module DnsOne; class Setup SYSTEMD_SERVICES_DIR = "/lib/systemd/system/" SERVICE_NAME = 'dnsone' SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE = "#{SYSTEMD_SERVICES_DIR}/#{SERVICE_NAME}.service" attr_accessor :conf def initialize @thisdir = File.join File.dirname(__FILE__) # just to load the configuration # TODO: move conf to own class @conf = Global.conf end def setup check_reqs add_user mkdirs copy_sample_conf install_systemd_service setup_finished_msg end def remove unless is_setup? die "Nothing to remove. Exiting." end # SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE if Util.has_systemd? and File.exist? SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE "systemctl stop #{SERVICE_NAME}" "systemctl disable #{SERVICE_NAME}" File.delete SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE end # conf_file if File.exists? conf.conf_file if confirm? "Delete #{conf.conf_file}?" FileUtils.rm conf.conf_file end end # work_dir if conf.work_dir == '/var/local/dnsone' # Only deletes if path matches the hardcoded one if Dir.exists? conf.work_dir if confirm? "Delete #{conf.work_dir}?" FileUtils.rm_rf conf.work_dir end end end puts "Removed." end private def check_reqs unless Process.uid == 0 die "Install requires root privileges. Run with sudo or login as root. Aborting." end unless Util.has_systemd? warn "DnsOne will install without systemd." end end def add_user if `cat /etc/passwd|grep ^#{conf.run_as}:`.strip.present? warn "User #{conf.run_as} exists, skipping creation." return end system "adduser --system --no-create-home '#{conf.run_as}'" end def mkdirs if Dir.exists? conf.work_dir warn "Work dir #{conf.work_dir} exists, skipping creation." return end FileUtils.mkdir_p conf.work_dir File.chmod 0755, conf.work_dir File.chown `id -u #{conf.run_as}`.to_i, nil, conf.work_dir end def setup_finished_msg print <<~HEREDOC Installed successfully Now: 1) Edit #{conf.conf_file} 2) After configuration run 'dnsone' (or 'systemctl start dnsone' if systemd is available) Logs are sent to /var/log/dnsone.log /var/log/dnsone_rubydns.log HEREDOC end def is_setup? File.exist? conf.conf_file end def install_systemd_service copy "#{@thisdir}/../../util/dnsone.service", SYSTEMD_SERVICE_FILE "systemctl enable #{SERVICE_NAME}" end def copy_sample_conf if File.exist? conf.conf_file unless confirm? "File #{conf.conf_file} exists. Override it?" return end end copy "#{@thisdir}/../../util/sample_conf.yml", conf.conf_file end def copy from, to, mod = 0600 puts "Copying #{from} to #{to}..." FileUtils.cp from, to FileUtils.chmod mod, to rescue => e warn "Error when copying #{from} to #{to}: #{e.message}" unless confirm? "Ignore error?" die "exiting" end end def die msg STDERR.puts msg exit 1 end def warn msg STDERR.puts msg end def confirm? msg typed = nil loop do print "#{msg} (y/n): " typed = STDIN.gets.chomp break if %w(y n).include? typed end typed == 'y' end end; end