module Vimeo
  module Advanced
    class Album < Vimeo::Advanced::Base

      # Adds a video to an album.
      create_api_method :add_video,
                        :required => [:album_id, :video_id]

      # Creates an album.
      create_api_method :create,
                        :required => [:title, :video_id],
                        :optional => [:description, :videos]
      # Deletes an album.
      create_api_method :delete,
                        :required => [:album_id]
      # Returns a list of a user's albums.
      create_api_method :get_all,
                        :required => [:user_id],
                        :optional => [:page, :per_page, :sort]
      # Returns a list of the videos in an album.
      create_api_method :get_videos,
                        :required => [:album_id],
                        :optional => [:page, :per_page, :full_response, :password]
      # Removes a video from an album.
      create_api_method :remove_video,
                        :required => [:album_id, :video_id]

      # Sets the description of an album.
      create_api_method :set_description,
                        :required => [:album_id, :description]
      # Sets the password of an album.
      create_api_method :set_password,
                        :required => [:album_id, :password]
      # Sets the title of an album.
      create_api_method :set_title,
                        :required => [:album_id, :title]

    end # Album
  end # Advanced
end # Vimeo