doctype html html ng-app="browser" head title Redis Browser script type="text/javascript" src="#{root_path}js/angular.min.js" script type="text/javascript" src="#{root_path}js/ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.2.0.min.js" script type="text/javascript" src="#{root_path}js/localStorageModule.js" script type="text/javascript" src="#{root_path}js/app.js" script type="text/javascript" src="" link rel="stylesheet" href="#{root_path}css/bootstrap.min.css" link rel="stylesheet" href="#{root_path}css/app.css" link rel="stylesheet" href="#{root_path}css/github.css" script type="text/javascript" == js_env script type="text/ng-template" id="nav-tree-item.html" span ng-show="key.count > 1" button.btn.tree-toggle ng-hide="" ng-click="keyOpen(key)" + button.btn.tree-toggle ng-show="" ng-click="keyClose(key)" - span ng-show="key.count == 1" -  a href="\#{{key.full}}" ng-click="show(key)" ' {{ }} small ng-show="key.count > 1" | ({{ key.count }}) ul.tree ng-show="" li ng-repeat="key in key.children" ng-include="'nav-tree-item.html'" body ng-controller="BrowserCtrl" #http-loader Loading... div modal="" close="config.close()" options="config.modalOpts" .form-horizontal .modal-header button.close type="button" ng-click="config.close()" × h4 Configure Redis Connection .modal-body .control-group label.control-label for="config-connection" Connection .controls select id="config-connection" ng-model="config.connection" ng-options="name as name for (name, opts) in connections" ng-required="required" .modal-footer span.alert.alert-error.pull-left ng-show="config.error" ' {{ config.error }} button.btn.btn-success type="submit" ng-click="" Save .navbar.navbar-inverse.navbar-fixed-top .navbar-inner .container-fluid button.btn.btn-navbar type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target=".nav-collapse" span.icon-bar span.icon-bar a.brand href="/" Redis Browser .nav-collapse.collapse p.pull-right button.btn.btn-success ng-click="" Configure p.navbar-text.pull-right.connection-info ' Connected to strong ' {{ config.connection }} .container-fluid .row-fluid .span3 .well.sidebar-nav ul.nav.nav-list li.nav-header ' Keys button.btn.btn-mini.pull-right ng-click="fetchKeys()" Reload ul.tree li ng-repeat="key in keys" ng-include="'nav-tree-item.html'" .span9 h4 ' {{ key.full }} small ' {{ key.type }} div ng-switch="key.type" pre ng-switch-when="string" prettyprint="key.value" pre ng-switch-when="json" ' {{ key.value | json }} div ng-switch-when="set" table.table.table-striped.table-bordered.value-list tr ng-repeat="e in key.values" td ng-switch="e.type" pre ng-switch-when="json" ' {{ e.value | json }} pre ng-switch-default="" prettyprint="e.value" ' {{ e.value }} div ng-switch-when="zset" table.table.table-striped.table-bordered.value-list tr th Value th.value-zset-score Score tr ng-repeat="e in key.values" td ng-switch="e.type" pre ng-switch-when="json" ' {{ e.value | json }} pre ng-switch-default="" prettyprint="e.value" td ' {{ e.score }} div ng-switch-when="hash" div ng-show="config.hashView == 'json'" div button.btn.btn-primary.pull-right ng-click="config.setHashView('table')" Switch to Table view pre ' {{ key.json | json }} div ng-show="config.hashView == 'table'" table.table.table-striped.table-bordered.value-list tr th Key th ' Value button.btn.btn-primary.pull-right ng-click="config.setHashView('json')" Switch to JSON view tr ng-repeat="(k,e) in key.value" td ' {{ k }} td ng-switch="e.type" pre ng-switch-when="json" ' {{ e.value | json }} pre ng-switch-default="" prettyprint="e.value" div ng-switch-when="list" .alert ' Showing strong ' {{ list.per_page }} ' items from strong ' {{ list.start }} ' to strong ' {{ list.stop }} ' out of strong ' {{ key.length }} ' ( {{ list.pages }} pages ) .row-fluid .span8 pagination boundary-links="true" num-pages="list.pages" current-page="list.current" max-size="list.max" .span4 .dropdown.per-page a.dropdown-toggle | {{ list.per_page }} per page ul.dropdown-menu li ng-repeat="i in [10,20,50,100,200]" a ng-click="setPerPage(i)" {{ i }} table.table.table-striped.table-bordered.value-list tr th.value-list-index Index th Value tr ng-repeat="e in key.values" td ' {{ e.index }} td ng-switch="e.type" pre ng-switch-when="json" ' {{ e.value | json }} pre ng-switch-default="" prettyprint="e.value" pagination boundary-links="true" num-pages="list.pages" current-page="list.current" max-size="list.max" span.alert.alert-success ng-switch-when="empty" Select something on the left div ng-switch-default="" table.table.table-striped.table-bordered tr th Keys th.keys-search type="text" ng-model="query" placeholder="Search" tr ng-repeat="e in key.values | filter:query" td a href="\#{{e.full}}" ng-click="show(e)" ' {{ }} td button.btn.btn-danger ng-click="deleteKey(e)" Delete tr td td button.btn.btn-danger ng-click="deleteAll()" Delete ALL / span.alert.alert-danger Key not found