motion-firebase -------- A RubyMotion wrapper for the Firebase SDK. Adds more rubyesque methods to the built-in classes. For a Ruby (MRI) Firebase wrapper, check out . Installation ============ As of version 4.0, **motion-firebase** no longer ships with the Firebase framework. It became impossible to ship with support for GeoFire *and* Firebase, and CocoaPods is the preferred way to handle the dependencies between these two frameworks. Plus, removing the frameworks from the gem makes it that much smaller! motion-firebase 4.0 ======== Removed the "freeze-dried" Firebase.framework. Use CocoaPods to install the framework (see the demo app's [Rakefile](Rakefile) and [Gemfile](Gemfile) to see an example cocoapods setup). Or, TL;DR: ###### Gemfile gem 'cocoapods' gem 'motion-cocoapods' ###### Rakefile app.pods do pod 'Firebase' pod 'GeoFire' end motion-firebase 3.0 ======== Lots of changes in this version: []( # SDK ##### Initializing a Firebase object ```ruby # it's common to set a global firebase URL. Set it in your app delegate, # and calling `new` will use that default URL. Firebase.url = '' Firebase.url # => '' # these all work, too: Firebase.url = '' Firebase.url = 'your-app' Firebase.url # => '' ``` ##### Getting references to children locations ```ruby firebase[path] firebase[] # childByAutoId firebase['fred'] # childByAppendingPath('fred') ``` ##### Writing data ```ruby firebase << { key: 'value' } # => firebase.childByAutoId.setValue({ key: 'value'}), returns the new child # Since firebase works with simple objects, this is equivalent to # => firebase.childByAutoId.setValue({ 'key' => 'value'}) # if you want to listen for the completion handler firebase.push({ key: 'value' }) do |error, ref| end # => firebase.childByAutoId.setValue({ 'key' => 'value'}, withCompletionBlock: -> (error, ref) do # end) # set value firebase.value = value firebase.set(value) firebase.set(value) { 'completion block' } firebase.set(value, priority: priority) firebase.set(value, priority: priority) { 'completion block' } # set value of child node firebase['first_name'] = 'fred' # childByAppendingPath('fred').set('fred') # remove value firebase.clear! firebase.clear! { 'completion block' } # priority firebase.priority = priority firebase.priority(priority) firebase.priority(priority) { |error| 'completion block' } # "updating" is used to update some children, but leaving others unchanged. # (set, on the other hand, replaces the value entirely, so using set with a # hash will remove keys that weren't specified in the new hash) firebase.set({ first_name: 'motion', last_name: 'fireball' }) firebase.update(last_name: 'firebase') # only updates last_name, first_name is left unchanged firebase.update(last_name: 'firebase') { |error| 'completion block' } # for comparison: firebase.set(last_name: 'firebase') # first_name is now 'nil' ``` ##### Attaching observers to read data [Events]( can have the value of: ```ruby :child_added, :added, FEventTypeChildAdded :child_moved, :moved, FEventTypeChildMoved :child_changed, :changed, FEventTypeChildChanged :child_removed, :removed, FEventTypeChildRemoved :value, FEventTypeValue ``` ```ruby handle = firebase.on(event_type) { |snapshot| 'completion block' } handle = firebase.on(event_type) { |snapshot, previous_sibling_name| 'completion block' } handle = firebase.on(event_type, completion: proc { |snapshot, previous_sibling_name| 'completion block' }, disconnect: proc { 'completion block' } ) ``` Sometimes you just need one to get an update, use `once` if you don't want to subscribe to a stream of changes. ```ruby firebase.once(event_type) { |snapshot| 'completion block' } firebase.once(event_type) { |snapshot, previous_sibling_name| 'completion block' } firebase.once(event_type, completion: proc { |snapshot, previous_sibling_name| 'completion block' }, disconnect: proc { 'completion block' } ) ``` ##### Detaching observers ```ruby # => firebase.removeAllObservers # => firebase.removeObserverWithHandle(handle) ``` ##### Priority and Limiting ###### similar-to-yet-different-than "ORDER BY" and "LIMIT" ```ruby firebase.start_at(priority) # => firebase.queryStartingAtPriority(priority) firebase.start_at(priority, child: child_name) # => firebase.queryStartingAtPriority(priority, andChildName: child_name) firebase.equal_to(priority) # => firebase.queryEqualToPriority(priority) firebase.equal_to(priority, child: child_name) # => firebase.queryEqualToPriority(priority, andChildName: