<% @read_cmd = 'crontab -l' @write_cmd = 'crontab -' %> # cron clears out enviroment variables. We need to put our path back in so we can find RVM. # 'rvm exec' and 'bundle exec' in cron-rake will take care of setting up the rest of the # environment needed by Ruby / Rails PATH='<%= ENV['PATH'] %>' MAILTO=<%= rubber_env.admin_email %> # don't need to set RUBBER_ENV for each script since we set it for all cron here RUBBER_ENV=<%= RUBBER_ENV %> RAILS_ENV=<%= RUBBER_ENV %> RUBYOPT=rubygems # Roll all rails logs at midnight 0 0 * * * LOG_DIR=<%= RUBBER_ROOT %>/log <%= RUBBER_ROOT %>/script/cron-rake rubber:rotate_logs # Automatically set the clock for all machines <%= rand(60) %> 4 * * * rvm exec <%= RUBBER_ROOT %>/script/cron-sh -- ntpdate pool.ntp.org