis(utf8_str),"s"),nil,'s') end end def regexp_to_sjis(sjis_str) if Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(sjis(sjis_str))) else Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(sjis_str,"s"),nil,'s') end end def hash_to_utf8(hash) new_hash = {} hash.each do |keu, value| new_hash[utf8(key)] = utf8(value) end end def sjis_regexp(sjis) sjis_str = sjis.kind_of?(Numeric) ? [sjis].pack('n') : sjis if Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(sjis_str.force_encoding(SJIS))) else Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(sjis_str,"s"),nil,'s') end end def jis_regexp(jis) jis_str = jis.kind_of?(Numeric) ? [jis].pack('n') : jis if Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) # Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(jis_str.force_encoding("stateless-ISO-2022-JP-KDDI"))) # for au only Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(jis_str.force_encoding(BINARY))) # for au only else Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(jis_str,"j"),nil,'j') end end def jis_string_regexp Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(ascii_8bit("\x1b\x24\x42")) + "(.+?)" + Regexp.escape(ascii_8bit("\x1b\x28\x42"))) end def encode(str, charset) if (charset.nil? or charset == "" or str.nil? or str == "") str elsif utf8?(str) and charset.match(/iso-2022-jp/i) utf8_to_jis(str) elsif utf8?(str) and charset.match(/shift_jis/i) utf8_to_sjis(str) elsif utf8?(str) and charset.match(/utf-8/i) str else if Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) str.encode(charset) else case charset when /iso-2022-jp/i NKF.nkf("-j", str) when /shift_jis/i NKF.nkf("-s", str) when /utf-8/i NKF.nkf("-w", str) else str end end end end def wavedash_to_fullwidth_tilde(utf8_str) utf8_str.gsub(WAVE_DASH, FULLWIDTH_TILDE) end def fullwidth_tilde_to_wavedash(utf8_str) utf8_str.gsub(FULLWIDTH_TILDE, WAVE_DASH) end def overline_to_fullwidth_macron(utf8_str) utf8_str.gsub(OVERLINE, FULLWIDTH_MACRON) end def fullwidth_macron_to_overline(utf8_str) utf8_str.gsub(FULLWIDTH_MACRON, OVERLINE) end def emdash_to_horizontal_bar(utf8_str) utf8_str.gsub(EM_DASH, HORIZONTAL_BAR) end def minus_sign_to_fullwidth_hyphen_minus(utf8_str) utf8_str.gsub(MINUS_SIGN, FULLWIDTH_HYPHEN_MINUS) end def fullwidth_hyphen_minus_to_minus_sign(utf8_str) utf8_str.gsub(FULLWIDTH_HYPHEN_MINUS, MINUS_SIGN) end def force_encode(str, from, to) s = str.dup return str if detect_encoding(str) == to if Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) to = SJIS if to =~ /shift_jis/i to_enc = ::Encoding.find(to) return str if s.encoding == to_enc if from from_enc = ::Encoding.find(from) s.force_encoding(from) unless s.encoding == from_enc end s.encode(to) else opt = [] opt << case from when /iso-2022-jp/i "-Jx" when /shift_jis/i "-Sx" when /utf-8/i "-Wx" else "" end opt << case to when /iso-2022-jp/i "-j" when /shift_jis/i, /windows_31j/i "-s" when /utf-8/i "-w" else "" end NKF.nkf(opt.join(" "), str) end end def set_encoding(str, encoding) if encoding and Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) encoding = SJIS if encoding =~ /shift_jis/i str.force_encoding(encoding) end str end def extract_charset(str) case str when /iso-2022-jp/i "ISO-2022-JP" when /shift_jis/i "Shift_JIS" when /utf-8/i "UTF-8" else "" end end def detect_encoding(str) if Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) case str.encoding when ::Encoding::ISO2022_JP JIS when ::Encoding::Shift_JIS, ::Encoding::Windows_31J, ::Encoding::CP932 SJIS when ::Encoding::UTF_8 UTF8 when ::Encoding::ASCII_8BIT BINARY else BINARY end else case NKF.guess(str) when NKF::SJIS SJIS when NKF::JIS JIS when NKF::UTF8 UTF8 when NKF::BINARY BINARY else BINARY end end end def ascii_8bit?(str) detect_encoding(str) == BINARY end def utf8?(str) detect_encoding(str) == UTF8 end def shift_jis?(str) detect_encoding(str) == SJIS end def jis?(str) detect_encoding(str) == JIS end def fold_text(str, size = 15) folded_texts = [] while texts = split_text(str, size) and texts.first.size != 0 folded_texts << texts.first str = texts.last end folded_texts end def split_text(str, size = 15) return nil if str.nil? or str == '' if Object.const_defined?(:Encoding) [str[0..(size-1)], str[size..-1]] else str = str.split(//u) text = str[0..(size-1)] text = text.join if text remain = str[size..-1] remain = remain.join if remain [text, remain] end end def invert_table(hash) result = {} hash.keys.each do |key| if result[hash[key]] if !key.kind_of?(Array) and !result[hash[key]].kind_of?(Array) and result[hash[key]] > key result[hash[key]] = key end else result[hash[key]] = key end end result end end end