#!/usr/bin/env ruby $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require 'rubygems' require 'optparse' require 'pp' require 'generators/workflow_generator' def create! # Parse CLI Options and Spec File cli_options = parse_options spec_options = cli_options[:spec_file] ? load_spec(cli_options[:spec_file]) : {} workflow_options_defaults = {} workflow_options = workflow_options_defaults.merge(spec_options).merge(cli_options[:config]) # Create a Workflow Generator and use it to create configure job. while ARGV.size >= 1 begin rawdir = ARGV.shift workflow = WorkflowGenerator.new(rawdir, workflow_options) if cli_options[:dry_run] pp workflow.build else begin puts write_driver_hash workflow.build, :cli_options => cli_options rescue IOError => e puts e end end rescue StandardError => e puts "Problem creating driver for #{rawdir}" puts e puts e.backtrace if cli_options[:verbose] end end end def write_driver_hash (workflow_spec, driver_options = {:filename => nil}) filename = driver_options[:filename] ||= workflow_spec['subid'] + '.yaml' if File.exist? filename and ! driver_options[:cli_options][:force] raise IOError, "Driver #{filename} already exists; use -f option to force overwrite." else write_file(workflow_spec, filename) end end def write_file(workflow_spec, filename) File.open(filename, 'w') { |f| f.puts workflow_spec.to_yaml } raise IOError, "Couldn't write #{filename}}" unless File.exist?(filename) "Wrote file #{filename}..." end def load_spec(spec_file) if File.exist?(spec_file) spec = YAML::load_file(spec_file) else raise IOError, "Cannot find yaml spec file #{spec_file}" end return spec end def parse_options options = { :config => {} } parser = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} [options] RAWDIR(S)" opts.on('-s', '--spec SPEC', "Spec File for common study parameters") do |spec_file| options[:spec_file] = spec_file end opts.on('-r', '--responses_dir RESPONSES_DIR', "Directory containing Button-press Response Logfiles") do |responses_dir| options[:config][:responses_dir.to_s] = File.expand_path(responses_dir) end opts.on('-d', '--dry-run', "Display Driver without executing it.") do options[:dry_run] = true end opts.on('-f', '--force', "Overwrite drivers if they exist.") do options[:force] = true end opts.on('-v', '--verbose', "Print extra info.") do options[:verbose] = true end opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', "Show this message") { puts(parser); exit } opts.on_tail("Example: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} mrt00001") opts.on_tail("Example: #{File.basename(__FILE__)} raw/johnson.merit220.visit1/mri/mrt*") end parser.parse!(ARGV) if ARGV.size == 0 puts "Problem with arguments - Missing RAWDIR" puts(parser); exit end return options end # All that for this. create!