module ActiveSearch module Mongoid class Index include ::Mongoid::Document ## fields ## field :original_type, type: String field :original_id, type: Moped::BSON::ObjectId field :language, type: String field :locale, type: String field :content, type: Array field :stored, type: Hash, default: {} alias_method :to_hash, :stored ## indexes ## index({ content: 'text', locale: 1 }) index({ original_type: 1, original_id: 1, locale: 1 }, unique: true) ## methods ## def store_language(original) self.locale = original.search_locale self.language = FullTextSearchQuery.locale_to_language(self.locale) end def store_fields(original) self.stored = {} fields = (original.search_fields + (original.search_options[:store] || [])).uniq fields.each do |f| content = original.send(f) if content.present? content = content.to_indexable if content.respond_to?(:to_indexable) self.stored[f] = ActiveSearch.strip_tags(content) end end end def refresh_content(original) self.content = original.to_indexable.values.flatten end ## class methods ## def, conditions = {}, options = {}) query =, query, conditions, options) end def self.deindex(original) # delete the records in all the locales self.where(original_type: original.class.to_s, original_id: end def self.reindex(original, fields, options) # re-index only in the current locale (unless another locale has been specified) locale = original.search_locale # find the exact index scoped by the locale or build a new one doc = find_or_initialize_by(original_type: original.class.to_s, original_id:, locale: locale) doc.store_language(original) doc.store_fields(original) #, fields, options) doc.refresh_content(original) # save it (create or update it) end end end end