child_name) firebase.end_at(priority) # => firebase.queryEndingAtPriority(priority) firebase.end_at(priority, child: child_name) # => firebase.queryEndingAtPriority(priority, andChildName: child_name) firebase.limit(limit) # => firebase.queryLimitedToNumberOfChildren(limit) ``` ##### Querying These methods were added to Firebase in version 2.0.1. NB: You can provide a block and `on: event` value to create a listener. ```ruby firebase.query(order_by: 'key') # => firebase.queryOrderedByChild('key') firebase.query(first: value) # => firebase.queryLimitedToFirst(value) # create a listener by providing a block and :on value (default is :value if :on # isn't specified) firebase.query(first: value, on: :added) do |snapshot| end # create a listener that only is executed once by providing a block and :once value firebase.query(first: value, once: :value) do |snapshot| end firebase.query(last: value) # => firebase.queryLimitedToLast(value) firebase.query(starting_at: value) firebase.query(starting_at: value, child: 'key') # => firebase.queryStartingAtValue(value) # => firebase.queryStartingAtValue(value, childKey: 'key') firebase.query(ending_at: value) firebase.query(ending_at: value, child: 'key') # => firebase.queryEndingAtValue(value) # => firebase.queryEndingAtValue(value, childKey: 'key') firebase.query(equal_to: value) firebase.query(equal_to: value, child: 'key') # => firebase.queryEqualToValue(value) # => firebase.queryEqualToValue(value, childKey: 'key') firebase.query(order_by_key: true) # => firebase.queryOrderedByKey firebase.query(order_by_priority: true) # => firebase.queryOrderedByPriority # and of course these can all be combined into one call: firebase.query( first: 5, starting_at: 'foo', ending_at: 'bar') # => firebase.queryLimitedToFirst(5) # .queryStartingAtValue('foo') # .queryEndingAtValue('bar') ``` ##### Managing presence SOO COOL! Play with these, you can *easily* create a presence system for your real-time app or game. ```ruby! Firebase.offline! Firebase.connected? # returns a Firebase ref that changes value depending on connectivity # or you can pass in a block, this block will be called with the connected # state as a bool: handler = Firebase.connected? do |connected| if connected # so awesome end end # you should turn it off when you're done, otherwise you'll have a memory leak # so what you do is get a ref to the authenticated user's "presence" value. # Then, on_disconnect, set the value to 'false'. firebase.on_disconnect(value) # set the ref to `value` when disconnected firebase.on_disconnect(value) { |error| 'completion block' } firebase.on_disconnect(value, priority: priority) firebase.on_disconnect(value, priority: priority) { |error| 'completion block' } # this removes the value on disconnect firebase.remove_on_disconnect # which is the same as, but not as obvious: firebase.on_disconnect(nil) firebase.remove_on_disconnect { |error| 'completion block' } firebase.on_disconnect({ child: values }) firebase.on_disconnect({ child: values }) { |error| 'completion block' } # sometimes you need to cancel these 'on_disconnect' operations firebase.cancel_disconnect firebase.cancel_disconnect { |error| 'completion block' } ``` ##### Transactions ```ruby firebase.transaction do |data| current_value = data.value current_value += 1 FTransactionResult.successWithValue(current_value) end firebase.transaction(local: false) do |data| #... end firebase.transaction( completion: proc { |error, committed, snapshot| } ) do |data| current_value = data.value current_value += 1 FTransactionResult.successWithValue(current_value) end firebase.transaction( transaction: proc { |data| 'transaction block' }, completion: proc { |error, committed, snapshot| } local: true || false, ) ``` ##### Retrieving String Representation ```ruby firebase.to_s firebase.inspect ``` ##### Properties ```ruby firebase.parent firebase.root ``` ##### Global configuration and settings ```ruby Firebase.dispatch_queue=(queue) Firebase.sdkVersion Motion::Firebase::SdkVersion # this string is more human readable than sdkVersion ``` # Firebase Authentication Reference Most of the authentication methods can be called statically as long as you have set a default `Firebase.url` ##### Checking current authentication status ```ruby Firebase.authenticated? # => true/false # you pretty much always need to hold a reference to the "handler" auth_handler = Firebase.authenticated? do |auth_data| if auth_data # authenticated! else # not so much end end # turn off the handler, otherwise, yeah, memory