# frozen_string_literal: true class ContentHelperTestHelper include Licensee::ContentHelper attr_accessor :content, :data def initialize(content = nil, data = {}) @content = content @data = data end def filename @data[:filename] end def spdx_id @data[:spdx_id] end end RSpec.describe Licensee::ContentHelper do subject { ContentHelperTestHelper.new(content, filename: filename, spdx_id: spdx_id) } let(:content) do <<-LICENSE.gsub(/^\s*/, '') # The MIT License ================= Copyright 2016 Ben Balter ************************* All rights reserved. The made * * * * up license. This license provided 'as is'. Please respect the contributors' wishes when implementing the license's "software". ----------- LICENSE end let(:filename) { 'license.md' } let(:spdx_id) { 'MIT' } let(:mit) { Licensee::License.find('mit') } let(:normalized_content) { subject.content_normalized } it 'creates the wordset' do wordset = Set.new( %w[ the made up license this provided as is' please respect contributors' wishes when implementing license's software ] ) expect(subject.wordset).to eql(wordset) end it 'knows the length' do expect(subject.length).to be(135) end it 'knows the length delta' do expect(subject.length_delta(mit)).to be(885) expect(subject.length_delta(subject)).to be(0) end it 'knows the similarity' do expect(mit.similarity(subject)).to be_within(1).of(4) expect(mit.similarity(mit)).to eq(100.0) end it 'calculates simple delta for similarity' do expect(subject.similarity(mit)).to be_within(1).of(3) end it 'calculates the hash' do content_hash = '9b4bed43726cf39e17b11c2942f37be232f5709a' expect(subject.content_hash).to eql(content_hash) end it 'wraps' do content = described_class.wrap(mit.content, 40) lines = content.split("\n") expect(lines.first.length).to be <= 40 end it 'formats percents' do percent = described_class.format_percent(12.3456789) expect(percent).to eql('12.35%') end describe '#strip' do { version: "The MIT License\nVersion 1.0\nfoo", hrs: "The MIT License\n=====\n-----\n*******\nfoo", markdown_headings: "# The MIT License\n\nfoo", whitespace: "The MIT License\n\n foo ", all_rights_reserved: "Copyright 2016 Ben Balter\n\nfoo", urls: "https://example.com\nfoo", developed_by: "Developed By: Ben Balter\n\nFoo", borders: '* Foo *', title: "The MIT License\nfoo", copyright: "The MIT License\nCopyright 2018 Ben Balter\nFoo", copyright_bullet: "The MIT License\n* Copyright 2018 Ben Balter\nFoo", copyright_italic: "The MIT License\n_Copyright 2018 Ben Balter_\nFoo", end_of_terms: "Foo\nend of terms and conditions\nbar", end_of_terms_hashes: "Foo\n# end of terms and conditions ####\nbar", block_markup: '> Foo', link_markup: '[Foo](http://exmaple.com)', comment_markup: "/*\n* The MIT License\n* Foo\n*/", copyright_title: "Copyright 2019 Ben Balter\nMIT License\nFoo" }.each do |field, fixture| describe "#strip_#{field}" do let(:content) { fixture } it "strips #{field}" do expect(normalized_content).to eql('foo') end end end context 'span markup' do let(:content) { '_foo_ *foo* **foo** ~foo~' } it 'strips span markup' do expect(normalized_content).to eql('foo foo foo foo') end end context 'HTML' do let(:content) { '<ul><li>foo</li></ul>' } let(:filename) { 'license.html' } it 'strips HTML' do expect(normalized_content).to eql('- foo') end end end context 'integration fixture' do it 'strips copyright' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match 'Copyright' expect(normalized_content).not_to match 'Ben Balter' end it 'downcases' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match 'The' expect(normalized_content).to match 'the' end it 'strips HRs' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match '---' expect(normalized_content).not_to match '===' expect(normalized_content).not_to include '***' expect(normalized_content).not_to include '* *' end it 'squeezes whitespace' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match ' ' end it 'strips whitespace' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match(/\n/) expect(normalized_content).not_to match(/\t/) end it 'strips markdown headings' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match('#') end it 'strips all rights reserved' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match(/all rights reserved/i) end it 'strips markup' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match(/[*=_-]+/) end it 'normalizes quotes' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match('"as is"') end it 'preserves possessives' do expect(normalized_content).to match("contributors'") expect(normalized_content).to match("license's") end it 'strips the title' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match('MIT') end it 'normalize the content' do expected = +"the made up license. this license provided 'as is'. " expected << "please respect the contributors' wishes when implementing " expected << "the license's 'software'." expect(normalized_content).to eql(expected) end