/** * @ngdoc object * @name Bastion.content-views.controller:ContentViewPromotionController * * @requires $scope * @requires $q * @requires translate * @requires ContentViewVersion * @requires Organization * @requires CurrentOrganization * @requires GlobalNotification * * @description * Provides the functionality specific to ContentViews for use with the Nutupane UI pattern. * Defines the columns to display and the transform function for how to generate each row * within the table. */ angular.module('Bastion.content-views').controller('ContentViewPromotionController', ['$scope', '$q', 'translate', 'ContentViewVersion', 'Organization', 'CurrentOrganization', 'GlobalNotification', function ($scope, $q, translate, ContentViewVersion, Organization, CurrentOrganization, GlobalNotification) { function success() { var message = translate('Successfully initiated promotion of %cv version %ver to %env.'); message = message.replace('%cv', $scope.contentView.name).replace('%env', $scope.selectedEnvironment.name); message = message.replace('%ver', $scope.version.version); $scope.promoting = false; GlobalNotification.setSuccessMessage(message); $scope.transitionTo('content-view.versions', {contentViewId: $scope.contentView.id}); } function failure(response) { $scope.promoting = false; GlobalNotification.setErrorMessage(response.data.displayMessage); } $scope.promotion = {}; $scope.working = false; $scope.version = ContentViewVersion.get({id: $scope.$stateParams.versionId}); $scope.currentOrganization = CurrentOrganization; $scope.availableEnvironments = Organization.paths({id: CurrentOrganization, 'permission_type': 'promotable'}); $scope.suggestedEnvironments = []; $q.all([$scope.availableEnvironments.$promise, $scope.version.$promise]).then(function (args) { var environments = args[0], version = args[1]; angular.forEach(environments, function (path) { angular.forEach(path.environments, function (environment) { environment.disabled = $scope.checkDisabled(environment, version.environments); if ($scope.checkSuggested(environment, version.environments)) { environment.iconClass = 'fa fa-star'; } }); }); $scope.working = true; }); $scope.checkDisabled = function (env, environments) { var enabled = false, envIds = _.map(environments, 'id'); if (!env.prior) { env.prior = {}; } if (envIds.indexOf(env.id) !== -1) { // if version is already promoted to the environment enabled = false; } else { enabled = true; } return !enabled; }; $scope.checkSuggested = function (env, environments) { var suggest = false, envIds = _.map(environments, 'id'); if (envIds.indexOf(env.id) === -1) { // if version is not promoted to the environment if (environments.length === 0 && env.library) { // if version is not yet promoted to any environment & environment is library suggest = true; $scope.suggestedEnvironments.push(env); } else if (envIds.indexOf(env.prior.id) !== -1) { // if environment is a successor an existing environment suggest = true; $scope.suggestedEnvironments.push(env); } } return suggest; }; $scope.promote = function () { $scope.promoting = true; ContentViewVersion.promote({id: $scope.version.id, 'environment_id': $scope.selectedEnvironment.id, 'description': $scope.description, 'force_yum_metadata_regeneration': $scope.forceMetadataRegeneration, force: true}, success, failure); }; $scope.verifySelection = function () { if ($scope.suggestedEnvironments.indexOf($scope.selectedEnvironment) !== -1) { $scope.promote(); } else { $scope.openModal(); } }; $scope.suggestedEnvironmentMessage = function () { var envs = _.uniq(_.map($scope.suggestedEnvironments, 'name')), message = ""; if (envs.length === 0) { message = "There are no environments suggested in the promotion path."; } else if (envs.length === 1) { message = "Suggested environment is: ".concat(envs[0]); } else { message = "Suggested environments are: ".concat(envs.join(', ')); } return message; }; }] );