leaks. Firebase.off_auth(auth_handler) ``` ##### Authenticate with previous token ```ruby Firebase.authenticate(token) do |error, auth_data| end ``` ##### Removing any existing authentication ```ruby Firebase.logout ``` ## Email/password authentication methods This is the most common way to login. It allows Firebase to create users and tokens. ```ruby Firebase.create_user(email: '', password: '12345') { |error, auth_data| } Firebase.remove_user(email: '', password: '12345') { |error, auth_data| } Firebase.login(email: '', password: '12345') { |error, auth_data| } Firebase.login_anonymously { |error, auth_data| } Firebase.update_user(email: '', old_password: '12345', new_password: '54321') { |error, success| } Firebase.update_user_email(email: '', password: '12345', new_email: '') { |error, success| } auth_data.uid # is a globally unique user identifier auth_data.token # can be stored (in a keychain!) to authenticate the same user again later ``` See for other `auth_data` properties. ## Other authentication providers ##### Facebook authentication This Facebook helper is a port of the Objective-C code from . ```ruby Firebase.open_facebook_session( permissions: ['public_profile'], # these are the default values. if allow_login_ui: true, # you're OK with them, they are ) do |error, auth_data| # optional, so just provide a block. end ``` ##### Twitter authentication This Twitter helper is a port of the Objective-C code from . You should read that page to see how Firebase recommends handling multiple accounts. It's a little streamlined here, since `open_twitter_session` returns a block that you can call with the chosen account. ```ruby # it's nice to be able to set-and-forget the twitter_api_key (in your # application delegate, for example) Firebase.twitter_api_key = 'your key!' # You must set Firebase.url=, or call open_twitter_session on an existing # Firebase ref. The first step is to get the Twitter accounts on this # device. Even if there is just one, you need to "choose" it here. Also, # you can pass the twitter api_key as an option, otherwise this method will # use Firebase.twitter_api_key Firebase.open_twitter_session(api_key: 'your key!') do |error, accounts, next_step| # next_step is a block you call with the chosen twitter account and a # firebase handler for the authentication success or failure if error # obviously do some stuff here else present_twitter_chooser(accounts, next_step) do |error, auth_data| # this block is passed to next_step in present_twitter_chooser if error # bummer else # awesome! end end else end def present_twitter_chooser(accounts, next_step, &firebase_handler) if accounts.length == 1[0], &firebase_handler) else # present a controller or action sheet or something like that ... awesome twitter account chooser code ..., &firebase_handler) end end ``` ##### Github authentication Firebase doesn't provide much help on this one. I'm not even sure *how* to get a github access token from the user... but anyway here's the `motion-firebase` code based on . ```ruby Firebase.github_token = 'github oauth token' Firebase.open_github_session do |error, auth_data| end ``` ##### Google authentication This process is more involved, and relies on the GooglePlus framework. I didn't take the time to port the code this time, but I hope someone does someday! 😄 You can read Firebase's instructions here: ```ruby Firebase.google_token = 'google oauth token' Firebase.open_google_session do |error, auth_data| end ``` ##### Generic OAuth Authentication Usually you will use the helpers from above, but here are some lower level methods: ```ruby # using a token firebase_ref.login_to_oauth(provider, token: token) do |error, auth_data| .. end firebase_ref.login_to_oauth(provider, token) do |error, auth_data| .. end # using parameters firebase_ref.login_to_oauth(provider, oauth_token: token, oauth_token_secret: secret) do |error, auth_data| .. end params = { ... } firebase_ref.login_to_oauth(provider, params) do |error, auth_data| .. end # which is a wrapper for these SDK methods: firebase_ref.authWithOAuthProvider(provider, token: token, withCompletionBlock: block) firebase_ref.authWithOAuthProvider(provider, parameters: params, withCompletionBlock: block) # Again, the `open_*_session` methods are even more convenient. firebase_ref.login_to_facebook(facebook_access_token, &block) firebase_ref.login_to_twitter(token: token, secret: secret, &block) firebase_ref.login_to_github(github_oauth_token, &block) firebase_ref.login_to_google(google_oauth_token, &block) ```