// for Blacklight.onLoad: //= require blacklight/core /* A custom event "plotDrawn.blacklight.rangeLimit" will be sent when flot plot is (re-)drawn on screen possibly with a new size. target of event will be the DOM element containing the plot. Used to resize slider to match. */ Blacklight.onLoad(function() { // ratio of width to height for desired display, multiply width by this ratio // to get height. hard-coded in for now. var display_ratio = 1/(1.618 * 2); // half a golden rectangle, why not var redrawnEvent = "plotDrawn.blacklight.rangeLimit"; // Facets already on the page? Turn em into a chart. $(".range_limit .profile .distribution.chart_js ul").each(function() { turnIntoPlot($(this).parent()); }); // Add AJAX fetched range facets if needed, and add a chart to em $(".range_limit .profile .distribution a.load_distribution").each(function() { var container = $(this).parent('div.distribution'); $(container).load($(this).attr('href'), function(response, status) { if ($(container).hasClass("chart_js") && status == "success" ) { turnIntoPlot(container); } }); }); // Listen for twitter bootstrap collapsible open events, to render flot // in previously hidden divs on open, if needed. $("body").on("show.bs.collapse", function(event) { // Was the target a .facet-content including a .chart-js? var container = $(event.target).filter(".facet-content").find(".chart_js"); // only if it doesn't already have a canvas, it isn't already drawn if (container && container.find("canvas").size() == 0) { // be willing to wait up to 1100ms for container to // have width -- right away on show.bs is too soon, but // shown.bs is later than we want, we want to start rendering // while animation is still in progress. turnIntoPlot(container, 1100); } }); // after a collapsible facet contents is fully shown, // resize the flot chart to current conditions. This way, if you change // browser window size, you can get chart resized to fit by closing and opening // again, if needed. function redrawPlot(container) { if (container && container.width() > 0) { // resize the container's height, since width may have changed. container.height( container.width() * display_ratio ); // redraw the chart. var plot = container.data("plot"); if (plot) { // how to redraw after possible resize? // Cribbed from https://github.com/flot/flot/blob/master/jquery.flot.resize.js plot.resize(); plot.setupGrid(); plot.draw(); // plus trigger redraw of the selection, which otherwise ain't always right // we'll trigger a fake event on one of the boxes var form = $(container).closest(".limit_content").find("form.range_limit"); form.find("input.range_begin").trigger("change"); // send our custom event to trigger redraw of slider $(container).trigger(redrawnEvent); } } } $("body").on("shown.bs.collapse", function(event) { var container = $(event.target).filter(".facet-content").find(".chart_js"); redrawPlot(container); }); // debouce borrowed from underscore // Returns a function, that, as long as it continues to be invoked, will not // be triggered. The function will be called after it stops being called for // N milliseconds. If `immediate` is passed, trigger the function on the // leading edge, instead of the trailing. debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; var callNow = immediate && !timeout; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (callNow) func.apply(context, args); }; }; $(window).on("resize", debounce(function() { $(".chart_js").each(function(i, container) { redrawPlot($(container)); }); }, 350)); // second arg, if provided, is a number of ms we're willing to // wait for the container to have width before giving up -- we'll // set 50ms timers to check back until timeout is expired or the // container is finally visible. The timeout is used when we catch // bootstrap show event, but the animation hasn't barely begun yet -- but // we don't want to wait until it's finished, we want to start rendering // as soon as we can. // // We also will function turnIntoPlot(container, wait_for_visible) { // flot can only render in a a div with a defined width. // for instance, a hidden div can't generally be rendered in (although if you set // an explicit width on it, it might work) // // We'll count on later code that catch bootstrap collapse open to render // on show, for currently hidden divs. // for some reason width sometimes return negative, not sure // why but it's some kind of hidden. if (container.width() > 0) { var height = container.width() * display_ratio; // Need an explicit height to make flot happy. container.height( height ) areaChart($(container)); $(container).trigger(redrawnEvent); } else if (wait_for_visible > 0) { setTimeout(function() { turnIntoPlot(container, wait_for_visible - 50); }, 50); } } // Takes a div holding a ul of distribution segments produced by // blacklight_range_limit/_range_facets and makes it into // a flot area chart. function areaChart(container) { //flot loaded? And canvas element supported. if ( domDependenciesMet() ) { // Grab the data from the ul div var series_data = new Array(); var pointer_lookup = new Array(); var x_ticks = new Array(); var min = BlacklightRangeLimit.parseNum($(container).find("ul li:first-child span.from").text()); var max = BlacklightRangeLimit.parseNum($(container).find("ul li:last-child span.to").text()); $(container).find("ul li").each(function() { var from = BlacklightRangeLimit.parseNum($(this).find("span.from").text()); var to = BlacklightRangeLimit.parseNum($(this).find("span.to").text()); var count = BlacklightRangeLimit.parseNum($(this).find("span.count").text()); var avg = (count / (to - from + 1)); //We use the avg as the y-coord, to make the area of each //segment proportional to how many documents it holds. series_data.push( [from, avg ] ); series_data.push( [to+1, avg] ); x_ticks.push(from); pointer_lookup.push({'from': from, 'to': to, 'count': count, 'label': $(this).find(".facet_select").text() }); }); var max_plus_one = BlacklightRangeLimit.parseNum($(container).find("ul li:last-child span.to").text())+1; x_ticks.push( max_plus_one ); var plot; var config = $(container).closest('.facet_limit').data('plot-config') || {}; try { plot = $.plot($(container), [series_data], $.extend(true, config, { yaxis: { ticks: [], min: 0, autoscaleMargin: 0.1}, //xaxis: { ticks: x_ticks }, xaxis: { tickDecimals: 0 }, // force integer ticks series: { lines: { fill: true, steps: true }}, grid: {clickable: true, hoverable: true, autoHighlight: false}, selection: {mode: "x"} })); } catch(err) { alert(err); } find_segment_for = function_for_find_segment(pointer_lookup); var last_segment = null; $(container).bind("plothover", function (event, pos, item) { segment = find_segment_for(pos.x); if(segment != last_segment) { $('.distribution').tooltip('destroy'); $('.distribution').tooltip({'title': function() { return find_segment_for(pos.x).label + ' (' + BlacklightRangeLimit.parseNum(segment.count) + ')' }, 'placement': 'bottom', 'trigger': 'manual', 'delay': { show: 0, hide: 100}}); $('.distribution').tooltip('show'); last_segment = segment; } }); $(container).bind("mouseout", function() { last_segment = null; $('.distribution').tooltip('hide'); }); $(container).bind("plotclick", function (event, pos, item) { if ( plot.getSelection() == null) { segment = find_segment_for(pos.x); plot.setSelection( normalized_selection(segment.from, segment.to)); } }); $(container).bind("plotselected plotselecting", function(event, ranges) { if (ranges != null ) { var from = Math.floor(ranges.xaxis.from); var to = Math.floor(ranges.xaxis.to); var form = $(container).closest(".limit_content").find("form.range_limit"); form.find("input.range_begin").val(from); form.find("input.range_end").val(to); var slider_placeholder = $(container).closest(".limit_content").find("[data-slider-placeholder]"); if (slider_placeholder) { slider_placeholder.slider("setValue", [from, to+1]); } } }); var form = $(container).closest(".limit_content").find("form.range_limit"); form.find("input.range_begin, input.range_end").change(function () { plot.setSelection( form_selection(form, min, max) , true ); }); $(container).closest(".limit_content").find(".profile .range").on("slide", function(event, ui) { var values = $(event.target).data("slider").getValue(); form.find("input.range_begin").val(values[0]); form.find("input.range_end").val(values[1]); plot.setSelection( normalized_selection(values[0], Math.max(values[0], values[1]-1)), true); }); // initially entirely selected, to match slider plot.setSelection( {xaxis: { from:min, to:max+0.9999}} ); } } // Send endpoint to endpoint+0.99999 to have display // more closely approximate limiting behavior esp // at small resolutions. (Since we search on whole numbers, // inclusive, but flot chart is decimal.) function normalized_selection(min, max) { max += 0.99999; return {xaxis: { 'from':min, 'to':max}} } function form_selection(form, min, max) { var begin_val = BlacklightRangeLimit.parseNum($(form).find("input.range_begin").val()); if (isNaN(begin_val) || begin_val < min) { begin_val = min; } var end_val = BlacklightRangeLimit.parseNum($(form).find("input.range_end").val()); if (isNaN(end_val) || end_val > max) { end_val = max; } return normalized_selection(begin_val, end_val); } function function_for_find_segment(pointer_lookup_arr) { return function(x_coord) { for (var i = pointer_lookup_arr.length-1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) { var hash = pointer_lookup_arr[i]; if (x_coord >= hash.from) return hash; } return pointer_lookup_arr[0]; }; } // Check if Flot is loaded, and if browser has support for // canvas object, either natively or via IE excanvas. function domDependenciesMet() { var flotLoaded = (typeof $.plot != "undefined"); var canvasAvailable = ((typeof(document.createElement('canvas').getContext) != "undefined") || (typeof window.CanvasRenderingContext2D != 'undefined' || typeof G_vmlCanvasManager != 'undefined')); return (flotLoaded && canvasAvailable); } });