.bullets { $icon-bullet-size: 3.5em; overflow: auto; margin-bottom: $base-line-height; // change ".three-col-bullet" class to this for two bullet layout .two-col-bullet { @include media($large-screen) { @include span-columns(6); @include omega(2n); } } .three-col-bullet { @include media($large-screen) { @include span-columns(4); @include omega(3n); } } // change ".three-col-bullet" class to this for four bullet layout .four-col-bullet { @include media($large-screen) { @include span-columns(3); @include omega(4n); } } .bullet-icon { float: left; background: $base-accent-color; padding: $icon-bullet-size /4; border-radius: 50%; width: $icon-bullet-size; height: $icon-bullet-size; } .bullet-icon-1 { background: $base-accent-color; } .bullet-icon-2 { background: adjust-hue($base-accent-color, -50); } .bullet-icon-3 { background: adjust-hue($base-accent-color, -140); } .bullet-content { margin-left: $icon-bullet-size *1.4; margin-bottom: 2em; } h2 { font-size: $icon-bullet-size /2.5; padding-top: $icon-bullet-size /7; margin-bottom: $icon-bullet-size /6; border-bottom: 1px solid transparentize($base-font-color, .8); display: inline-block; } }