end context 'normalizing' do context 'https' do let(:content) { 'http://example.com' } it 'normalized URL protocals' do expect(subject.content_normalized).to eql('https://example.com') end end context 'ampersands' do let(:content) { 'Foo & Bar' } it 'normalized ampersands' do expect(subject.content_normalized).to eql('foo and bar') end end context 'lists' do let(:content) { "1. Foo\n * Bar" } it 'normalizes lists' do expect(subject.content_normalized).to eql('- foo - bar') end end context 'lists with formatting bullets' do let(:content) { "- **(a)** Foo\n * b) Bar" } it 'normalizes lists' do expect(subject.content_normalized).to eql('- foo - bar') end end context 'dashes' do let(:content) { 'Foo-Bar—–baz-buzz' } it 'normalizes dashes' do expect(subject.content_normalized).to eql('foo-bar-baz-buzz') end end context 'hyphenated across lines' do let(:content) { "cc-\nlicensed" } it 'normalized hyphenated across lines' do expect(subject.content_normalized).to eql('cc-licensed') end end context 'quotes' do let(:content) { "`a` 'b' \"c\" ‘d’ “e”" } it 'normalizes quotes' do expect(subject.content_normalized).to eql("'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' 'e'") end end it 'strips formatting from the MPL' do license = Licensee::License.find('mpl-2.0') expect(license.content_normalized).not_to include('* *') end it 'normalizes http: to https:' do license = Licensee::License.find('ofl-1.1') expect(license.content).to include('http:') expect(license.content_normalized).not_to include('http:') end it 'wraps' do lines = mit.content_normalized(wrap: 40).split("\n") expect(lines.first.length).to be <= 40 end context 'spelling' do let(:content) { 'licence' } it 'normalizes' do expect(subject.content_normalized).to eql('license') end end Licensee::License.all(hidden: true).each do |license| context license.name do let(:stripped_content) { subject.content_without_title_and_version } it 'strips the title' do regex = /\A#{license.name_without_version}/i expect(stripped_content).not_to match(regex) expect(license.content_normalized).not_to match(regex) end it 'strips the version' do expect(license.content_normalized).not_to match(/\Aversion/i) expect(stripped_content).not_to match(/\Aversion/i) end it 'strips all rights reserved' do regex = /all rights reserved/i expect(license.content_normalized).not_to match(regex) end it 'strips the copyright' do expect(license.content_normalized).not_to match(/\Acopyright/i) end it 'strips the implementation instructions' do end_terms_regex = /END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS/i expect(license.content_normalized).not_to match(end_terms_regex) expect(license.content_normalized).not_to match(/How to apply/i) end end end context 'a title in parenthesis' do let(:content) { "(The MIT License)\n\nfoo" } it 'strips the title' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match('MIT') expect(normalized_content).to eql('foo') end end context 'multiple copyrights' do let(:content) { "Copyright 2016 Ben Balter\nCopyright 2017 Bob\nFoo" } it 'strips multiple copyrights' do expect(normalized_content).not_to match('Ben') expect(normalized_content).to eql('foo') end end end context 'title regex' do let(:license) { Licensee::License.find('gpl-3.0') } %i[key title nickname name_without_version].each do |variation| context "a license #{variation}" do let(:license_variation) { license.send(variation) } let(:text) { license_variation } it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(described_class.title_regex) end context 'preceded by the' do let(:text) { "The #{license_variation} license" } it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(described_class.title_regex) end end context 'with parens' do let(:text) { "(#{license_variation})" } it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(described_class.title_regex) end end context 'with parens and a preceding the' do let(:text) { "(the #{license_variation} license)" } it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(described_class.title_regex) end end context 'with whitespace' do let(:text) { " the #{license_variation} license" } it 'matches' do expect(text).to match(described_class.title_regex) end end context 'escaping' do let(:text) { 'gpl-3 0' } it 'escapes' do expect(text).not_to match(described_class.title_regex) end end context 'in the middle of a string' do let(:text) do "The project is not licensed under the #{license_variation} license" end it 'matches' do expect(text).not_to match(described_class.title_regex) end end end end end context 'metaprogramming' do it 'raises on invalid normalization' do expect { subject.send(:normalize, :foo) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'raises on invalid strip' do expect { subject.send(:strip, :foo) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it 'backwards compatibalizes regexes' do expect(described_class::WHITESPACE_REGEX).to eql(/\s+/) end end end