# coding : utf-8 =begin ============================================================ Copyright (C) 2013 BizStation Corp All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. =================================================================== =end require 'transactd' require 'rbconfig' IS_WINDOWS = (RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/) def getHost() hostname = '' if (ENV['TRANSACTD_RSPEC_HOST'] != nil && ENV['TRANSACTD_RSPEC_HOST'] != '') hostname = ENV['TRANSACTD_RSPEC_HOST'] end hostname = hostname + '/' unless (hostname =~ /\/$/) return hostname end HOSTNAME = getHost() URL = 'tdap://' + HOSTNAME + 'test?dbfile=test.bdf' URL_KANJI = 'tdap://' + HOSTNAME + 'テスト?dbfile=構成.bdf' FDI_ID = 0 FDN_ID = '番号'.encode('UTF-8') FDI_NAME = 1 FDN_NAME = '名前'.encode('UTF-8') def testDropDatabase(db, url) db.open(url) expect(db.stat()).to eq 0 db.drop() expect(db.stat()).to eq 0 end def testCreateDatabase(url) db = Transactd::Database.new() db.create(url) if db.stat() == Transactd::STATUS_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR testDropDatabase(db, url) db.create(url) end expect(db.stat()).to eq 0 db.close() end def testOpenDatabase(db, url) db.open(url, Transactd::TYPE_SCHEMA_BDF, Transactd::TD_OPEN_NORMAL) expect(db.stat()).to eq 0 end def testCreateTable(db, tableid, tablename) dbdef = db.dbDef() expect(dbdef).not_to be nil td = Transactd::Tabledef.new() ### Set table schema codepage to UTF-8 # - codepage for field NAME and tableNAME td.schemaCodePage = Transactd::CP_UTF8 td.setTableName(tablename.encode('UTF-8')) td.setFileName((tablename + '.dat').encode('UTF-8')) ### Set table default charaset index # - default charset for field VALUE td.charsetIndex = Transactd::charsetIndex(Transactd::CP_UTF8) ### td.id = tableid td.pageSize = 2048 dbdef.insertTable(td) expect(dbdef.stat()).to eq 0 fd = dbdef.insertField(tableid, FDI_ID) fd.setName(FDN_ID) fd.type = Transactd::Ft_integer fd.len = 4 dbdef.updateTableDef(tableid) expect(dbdef.stat()).to eq 0 fd = dbdef.insertField(tableid, FDI_NAME) fd.setName(FDN_NAME) fd.type = Transactd::Ft_zstring fd.len = 33 ### Set field charset index # - charset for each field VALUE # fd.setCharsetIndex(Transactd::charsetIndex(Transactd::CP_UTF8)) dbdef.updateTableDef(tableid) expect(dbdef.stat()).to eq 0 kd = dbdef.insertKey(tableid, 0) kd.segment(0).fieldNum = 0 kd.segment(0).flags.bit8 = 1 kd.segment(0).flags.bit1 = 1 kd.segmentCount = 1 dbdef.updateTableDef(tableid) expect(dbdef.stat()).to eq 0 end def testOpenTable(db, tablename) tb = db.openTable(tablename.encode('UTF-8')) expect(db.stat()).to eq 0 return tb end def testInsert(db, tablename) tb = testOpenTable(db, tablename) expect(tb).not_to be nil tb.clearBuffer() tb.setFV(FDN_ID, 1) tb.setFV(FDN_NAME, '小坂'.encode('UTF-8')) tb.insert() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 tb.clearBuffer() tb.setFV(FDN_ID, 2) tb.setFV(FDN_NAME, '矢口'.encode('UTF-8')) tb.insert() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 tb.clearBuffer() tb.setFV(FDN_ID, 3) tb.setFV(FDN_NAME, 'ビズステーション'.encode('UTF-8')) tb.insert() expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 tb.close() end def testGetEqual(db, tablename) tb = testOpenTable(db, tablename) expect(tb).not_to be nil tb.clearBuffer() tb.setFV(FDN_ID, 1) tb.seek() expect(tb.getFVstr(FDN_NAME)).to eq '小坂'.encode('UTF-8') tb.close() end def testFind(db, tablename) tb = testOpenTable(db, tablename) expect(tb).not_to be nil tb.setKeyNum(0) tb.clearBuffer() tb.setFilter('番号 >= 1 and 番号 < 3'.encode('UTF-8'), 1, 0) tb.setFV(FDN_ID, 1) tb.find(Transactd::Table::FindForword) expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 expect(tb.getFVint(FDN_ID)).to eq 1 expect(tb.getFVstr(FDN_NAME)).to eq '小坂'.encode('UTF-8') tb.findNext(true) expect(tb.stat()).to eq 0 expect(tb.getFVint(FDN_ID)).to eq 2 expect(tb.getFVstr(FDN_NAME)).to eq '矢口'.encode('UTF-8') tb.findNext(true) expect(tb.stat()).to eq Transactd::STATUS_EOF tb.close() end def testWhole(tableid, tablename, url) db = Transactd::Database.new() tablename = tablename.encode('UTF-8') # table name must be UTF-8 testOpenDatabase(db, url) testCreateTable(db, tableid, tablename) testOpenTable(db, tablename) testInsert(db, tablename) testGetEqual(db, tablename) testFind(db, tablename) db.close() end describe Transactd do it 'create database' do testCreateDatabase(URL.encode('UTF-8')) end it 'table which has kanji-named field' do testWhole(1, 'kanji-field', URL.encode('UTF-8')) end it 'kanji-named table' do testWhole(2, '漢字テーブル', URL) end it 'create kanji-named database' do testCreateDatabase(URL_KANJI.encode('UTF-8')) # URL must be UTF-8 end it 'table which has kanji-named field' do testWhole(1, 'kanji-field', URL_KANJI.encode('UTF-8')) end it 'kanji-named table' do testWhole(2, '漢字テーブル', URL_KANJI.encode('UTF-8')) end it 'drop database' do db = Transactd::Database.new() testDropDatabase(db, URL_KANJI.encode('UTF-8')) end end