require 'rubygems' require 'rake' require 'rake/tasklib' require 'date' require 'git' module GithubGem # Detects the gemspc file of this project using heuristics. def self.detect_gemspec_file FileList['*.gemspec'].first end # Detects the main include file of this project using heuristics def self.detect_main_include if detect_gemspec_file =~ /^(\.*)\.gemspec$/ && File.exist?("lib/#{$1}.rb") "lib/#{$1}.rb" elsif FileList['lib/*.rb'].length == 1 FileList['lib/*.rb'].first else nil end end class RakeTasks attr_reader :gemspec, :modified_files, :git attr_accessor :gemspec_file, :task_namespace, :main_include, :root_dir, :spec_pattern, :test_pattern, :remote, :remote_branch, :local_branch # Initializes the settings, yields itself for configuration # and defines the rake tasks based on the gemspec file. def initialize(task_namespace = :gem) @gemspec_file = GithubGem.detect_gemspec_file @task_namespace = task_namespace @main_include = GithubGem.detect_main_include @modified_files = [] @root_dir = Dir.pwd @test_pattern = 'test/**/*_test.rb' @spec_pattern = 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' @local_branch = 'master' @remote = 'origin' @remote_branch = 'master' yield(self) if block_given? @git = load_gemspec! define_tasks! end protected # Define Unit test tasks def define_test_tasks! require 'rake/testtask' namespace(:test) do do |t| t.pattern = test_pattern t.verbose = true t.libs << 'test' end end desc "Run all unit tests for #{}" task(:test => ['test:basic']) end # Defines RSpec tasks def define_rspec_tasks! require 'spec/rake/spectask' namespace(:spec) do desc "Verify all RSpec examples for #{}" do |t| t.spec_files = FileList[spec_pattern] end desc "Verify all RSpec examples for #{} and output specdoc" do |t| t.spec_files = FileList[spec_pattern] t.spec_opts << '--format' << 'specdoc' << '--color' end desc "Run RCov on specs for #{}" do |t| t.spec_files = FileList[spec_pattern] t.rcov = true t.rcov_opts = ['--exclude', '"spec/*,gems/*"', '--rails'] end end desc "Verify all RSpec examples for #{} and output specdoc" task(:spec => ['spec:specdoc']) end # Defines the rake tasks def define_tasks! define_test_tasks! if has_tests? define_rspec_tasks! if has_specs? namespace(@task_namespace) do desc "Updates the filelist in the gemspec file" task(:manifest) { manifest_task } desc "Builds the .gem package" task(:build => :manifest) { build_task } desc "Sets the version of the gem in the gemspec" task(:set_version => [:check_version, :check_current_branch]) { version_task } task(:check_version => :fetch_origin) { check_version_task } task(:fetch_origin) { fetch_origin_task } task(:check_current_branch) { check_current_branch_task } task(:check_clean_status) { check_clean_status_task } task(:check_not_diverged => :fetch_origin) { check_not_diverged_task } checks = [:check_current_branch, :check_clean_status, :check_not_diverged, :check_version] checks.unshift('spec:basic') if has_specs? checks.unshift('test:basic') if has_tests? # checks.push << [:check_rubyforge] if gemspec.rubyforge_project desc "Perform all checks that would occur before a release" task(:release_checks => checks) release_tasks = [:release_checks, :set_version, :build, :github_release, :gemcutter_release] # release_tasks << [:rubyforge_release] if gemspec.rubyforge_project desc "Release a new version of the gem using the VERSION environment variable" task(:release => release_tasks) { release_task } namespace(:release) do desc "Release the next version of the gem, by incrementing the last version segment by 1" task(:next => [:next_version] + release_tasks) { release_task } desc "Release the next version of the gem, using a patch increment (0.0.1)" task(:patch => [:next_patch_version] + release_tasks) { release_task } desc "Release the next version of the gem, using a minor increment (0.1.0)" task(:minor => [:next_minor_version] + release_tasks) { release_task } desc "Release the next version of the gem, using a major increment (1.0.0)" task(:major => [:next_major_version] + release_tasks) { release_task } end # task(:check_rubyforge) { check_rubyforge_task } # task(:rubyforge_release) { rubyforge_release_task } task(:gemcutter_release) { gemcutter_release_task } task(:github_release => [:commit_modified_files, :tag_version]) { github_release_task } task(:tag_version) { tag_version_task } task(:commit_modified_files) { commit_modified_files_task } task(:next_version) { next_version_task } task(:next_patch_version) { next_version_task(:patch) } task(:next_minor_version) { next_version_task(:minor) } task(:next_major_version) { next_version_task(:major) } desc "Updates the gem release tasks with the latest version on Github" task(:update_tasks) { update_tasks_task } end end # Updates the files list and test_files list in the gemspec file using the list of files # in the repository and the spec/test file pattern. def manifest_task # Load all the gem's files using "git ls-files" repository_files = git.ls_files.keys test_files = Dir[test_pattern] + Dir[spec_pattern] update_gemspec(:files, repository_files) update_gemspec(:test_files, repository_files & test_files) end # Builds the gem def build_task sh "gem build -q #{gemspec_file}" Dir.mkdir('pkg') unless File.exist?