require 'active_record' unless defined? ActiveRecord module Paranoia @@default_sentinel_value = nil # Change default_sentinel_value in a rails initializer def self.default_sentinel_value=(val) @@default_sentinel_value = val end def self.default_sentinel_value @@default_sentinel_value end def self.included(klazz) klazz.extend Query end module Query def paranoid? ; true ; end def with_deleted if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= "4.1" return unscope where: paranoia_column end all.tap { |x| x.default_scoped = false } end def only_deleted if paranoia_sentinel_value.nil? return with_deleted.where.not(paranoia_column => paranoia_sentinel_value) end # if paranoia_sentinel_value is not null, then it is possible that # some deleted rows will hold a null value in the paranoia column # these will not match != sentinel value because "NULL != value" is # NULL under the sql standard # Scoping with the table_name is mandatory to avoid ambiguous errors when joining tables. scoped_quoted_paranoia_column = "#{self.table_name}.#{connection.quote_column_name(paranoia_column)}" with_deleted.where("#{scoped_quoted_paranoia_column} IS NULL OR #{scoped_quoted_paranoia_column} != ?", paranoia_sentinel_value) end alias_method :deleted, :only_deleted def restore(id_or_ids, opts = {}) ids = Array(id_or_ids).flatten any_object_instead_of_id = ids.any? { |id| ActiveRecord::Base === id } if any_object_instead_of_id! { |id| ActiveRecord::Base === id ? : id } ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn("You are passing an instance of ActiveRecord::Base to `restore`. " \ "Please pass the id of the object by calling `.id`") end { |id| only_deleted.find(id).restore!(opts) } end end def paranoia_destroy transaction do run_callbacks(:destroy) do @_disable_counter_cache = deleted? result = paranoia_delete next result unless result && ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= '4.2' each_counter_cached_associations do |association| foreign_key = association.reflection.foreign_key.to_sym next if destroyed_by_association && destroyed_by_association.foreign_key.to_sym == foreign_key next unless send( association.decrement_counters end @_disable_counter_cache = false result end end end alias_method :destroy, :paranoia_destroy def paranoia_destroy! paranoia_destroy || raise("Failed to destroy the record", self)) end def paranoia_delete raise ActiveRecord::ReadOnlyRecord, "#{self.class} is marked as readonly" if readonly? if persisted? # if a transaction exists, add the record so that after_commit # callbacks can be run add_to_transaction update_columns(paranoia_destroy_attributes) elsif !frozen? assign_attributes(paranoia_destroy_attributes) end self end alias_method :delete, :paranoia_delete def restore!(opts = {}) self.class.transaction do run_callbacks(:restore) do recovery_window_range = get_recovery_window_range(opts) # Fixes a bug where the build would error because attributes were frozen. # This only happened on Rails versions earlier than 4.1. noop_if_frozen = ActiveRecord.version <"4.1") if within_recovery_window?(recovery_window_range) && ((noop_if_frozen && !@attributes.frozen?) || !noop_if_frozen) @_disable_counter_cache = !paranoia_destroyed? write_attribute paranoia_column, paranoia_sentinel_value update_columns(paranoia_restore_attributes) each_counter_cached_associations do |association| if send( association.increment_counters end end @_disable_counter_cache = false end restore_associated_records(recovery_window_range) if opts[:recursive] end end self end alias :restore :restore! def get_recovery_window_range(opts) return opts[:recovery_window_range] if opts[:recovery_window_range] return unless opts[:recovery_window] (deleted_at - opts[:recovery_window]..deleted_at + opts[:recovery_window]) end def within_recovery_window?(recovery_window_range) return true unless recovery_window_range recovery_window_range.cover?(deleted_at) end def paranoia_destroyed? send(paranoia_column) != paranoia_sentinel_value end alias :deleted? :paranoia_destroyed? def really_destroy! transaction do run_callbacks(:real_destroy) do @_disable_counter_cache = paranoia_destroyed? dependent_reflections = do |name, reflection| reflection.options[:dependent] == :destroy end if dependent_reflections.any? dependent_reflections.each do |name, reflection| association_data = self.send(name) # has_one association can return nil # .paranoid? will work for both instances and classes next unless association_data && association_data.paranoid? if reflection.collection? next association_data.with_deleted.each(&:really_destroy!) end association_data.really_destroy! end end update_columns(paranoia_destroy_attributes) destroy_without_paranoia end end end private def each_counter_cached_associations !