Lobot: Your Chief Administrative Aide on Cloud City ============================ ![Lobot](http://i.imgur.com/QAkd7.jpg) ###A "one click" solution for deploying CI to EC2 Lando Calrissian relies on Lobot to keep Cloud City afloat, and now you can rely on Lobot to keep your continuous integration server running in the cloud. Lobot is a gem that will help you spin-up, bootstrap, and install Jenkins for CI for your Rails app on Amazon EC2. # What do I get? * rake tasks for starting a CI instance * capistrano tasks for bootstrapping and deploying to an EC2 instance * chef recipes for configuring a Centos server to run Jenkins and build Rails projects. all you'll need to do is: rails g lobot:install edit config/ci.yml rake ci:server_start cap ci bootstrap cap ci chef Read on for an explanation of what each one of these steps does. ## Install Add lobot to your Gemfile, in the development group: gem "lobot", :group => :development ## Generate Lobot is a Rails 3 generator. Rails 2 can be made to work, but you will need to copy the template files into your project. rails g lobot:install ## Setup Edit config/ci.yml --- app_name: # a short name for your application app_user: # the user created to run your CI process git_location: # The location of your remote git repository which Jenkins will poll and pull from on changes. basic_auth: - username: # The username you will use to access the Jenkins web interface password: # The password you will use to access the Jenkins web interface credentials: aws_access_key_id: # The Access Key for your Amazon AWS account aws_secret_access_key: The Secret Access Key for your Amazon AWS account provider: AWS # leave this one alone server: name: run 'rake ci:server_start to populate' instance_id: run 'rake ci:server_start to populate' build_command: ./script/ci_build.sh ec2_server_access: key_pair_name: myapp_ci id_rsa_path: ~/.ssh/id_rsa id_rsa_for_github_access: |- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- SSH KEY WITH ACCESS TO GITHUB GOES HERE -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- For security, you can add ci.yml to your .gitignore file and store a ci.yml.example without authentication credentials in your repository ## Modify the soloistrc if necessary Switch postgres to mysql, or add your own recipes for your own dependencies. ## Let 'er rip Launch an instance, allocate and associates an elastic IP and updates ci.yml: rake ci:server_start Bootstrap the instance using the boostrap_server.sh script generated by Lobot. The script instals ruby prerequisites, creates the app_user account, and installs RVM for that user: cap ci bootstrap Upload the contents of your chef/cookbooks/ directory, upload the soloistrc, and run chef: cap ci chef ## Add your new CI instance to [cimonitor](http://github.com/pivotal/cimonitor) and CCMenu Lobot can generate the config for you, just run: rake ci:info ## Dependencies * fog * capistrano * capistrano-ext * rvm (the gem - it configures capistrano to use RVM on the server) # Tests Lobot is tested using rspec, generator_spec and cucumber. Cucumber provides a full integration test which can generate a rails application, push it to github, start a server and bring up CI for the generated project. You'll need a git repository(which should not have any code you care about) and an AWS account to run the spec. It costs about $0.50 and takes about half an hour. It does not clean up after itself, so be sure to terminate the server when you're done, or it will cost substantially more than $0.50. Use the secrets.yml.example to create a secrets.yml file with your accounts. # Contributing Lobot is in its infancy and we welcome pull requests. Pull requests should have test coverage for quick consideration. # License Lobot is MIT Licensed and © Pivotal Labs. See LICENSE.txt for details.