('pkg') sh "mv #{}-#{gemspec.version}.gem pkg/#{}-#{gemspec.version}.gem" end def newest_version { |tag|'-').last } { |v| }.max ||'0.0.0') end def next_version(increment = nil) next_version = newest_version.segments increment_index = case increment when :micro then 3 when :patch then 2 when :minor then 1 when :major then 0 else next_version.length - 1 end next_version[increment_index] ||= 0 next_version[increment_index] = next_version[increment_index].succ ((increment_index + 1)...next_version.length).each { |i| next_version[i] = 0 }'.')) end def next_version_task(increment = nil) ENV['VERSION'] = next_version(increment).version puts "Releasing version #{ENV['VERSION']}..." end # Updates the version number in the gemspec file, the VERSION constant in the main # include file and the contents of the VERSION file. def version_task update_gemspec(:version, ENV['VERSION']) if ENV['VERSION'] update_gemspec(:date, update_version_file(gemspec.version) update_version_constant(gemspec.version) end def check_version_task raise "#{ENV['VERSION']} is not a valid version number!" if ENV['VERSION'] && !Gem::Version.correct?(ENV['VERSION']) proposed_version =['VERSION'].dup || gemspec.version) raise "This version (#{proposed_version}) is not higher than the highest tagged version (#{newest_version})" if newest_version >= proposed_version end # Checks whether the current branch is not diverged from the remote branch def check_not_diverged_task raise "The current branch is diverged from the remote branch!" if git.log.between('HEAD', git.remote(remote).branch(remote_branch).gcommit).any? end # Checks whether the repository status ic clean def check_clean_status_task raise "The current working copy contains modifications" if git.status.changed.any? end # Checks whether the current branch is correct def check_current_branch_task raise "Currently not on #{local_branch} branch!" unless == local_branch.to_s end # Fetches the latest updates from Github def fetch_origin_task git.fetch('origin') end # Commits every file that has been changed by the release task. def commit_modified_files_task if modified_files.any? modified_files.each { |file| git.add(file) } git.commit("Released #{} gem version #{gemspec.version}") end end # Adds a tag for the released version def tag_version_task git.add_tag("#{}-#{gemspec.version}") end # Pushes the changes and tag to github def github_release_task git.push(remote, remote_branch, true) end # # Checks whether Rubyforge is configured properly # def check_rubyforge_task # # Login no longer necessary when using rubyforge 2.0.0 gem # # raise "Could not login on rubyforge!" unless `rubyforge login 2>&1`.strip.empty? # output = `rubyforge names`.split("\n") # raise "Rubyforge group not found!" unless output.any? { |line| %r[^groups\s*\:.*\b#{Regexp.quote(gemspec.rubyforge_project)}\b.*] =~ line } # raise "Rubyforge package not found!" unless output.any? { |line| %r[^packages\s*\:.*\b#{Regexp.quote(}\b.*] =~ line } # end # # Task to release the .gem file toRubyforge. # def rubyforge_release_task # sh 'rubyforge', 'add_release', gemspec.rubyforge_project,, gemspec.version.to_s, "pkg/#{}-#{gemspec.version}.gem" # end def gemcutter_release_task sh "gem push pkg/#{}-#{gemspec.version}.gem" end # Gem release task. # All work is done by the task's dependencies, so just display a release completed message. def release_task puts puts '------------------------------------------------------------' puts "Released #{} version #{gemspec.version}" end private # Checks whether this project has any RSpec files def has_specs? FileList[spec_pattern].any? end # Checks whether this project has any unit test files def has_tests? FileList[test_pattern].any? end # Loads the gemspec file def load_gemspec! @gemspec = eval( end # Updates the VERSION file with the new version def update_version_file(version) if File.exists?('VERSION')'VERSION', 'w') { |f| f << version.to_s } modified_files << 'VERSION' end end # Updates the VERSION constant in the main include file if it exists def update_version_constant(version) if main_include && File.exist?(main_include) file_contents = if file_contents.sub!(/^(\s+VERSION\s*=\s*)[^\s].*$/) { $1 + version.to_s.inspect }, 'w') { |f| f << file_contents } modified_files << main_include end end end # Updates an attribute of the gemspec file. # This function will open the file, and search/replace the attribute using a regular expression. def update_gemspec(attribute, new_value, literal = false) unless literal new_value = case new_value when Array then "%w(#{new_value.join(' ')})" when Hash, String then new_value.inspect when Date then new_value.strftime('%Y-%m-%d').inspect else raise "Cannot write value #{new_value.inspect} to gemspec file!" end end spec = regexp ='^(\s+\w+\.' + Regexp.quote(attribute.to_s) + '\s*=\s*)[^\s].*$') if spec.sub!(regexp) { $1 + new_value }, 'w') { |f| f << spec } modified_files << gemspec_file # Reload the gemspec so the changes are incorporated load_gemspec! end end # Updates the tasks file using the latest file found on Github def update_tasks_task require 'net/http' server = '' path = '/wvanbergen/github-gem/raw/master/tasks/github-gem.rake' Net::HTTP.start(server) do |http| response = http.get(path) open(__FILE__, "w") { |file| file.write(response.body) } end relative_file = File.expand_path(__FILE__).sub(%r[^#{git.dir.path}/], '') if git.status[relative_file] && git.status[relative_file].type == 'M' git.add(relative_file) git.commit("Updated to latest gem release management tasks.") puts "Updated to latest version of gem release management tasks." else puts "Release managament tasks already are at the latest version." end end end end