require "spec_helper" require "thin_proxy" describe Faye::RackAdapter do include Rack::Test::Methods let(:adapter) { } let(:app) { } let(:options) { {:mount => "/bayeux", :timeout => 30} } let(:server) { mock "server" } after { app.stop } let(:content_type) { last_response["Content-Type"] } let(:content_length) { last_response["Content-Length"] } let(:cache_control) { last_response["Cache-Control"] } let(:access_control_origin) { last_response["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] } let(:json) { Yajl::Parser.parse(body) } let(:body) { last_response.body } let(:status) { last_response.status.to_i } before do Faye::Server.should_receive(:new).with(options).and_return server adapter.stub(:get_client).and_return mock("client") end describe "POST requests" do describe "with cross-origin access control" do shared_examples_for "cross-origin request" do before do header "Origin", "" end it "returns a matching cross-origin access control header" do server.stub(:process).and_yield [] post "/bayeux", :message => '[]' access_control_origin.should == "" end it "forwards the message param onto the server" do server.should_receive(:process).with({"channel" => "/plain"}, false).and_yield [] post "/bayeux", "message=%7B%22channel%22%3A%22%2Fplain%22%7D" end it "returns the server's response as JSON" do server.stub(:process).and_yield ["channel" => "/meta/handshake"] post "/bayeux", "message=%5B%5D" status.should == 200 content_type.should == "application/json; charset=utf-8" content_length.should == "31" json.should == ["channel" => "/meta/handshake"] end it "returns a 400 response if malformed JSON is given" do server.should_not_receive(:process) post "/bayeux", "message=%7B%5B" status.should == 400 content_type.should == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" end it "returns a 404 if the path is not matched" do server.should_not_receive(:process) post "/blaf", 'message=%5B%5D' status.should == 404 content_type.should == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" end end describe "with text/plain" do before { header "Content-Type", "text/plain" } it_should_behave_like "cross-origin request" end describe "with application/xml" do before { header "Content-Type", "application/xml" } it_should_behave_like "cross-origin request" end end describe "with application/json" do before do header "Content-Type", "application/json" end it "does not return an access control header" do server.stub(:process).and_yield [] post "/bayeux", :message => '[]' access_control_origin.should be_nil end it "forwards the POST body onto the server" do server.should_receive(:process).with({"channel" => "/foo"}, false).and_yield [] post "/bayeux", '{"channel":"/foo"}' end it "returns the server's response as JSON" do server.stub(:process).and_yield ["channel" => "/meta/handshake"] post "/bayeux", '[]' status.should == 200 content_type.should == "application/json; charset=utf-8" content_length.should == "31" json.should == ["channel" => "/meta/handshake"] end it "returns a 400 response if malformed JSON is given" do server.should_not_receive(:process) post "/bayeux", "[}" status.should == 400 content_type.should == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" end it "returns a 404 if the path is not matched" do server.should_not_receive(:process) post "/blaf", "[]" status.should == 404 content_type.should == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" end end describe "with no content type" do it "forwards the message param onto the server" do server.should_receive(:process).with({"channel" => "/foo"}, false).and_yield [] post "/bayeux", :message => '{"channel":"/foo"}' end it "returns the server's response as JSON" do server.stub(:process).and_yield ["channel" => "/meta/handshake"] post "/bayeux", :message => '[]' status.should == 200 content_type.should == "application/json; charset=utf-8" content_length.should == "31" json.should == ["channel" => "/meta/handshake"] end it "returns a 400 response if malformed JSON is given" do server.should_not_receive(:process) post "/bayeux", :message => "[}" status.should == 400 content_type.should == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" end it "returns a 404 if the path is not matched" do server.should_not_receive(:process) post "/blaf", :message => "[]" status.should == 404 content_type.should == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" end end end describe "GET requests" do let(:params) {{:message => '{"channel":"/foo"}', :jsonp => "callback"}} describe "with valid params" do before do server.should_receive(:flush_connection).with("channel" => "/foo") end it "forwards the message param onto the server" do server.should_receive(:process).with({"channel" => "/foo"}, false).and_yield [] get "/bayeux", params end it "returns the server's response as JavaScript" do server.stub(:process).and_yield ["channel" => "/meta/handshake"] get "/bayeux", params status.should == 200 content_type.should == "text/javascript; charset=utf-8" content_length.should == "46" body.should == '/**/callback([{"channel":"/meta/handshake"}]);' end it "does not let the client cache the response" do server.stub(:process).and_yield ["channel" => "/meta/handshake"] get "/bayeux", params cache_control.should == "no-cache, no-store" end end describe "with an unknown path" do it "returns a 404" do server.should_not_receive(:process) get "/blah", params status.should == 404 content_type.should == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" end end describe "missing jsonp" do before do params.delete(:jsonp) server.should_receive(:flush_connection) end it "returns the server's response using the default callback" do server.stub(:process).and_yield ["channel" => "/meta/handshake"] get "/bayeux", params status.should == 200 content_type.should == "text/javascript; charset=utf-8" content_length.should == "51" body.should == '/**/jsonpcallback([{"channel":"/meta/handshake"}]);' end end shared_examples_for "bad GET request" do it "does not call the server" do server.should_not_receive(:process) get "/bayeux", params end it "returns a 400 response" do get "/bayeux", params status.should == 400 content_type.should == "text/plain; charset=utf-8" end end describe "with malformed JSON" do before { params[:message] = "[}" } it_should_behave_like "bad GET request" end describe "with a callback that's not a JS identifier" do before { params[:jsonp] = "42" } it_should_behave_like "bad GET request" end describe "missing message" do before { params.delete(:message) } it_should_behave_like "bad GET request" end describe "for the client script" do it "returns the client script" do get "/bayeux.js" status.should == 200 content_type.should == "text/javascript; charset=utf-8" body.should =~ /function\(\)\{/ end end end end