(defined?(@_disable_counter_cache) && @_disable_counter_cache) ? super : [] end def paranoia_restore_attributes { paranoia_column => paranoia_sentinel_value }.merge(timestamp_attributes_with_current_time) end def paranoia_destroy_attributes { paranoia_column => current_time_from_proper_timezone }.merge(timestamp_attributes_with_current_time) end def timestamp_attributes_with_current_time timestamp_attributes_for_update_in_model.each_with_object({}) { |attr,hash| hash[attr] = current_time_from_proper_timezone } end # restore associated records that have been soft deleted when # we called #destroy def restore_associated_records(recovery_window_range = nil) destroyed_associations = do |association| association.options[:dependent] == :destroy end destroyed_associations.each do |association| association_data = send( unless association_data.nil? if association_data.paranoid? if association.collection? association_data.only_deleted.each do |record| record.restore(:recursive => true, :recovery_window_range => recovery_window_range) end else association_data.restore(:recursive => true, :recovery_window_range => recovery_window_range) end end end if association_data.nil? && association.macro.to_s == "has_one" association_class_name = association_foreign_key = association.foreign_key if association.type association_polymorphic_type = association.type association_find_conditions = { association_polymorphic_type =>, association_foreign_key => } else association_find_conditions = { association_foreign_key => } end association_class = association_class_name.constantize if association_class.paranoid? association_class.only_deleted.where(association_find_conditions).first .try!(:restore, recursive: true, :recovery_window_range => recovery_window_range) end end end clear_association_cache if destroyed_associations.present? end end ActiveSupport.on_load(:active_record) do class ActiveRecord::Base def self.acts_as_paranoid(options={}) define_model_callbacks :restore, :real_destroy alias_method :really_destroyed?, :destroyed? alias_method :really_delete, :delete alias_method :destroy_without_paranoia, :destroy include Paranoia class_attribute :paranoia_column, :paranoia_sentinel_value self.paranoia_column = (options[:column] || :deleted_at).to_s self.paranoia_sentinel_value = options.fetch(:sentinel_value) { Paranoia.default_sentinel_value } def self.paranoia_scope where(paranoia_column => paranoia_sentinel_value) end class << self; alias_method :without_deleted, :paranoia_scope end unless options[:without_default_scope] default_scope { paranoia_scope } end before_restore { self.class.notify_observers(:before_restore, self) if self.class.respond_to?(:notify_observers) } after_restore { self.class.notify_observers(:after_restore, self) if self.class.respond_to?(:notify_observers) } end # Please do not use this method in production. # Pretty please. def self.I_AM_THE_DESTROYER! # TODO: actually implement spelling error fixes puts %Q{ Sharon: "There should be a method called I_AM_THE_DESTROYER!" Ryan: "What should this method do?" Sharon: "It should fix all the spelling errors on the page!" } end def self.paranoid? ; false ; end def paranoid? ; self.class.paranoid? ; end private def paranoia_column self.class.paranoia_column end def paranoia_sentinel_value self.class.paranoia_sentinel_value end end end require 'paranoia/rspec' if defined? RSpec module ActiveRecord module Validations module UniquenessParanoiaValidator def build_relation(klass, *args) relation = super return relation unless klass.respond_to?(:paranoia_column) arel_paranoia_scope = klass.arel_table[klass.paranoia_column].eq(klass.paranoia_sentinel_value) if ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING >= "5.0" relation.where(arel_paranoia_scope) else relation.and(arel_paranoia_scope) end end end class UniquenessValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator prepend UniquenessParanoiaValidator end class AssociationNotSoftDestroyedValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator def validate_each(record, attribute, value) # if association is soft destroyed, add an error if value.present? && value.paranoia_destroyed? record.errors[attribute] << 'has been soft-deleted' end end end end end