// ========================================================================== // Project: SproutCore - JavaScript Application Framework // Copyright: ©2006-2009 Sprout Systems, Inc. and contributors. // Portions ©2008-2009 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. // License: Licened under MIT license (see license.js) // ========================================================================== sc_require('system/responder'); /** @class The root object for a responder chain. A responder context can dispatch actions directly to a first responder; walking up the responder chain until it finds a responder that can handle the action. If no responder can be found to handle the action, it will attempt to send the action to the defaultResponder. You can have as many ResponderContext's as you want within your application. Every SC.Pane and SC.Application automatically implements this mixin. Note that to implement this you must be a responder yourself. @extends SC.Responder @since SproutCore 1.0 */ SC.ResponderContext = SC.Responder.extend({ // .......................................................... // PROPERTIES // isResponderContext: YES, /** @property When set to YES, logs tracing information about all actions sent and responder changes. */ trace: NO, /** @property The default responder. Set this to point to a responder object that can respond to events when no other view in the hierarchy handles them. You can also implement actions directly on the application object if you prefer. */ defaultResponder: null, /** @property The next responder for an app is always its defaultResponder. */ nextResponder: function() { return this.get('defaultResponder'); }.property('defaultResponder').cacheable(), /** @property The first responder. This is the first responder that should receive actions. */ firstResponder: null, // .......................................................... // METHODS // /** Finds the next responder for the passed responder based on the responder's nextResponder property. If the property is a string, then lookup the path in the receiver. */ nextResponderFor: function(responder) { var next = responder.get('nextResponder'); if (typeof next === SC.T_STRING) { next = SC.objectForPropertyPath(next, this); } else if (!next && (responder !== this)) next = this ; return next ; }, /** Finds the responder name by searching the responders one time. */ responderNameFor: function(responder) { if (!responder) return "(No Responder)"; else if (responder._scrc_name) return responder._scrc_name; // none found, let's go hunting...look three levels deep var n = this.NAMESPACE; this._findResponderNamesFor(this, 3, n ? [this.NAMESPACE] : []); return responder._scrc_name || responder.toString(); // try again }, _findResponderNamesFor: function(responder, level, path) { var key, value; for(key in responder) { if (key === 'nextResponder') continue ; value = responder[key]; if (value && value.isResponder) { if (value._scrc_name) continue ; path.push(key); value._scrc_name = path.join('.'); if (level>0) this._findResponderNamesFor(value, level-1, path); path.pop(); } } }, /** Makes the passed responder into the new firstResponder for this responder context. This will cause the current first responder to lose its responder status and possibly keyResponder status as well. When you change the first responder, this will send callbacks to responders up the chain until you reach a shared responder, at which point it will stop notifying. @param {SC.Responder} responder @returns {SC.ResponderContext} receiver */ makeFirstResponder: function(responder) { var current = this.get('firstResponder'), last = this.get('nextResponder'), trace = this.get('trace'), common ; if (this._locked) { if (trace) { console.log('%@: AFTER ACTION: makeFirstResponder => %@'.fmt(this, this.responderNameFor(responder))); } this._pendingResponder = responder; return ; } if (trace) { console.log('%@: makeFirstResponder => %@'.fmt(this, this.responderNameFor(responder))); } this._locked = YES; this._pendingResponder = null; // Find the nearest common responder in the responder chain for the new // responder. If there are no common responders, use last responder. common = responder ? this.nextResponderFor(responder) : null; while (common) { if (common.get('hasFirstResponder')) break; common = (common===last) ? null : this.nextResponderFor(common); } if (!common) common = last; // Cleanup old first responder this._notifyWillLoseFirstResponder(current, current, common); if (current) current.set('isFirstResponder', NO); // Set new first responder. If new firstResponder does not have its // responderContext property set, then set it. this.set('firstResponder', responder) ; if (responder) responder.set('isFirstResponder', YES); this._notifyDidBecomeFirstResponder(responder, responder, common); this._locked = NO ; if (responder = this._pendingResponder) { this._pendingResponder= null ; this.makeFirstResponder(this._pendingResponder); } return this ; }, _notifyWillLoseFirstResponder: function(responder, cur, root) { if (cur === root) return ; // nothing to do cur.willLoseFirstResponder(responder); cur.set('hasFirstResponder', NO); var next = this.nextResponderFor(cur); if (next) this._notifyWillLoseFirstResponder(responder, next, root); }, _notifyDidBecomeFirstResponder: function(responder, cur, root) { if (cur === root) return ; // nothing to do var next = this.nextResponderFor(cur); if (next) this._notifyDidBecomeFirstResponder(responder, next, root); cur.set('hasFirstResponder', YES); cur.didBecomeFirstResponder(responder); }, /** Send the passed action down the responder chain, starting with the current first responder. This will look for the first responder that actually implements the action method and returns YES or no value when called. @param {String} action name of action @param {Object} sender object sending the action @param {Object} context optional additonal context info @returns {SC.Responder} the responder that handled it or null */ sendAction: function(action, sender, context) { var working = this.get('firstResponder'), last = this.get('nextResponder'), trace = this.get('trace'), handled = NO, responder; this._locked = YES; if (trace) { console.log("%@: begin action '%@' (%@, %@)".fmt(this, action, sender, context)); } while (!handled && working) { if (working.tryToPerform) { handled = working.tryToPerform(action, sender, context); } if (!handled) { working = (working===last) ? null : this.nextResponderFor(working); } } if (trace) { if (!handled) console.log("%@: action '%@' NOT HANDLED".fmt(this,action)); else console.log("%@: action '%@' handled by %@".fmt(this, action, this.responderNameFor(working))); } this._locked = NO ; if (responder = this._pendingResponder) { this._pendingResponder= null ; this.makeFirstResponder(responder); } return working ; } });